View Full Version : Loops & Control Statements
- Method return value(s)
- Creating number Pyramids with For Loops
- Need help coding this program with for loops
- Stumped by while loop results
- [SOLVED] Answer always false.
- Trouble Creating Instances with a While Loop
- [SOLVED] for loop problem
- [SOLVED] Addition Quiz
- [SOLVED] MinMax
- [SOLVED] Help with if statement that wont act right...
- Help simplifying huge nested if statement?
- Reverse Words Problem
- [SOLVED] VERY basic question - if loop
- a problem with a code... (for loop and an "if" nested..)
- Why won't this for loop work?
- Functions, real numbers and for loops
- Having trouble figuring out this method. Involves while-loops!
- BASIC: I don't even know how to begin to loop this.
- Loop Help
- Converting a while loop to a for loop and a for loop to a while loop.
- why the while loop is not terminating? plz help me out in this..
- While loop help!?
- help me terminate the infinite loop.
- Help with a random loop
- simple addition inside { of after the if
- Do Loop, Reversing a Number Example, Incorrect Code in Book?
- Having trouble with if, else if, else if...
- Method for a table for calculation - help!
- Do while loop problem
- Strings, if statements, while loops
- diamond pattern and loop
- need help fast
- Pipe Graph Loop?
- [SOLVED] Problem using the length of a string to bound the number of iterations of a for loop
- while loop in GUI game
- Need help with simple Shopping cart math
- "possible loss of precision, found double, required int" HELP
- Some basic for loops I'm stuck on.
- Nested loop if statement help
- While Loops - Error
- [SOLVED] learning while and for loops
- Variable updates after loop
- Bank Balance - while loop
- Bank Balance - while loop - wont compile
- Do While loop + switch, Vowel Count
- input controlled loop
- rock paper scissor. whats wrong here ??
- Switch statement inside a for loop need help.
- Perfect Number Java Loop Problem - Please Help!?
- Please help! Noob java user here
- For loop; Problems with my for loop
- Diamond perimeter with loop
- Do while help
- Method to print n x n box
- Hi new to java trying to do something new :) any help would be appreciated!
- produce new matrix from old one with certain elements filtered, very weird problem
- Beginner problem with a do-while.
- program that determines largest and smallest
- Loop Question - Very new beginner
- If else question/problem
- Loop ordering in matrix multiplication
- [SOLVED] Problem with loop?
- Prompt user to repeat
- Need help with programming exercise.
- problem with my code (FOR LOOPS) neeed help plZ
- looping through a string
- Rock paper scissors project
- Loops & Series Question
- Looping images
- Help with Loop Structures, If-else statement, and String
- Need to condense if-statements
- A Dual loop and methods
- 'else if' jumps to final else.
- please help.
- School Assignment AHH!
- Error in IF-Else Code
- Proper way to get rid of breaks.
- Help with Gui+RockPaperScissors
- Altertaive Array
- Draw labyrinth ( I need help)
- [SOLVED] Loop
- two_dimentional_array + loop
- Traverse through the one String and find it contains the other String
- While loop Problem Please Help!
- How to get getPixelColor to Loop
- Monte Carlo Method
- [SOLVED] (Simple) How to use an if statement to respond to random integers
- How do I loop this if statement?
- Need Help with Writing methods that involves Loops
- For loop Driver Testing
- Temperature Table Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Looping Over and Over Again?
- [SOLVED] recurring counter inside a method
- Display patterns on the screen
- if problem with range of numbers
- Need Help! For loops and if/else
- Loops and conditionals
- Nid help in nested loop !!
- Loop not working
- whats wrong with this if and else statement . how can i solve it
- Help with manually stepping through these loops
- Loop Help
- Help with If- Else statement program please
- HELP urgent
- [SOLVED] Method to reverse String using While Loop
- Help Please GameOfLife loop help
- [SOLVED] While loop messed up
- [SOLVED] Problem with multiple output statements in DO WHILE loop.
- sentinal not working
- Contain method to read array
- Compress my Code!
- [SOLVED] Assign a loop to variable to compare strings
- Printing a Combination
- returning color of pixel in loop
- Quicker equality check?
- Random key press
- User Input with a Do Loop
- Need loop idea please!
- do while loop terminating to early
- Help needed with constructing a while loop please!
- Need help with java gui and nested for loop
- need help with this basic program containing loops
- Menu Problem
- For loop in array
- Deficient Number Code?
- Loop through a 2d array of objects
- Why won't this code loop?
- Help bolean method and while loop !!!!
- while loop keeps going too long
- Infinite loop problem
- Need help writing a Java program
- For Loops in a Route Assignment Algorithm
- Java for loops to count vowels/consonants usinf the logic of the main
- [SOLVED] Keeping Track
- Easy Help...Printing out the alphabet.
- Increasing the numerical suffix of a variable
- Is "count" in this loop a keyword?
- Beginner Java Student Having Some Trouble
- i need explanation in pseudo code
- Multiplication program Loop
- Simple encryption/ decryption problem
- One of the most simple loop awnsers
- Iterate over array, changing current object?
- [SOLVED] Simple Increment in a Loop error
- Nested for loop
- Problems with if else if statement operation
- Help trying to get this patter
- Having some nested loop problem
- Need help with if statement.
- Setting variable correctly in sentinel-controlled loop
- Almost Giving up :((
- For-loop: initialisation of variable, can't set variable to value zero?
- Building a triangle using strings and loops...program trouble.
- Empty If Statement
- Applet loop problem
- 9^2=81=8+1 How do I do this?
- Help writing if statement for two equal arrays
- If statement: ==/.equals() problems with .charAt()
- Pythagorean Triples Help- I'm a Beginner :/
- compare two strings to see if they end with the same sub-string
- Finding the Two-Thirds Root of a Number Using Loops
- Checkerboard (asterisk pattern) problem
- [SOLVED] Math not quite right in the loop
- [SOLVED] Nested Switch Statement Fall Through
- Java Programming Exercise
- Struggling with an Array of Arrays
- need help in program creation
- Reading comma seperated text file
- Almost got no idea how to do this! Need some H E L P!
- Beginner for loop
- problem in pyramid of number in java
- frustrating loop/array issue
- Pascal triangle using for loop
- While Loop Confounds JDK's Command Line Debugger (jdb)
- Wap to accept a word and display its equivalent pig latin word.Eg. Hello to ifmmp.
- Collision Detection Between Two Squares
- How to perform search for a value in table ranges : FROM - TO
- Help me out with this nested for loop plz..
- Need help with nested for loops to print the following number pattern
- Need help with what I think should be a for loop
- Beginner: For loop excercise (stuck)
- ServerSocket send data to all Sockets
- Just can't see why this loop is not working.
- Loop only runs one time?
- Storefront Exercise Troubles
- [SOLVED] for loop assistance
- Question
- Running the try before printing something?
- Java code for a Question
- Newbie needing a little help
- Easy.
- Hello friends, I'm in big trouble with this programme if anyone can help me out?
- Program Optimization
- power of looping >.< in my project
- [SOLVED] Dice game need help
- computeWinnings()
- I need help !
- Need advice
- Basic while loop issues
- i need a code please help
- i need a code for this program
- [SOLVED] While loop won't allow variable to change
- need help with a loop for class...
- Using a while or do loop to represent the Rice and Chessboard case
- hello! can i please get some help with a simple loop problem?
- array of drawn objects
- Simple loop problem
- HELPP!!!! - Java validation with nested loops
- [SOLVED] HELP - Summing Numbers, with and without Input
- For loop, the first command in the loop does not get executed the 2nd time..
- Fun little problem I made for myself, and now I need help trying to solve it.
- need help with loops and codes..
- [SOLVED] Infinite loop issue
- Trying to repeat experiment 100 times but results vary for elapsed time
- Java Program Help Please
- Beginners Java Help !
- Dont know where to start on this Java Code using loops!! Help Please
- [SOLVED] Troubleshoot Help: Darts Hit or Miss using a (for) loop.
- Loop to find and replace multiple instances of a char
- Help with the 'for' loop
- [SOLVED] Help with the incrementing in a For loop
- Newbie Needs Help
- Tic-Tac-Toe array Win Check
- Need help making a Java roulette simulator.
- Tic Tac Toe problem help!
- How to print numbers using do while, for loop and if else statement?
- How to print each letter of string in reverse order in separate line?
- How to show message which abbrevate week start letter to its full name of the day in java?
- am I going to use if / loops in this java work?
- Determing if one string is a rotation of another
- Loops in a Pyramid problem
- How tp printing array elements vertically through loop.
- Hangman game loop
- [SOLVED] If statement help
- I need more if-statement help
- Not sure what kind of loop I need to use for an intersection program
- for loop
- Array and Loop?
- Array and Loop?
- If-goto Loop
- Im trying to print all the Books in Book Class with the Iterator and while statement
- Array and loop
- Please Help: Need Help with my Nested Loop
- [SOLVED] Need serious help starting this assignment
- [SOLVED] For Loop - need a hint for what to do next
- New to Java, need help with arrays inside a loop please!
- While Loop to divide by 2 continiously
- Help with While loop to continuously divide
- A little help with looping my array
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