View Full Version : Loops & Control Statements
- Having trouble with for loop statement.
- [SOLVED] error with equals in arraylist loop
- 3x3 array find largest number
- [SOLVED] Integer and if statement
- Help with 3 guess Dice game
- Difference ++j and J++
- Beginner help with a do loop
- Point of sale
- problems with for loop
- [SOLVED] Infinite while loop for myKybd
- The count for each value in array
- post/pre increment operator speed
- Java Student. Need some help with a loop.
- [SOLVED] Advice on booleans and yes/no inputs that deliver specific outputs
- Im having big trouble with making a code with loops and if statement before big test!
- [SOLVED] Don't understand why it loops through multiple times...
- [SOLVED] Confused on if statements condition...
- [SOLVED] Confused without a teacher on a loop.
- [SOLVED] Coin Loop Selective Print Statement Problem
- [SOLVED] How can I get my dice roller to completely loop and sort results correctly?
- For loop with equation?
- Replacing an If statement with a Switch statement
- [SOLVED] How Do I Obtain a Grand Total From My Loop
- Im very new to java And switch statements
- Need help getting my animation to play before while loop
- while loop is not working right
- strange for-loop what is it doing?
- Using while-loops in Actionlisteners - WindowBuilder
- [SOLVED] If input value is wrong, throw error and reenter
- Trouble with while loop and the use of the Iteration class.
- Using a while loop to replace array values
- Using a Loop and Nested Ifs to Count Number of Vowels in a String
- stuck trying to count sum of even and odd numbers for reading loop.
- Re: Nested for loops
- Using for loop to read in data from text file using Scanner class
- For loop not giving the correct output
- [SOLVED] A Loop statement and a switch statement issue
- help make trig values tables by using while or for loops
- For loop help
- Logic of Hangman
- Pls check my code
- [SOLVED] 1, 4, 9, 16 sequence
- Can you show me better a faster ways to accomplish these tasks.
- Syntax error on Token else?
- Stuck on this problem please help
- Http Request
- [SOLVED] Need help with Sentinel Control Loop
- Guessing game help
- Help my if statements!
- Need help with empty arrays
- [SOLVED] Salary loop question for experienced programmer
- Default does not work in Switch Statement
- IF statement accumulataion not working properly - random numbers
- If no search results found..display a message....but how? is the question.
- Convert ArrayList to multi-dimensional array
- Loops with boolean variables!
- 0-10Factorial table
- Counting Loop and Outputting
- How would I iterate through an array 'in chunks'?
- nested for loop
- Searching with keywords in a sentence
- Question - implement insertAtPosition with the signature
- Dealing With Overflow?
- Making a countdown timer using the currentTimeMillis method
- What is this code doing?
- Need help STUCK
- Drawing Lines Loop
- Simple looping statement
- String in java
- [SOLVED] A while-loop is SUPPOSED to replace a substring
- Intersection of two loops
- Random Boolean in an if statement (tricky, can't seem to figure out)
- Best way avoiding ConcurrentModifications
- Help with nested loops. So confusing.
- Printing the following Matrix
- Temperature
- Print odd, even and zero digits from an int
- Vacation Switch
- Variable not initialized error in IF statements. probable simple fix.
- Making a Graphics Drawing Loop More Efficient
- Loop used to read different data values from a text file
- Using Loops to find change (Monetary)
- Check if number is prime number or not problem[SOLVED]
- how to display a bar chart using loops
- Login bug
- Limiting Letters in a String
- Dividing inside a for loop. Lolwtf?
- Switch case problem
- [SOLVED] Issues with changing values in for loops
- if (x.equals("Hello")) or "World"
- Finding the index of the maximum number in an ArrayList and removing the number that occupies that index
- Can someone explain the logic behind looping through multidimensional arrays?
- Need help with ActionListener if-else
- Endless Loop RokSprocket v2.0.2
- How can i create an option menu? Pease help
- Can someone please help me with creating a menu with while-loops and switch-statements?
- Array in java
- Re: how to display a bar chart using loops
- [SOLVED] Code Simplification
- problem with prime numbers
- Remove a number from a stack
- Why won't my program compile? (While loop with inputs)
- Help with Coding School Assignment
- Game w/ If Statements
- Help with getting a loop to work
- Help with Square Shaped Spiral
- Exiting array loop
- Using an If statement to check boxes
- help with number game using nested for and doWhile loop
- Please Help
- [SOLVED] While Loop Using Char
- If Else loop or do while loop
- Help with embedded loops and if statements. Please!
- How can I produce this output without using the If statement.
- Searching ArrayList<Objects> for a name?
- if else if elese if.... statement not working
- Issue concerning keeping track of array elements (possibly caused by a mistake in a loop)
- While loop, help with looping.
- for loop that calculates the total of a series of numbers
- Can't find the out put
- do while loop, variable can't be found
- loop once or loop multiple times
- How to reverse a string array ?
- Why is this in an infinite loop?
- Looping through boolean Arrays
- Cinema Seating arrangment
- while loop just stops looping
- Reading until a Blank Line. File input.
- Max Element In Matrix
- [SOLVED] For loop to create string.
- Re: Simple encryption/ decryption problem
- [SOLVED] The meaning of the characters "?" & ":" in for loops
- [Solved] Null Pointer Exception :: Switch statement not working.
- Help me please !
- [SOLVED] Help please??
- [SOLVED] A textfield to be filled before the update
- Searching a 2d Array for lines of 3
- [SOLVED] Very Beginner Questions. Need Help Please :/
- Very Beginner Questions. Loops. 2nd post
- Beginner Question--Sum of numbers program; Validation
- How to think about this Graphics problem
- [SOLVED] Problem with nested for loops, Creating an array of Distinct ints from a larger array of ints.
- Is there anyway to use a Do While statement in this program?
- conceptualize loops, I seem to think about them backwards.
- [SOLVED] coding a sentinel-controlled do/while loop within a for
- Coding a statement that increments from 20-40 (only in even numbers) - fall-thru switch
- Beginner problem- Integer based exponentiation
- dont know how to describe the problem.
- [SOLVED] For loop problem
- My code is working correctly, but I don't know why it is working correctly...
- array+functions
- [SOLVED] Whats wrong with my code
- My break seems to be broken.
- confused about this for loop/ array?
- Nested loops
- Loop is not working in calcualtion program
- Help please!!!
- my do while isn't behaving (beginner)
- Getting ArrayIndexOutBound Exception
- Overflow and time-efficient in a for-loop?
- Please help me loop this method
- [SOLVED] infinite loop on pig latin program
- comparison between 3 dates :
- looping through a big number quickly
- [SOLVED] Compile error for enhanded for loop
- Help looping back to top if invalid
- [SOLVED] Scanner not looping.
- Loop over text file andd do some maths
- [SOLVED] Potentially broken switch statement or program logic.
- The IF control statement
- programming assignment
- Loop Assignment
- Largest Number Loop Problem
- [SOLVED] Java Noob - Terminating loop.
- Identical if statements behaving in different ways
- Discuss this code with me ..."Connect4 game"
- [SOLVED] Reading from a txt file and loop trouble
- Loop Error
- How do I loop the text for my GUI?
- How do I loop with an If statement
- How to end a loop when valid entry is made
- recursion code seems to keep running with no end (halting problem?)
- Need help with array list, scanner and dictonary file.
- Loop Character Replacement Issue
- Creating a separate method for for loop
- Loops that work for the most part except for after incorrect user input
- Simplify 2 for loops into one
- For loops to figure a table of round robin, 8 & 16 teams
- Trying to loop actionListeners together for 56 JButton objects to reduce code size
- Two ArrayLists don't cycle thru formula
- Too many loops!
- A look and feel job scheduler that loops into date ranges and its job dependencies. Having difficulty in dates ranges and list.
- [SOLVED] Loop using Scanner with try/catch
- check a list based on the cell if there is a value
- It does not return data as it should in the cycle
- Choice condition IF based on value
- Negative condition does not work
- cell size excel and java
- Writing in the column excel
- Index error
- cell formula not get value
- [SOLVED] Program Skips the final if statement.
- help with this problem
- Problem with code, not well result loops
- Java applet drawing curved lines using nested for loop
- What is going on here?
- variable in for loop
- [SOLVED] For loop not executing as expected - Very simple coding
- [SOLVED] Trying to iterate through hashmap of objects from a class I created
- Here is exercise that tells us to sum numbers as entered by a user,but i don't know how to do the summation the way the exercise tell me
- While loop not incrementing java
- switch statement related exercice
- Why is this nested for loop not printing 5 spaces on the top line?
- boolean statement in do loop not workling for string
- Something about this while statement that I can't seem to figure out
- help with for loop
- Password program for school
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