View Full Version : Loops & Control Statements
- How to write switch statement inside if statement?
- How to show 2D array using combobox and radiobutton?
- need help with Vending Machine code...
- [SOLVED] Java for loop problem and out put is not coming
- Logic error while programming a quizzer whic hquizzes people on Scrabble three letter words
- [SOLVED] Fixing of bug in number guessing game
- [SOLVED] Trouble with draw and fillRect in pyramid logic using nested loop
- Would i use loop or if/else which reads a list of positive integers and calculate their average?
- [SOLVED] Array loop problem which returns the difference between the value with fixed value
- [SOLVED] How to string a decimal number in Java?
- Why won't this while loop work?
- Creation of lotto type program
- [SOLVED] Switch statement question
- Someone please help me write a simple program!!!
- [SOLVED] Java program to find n power of any number
- [SOLVED] Difference in the code on changing logical operators
- [SOLVED] Medication of to include iterative menu
- Breaking out of multiple loops
- [SOLVED] Looping of particular instruction ith times
- [SOLVED] remembering the for loop initializer
- "While" Problem
- [SOLVED] looping, for,while,do-while.
- User Input Loop
- JAVA for loop
- [SOLVED] loop , passed and failed
- If statement
- unreachable statement?
- Homework - using 'IF' for 'For Loops'
- need help with loops plz
- how do i draw a shape with nested loops?
- using if/else statments
- invisible box game
- Help with adjusting a program. NEw to java!!!!!
- :!! Unsure how to set this up/ Still learning java loops!!!!!
- unreachable statement Again?
- some error
- another unreachable statement..
- can any one do this in a loop? (for loop)
- Program with for loops help
- Convert from 'C' to "java" (switch)
- switch with Enums
- Need Help with my hmwk! Java noob!
- Need a loop for rows and columns
- what is charAt(0) ?
- literal Loop
- Looping through a multidimensional array
- Missing Return Statement in If-elseIf-else
- boolean value in a simple loop (do-while)
- Little Loop Problem
- Need help with While and For Statements
- If Statement Java Need help
- Need help with loop
- I need Help Creating A "for loop" for some really basic java code. Plz help
- if...else
- tax return finish please!!
- While Loop Exit with String
- private method , loop , switch , help?
- Weird issue with while loop ending/being skipped
- loop or what
- Problems with If validation
- loop and a half
- Not Looping? (do - while) bad execution!
- how to send a message to receiver with if else statement
- Array program help needed
- Hey Guys new to Java.. Got most of program done require a little assistance plz
- small problem ... I need help
- Java Loops help please?
- Do While Loop
- Unreachable statements
- Java Loops - accumulating totals
- for loop in java
- While (logical confusing output)
- While (return value will terminate an iteration or loop?)
- Need some general and specific advice.
- how to write an if statement which evaluates 3 dialogue boxes
- How to get a sum value from items listed in array ?
- newbie needs help with for loop
- Can a for loop work with random number?
- Equilateral Triangle Using nested for loop
- help on simple accumulator
- Odd and Even Numbers Logics in FOR and IF Loop methods
- Having trouble with an if statement. please help!!
- hi. i want to rewrite this do loop into a while loop.
- another question..
- Having trouble with a While statment
- Help I'm stuck on code.
- [SOLVED] Command Line Argument Help
- help with the logic on this letter grade program.
- Passing in more than one flag
- Need help with do-while loop
- If-Else Statement help
- Multi Dimensional Array help NEEDED URGENT
- for loop and while loop problems
- Problem with loop theory
- xml & java
- Need help with assignment
- Searching and printing string results from an Arraylist. Having difficulty.
- for Loop for my 2D collision not working??
- Java Loop and more Practical Programs
- ASCII Triangle
- help needed
- String manipulation help
- I am trying on how to print values from an array all to show up on a dialog using a f
- School Help
- If Statement in SQL String
- Help with my loop
- help with loop to print an equliateral asterisk triangle
- while instead of if-else
- for loop and arrays !
- Moving average
- Vectors - accessing an unknown amount of objects
- Creat a tree from list of strings
- Start code again?
- [SOLVED] ArrayOutofBoundary in Simple While Loop
- if and else
- Nested Looping to find if Strings equal
- Looping Question (newbie)
- Monte Carlo Method
- Bigger and Smaller
- Array and loops.
- Breaking If/Else Statements
- Output Alignment
- Java onLoad event after validation is complete
- Looping through Tokens
- Help with a looping issue for homework
- Looping with an ArrayList
- Pls help me
- need a help
- [SOLVED] For loop-ing decimal format
- Return from incrementing for loop?
- Help with the While in the Do-While
- help with a loop (pyramid of numbers)
- Odd Even - For loop
- Determine the two smallest integers from a set of user input integers
- print a shape a variable number of times across and down (for-loop hell)
- Flipping a coin
- [SOLVED] Number Pyramid Question
- Help needed urgently!!!
- Minimum value of objects in ArrayList
- [SOLVED] While Loop Help (beginner)
- Loop Patterns (triangles) [Beginner]
- [SOLVED] Collatz conjecture
- Ticked Off Timer
- Help so stumped....
- Help with creating a class
- Counting How Many Times Program Was Excecuted
- Nested for loops
- help with loops... :(
- Not sure whether I'm using a loop correctly and whether what I'm doing is possible
- Java Do..while loop problem
- disticnt numbers
- Programming a power table
- Repeating different parts of a program
- Loop to note position of lowest number
- Help with Object Looping
- program loops never ending
- Triangle printing (for loop)
- please help me how can i use a loop to chose from a menu
- Please Explain me how i got this output.. I am new to java .. so please Explain me...
- Re: Help with a looping issue for homework
- [SOLVED] If statement problems
- Arraylist removing element
- What can be legally inside FOR statement?
- java Logic Random with out repetition
- Java Program Loop Possibly needed
- I need calculation
- [SOLVED] Simple While loop wont work??
- Help With Validation
- [SOLVED] Help making a loop please
- Array with Switch Construct
- Ranging Case Values in Switch Construct
- Vector Loop Termination
- Need help with If the user hits Cancel on either first or last name, show the error
- Counting Words in a File with a Loop
- How to make a program quit?
- Can't seem to understand why my while loop doesn't exit!
- Help with switch statements
- How would I set up a loop to draw a triangle using *'s given a user entered size
- random number generator
- completely stuck on a simple code
- Basic loop issue
- For Loop Help
- Apparent bug?
- I can't get this loop to work correctly
- loop generate?
- [SOLVED] My while loop has run into an infinite loop...?
- [SOLVED] Enforcing an If/Else if statement
- [SOLVED] Using a For loop for repetition
- Pattern printing in Java
- Beginner Question
- [SOLVED] Using for loop to calculate sine function (factorial issue)
- Help with counter controlled while loop please!
- [SOLVED] stuck on an assignment and need help with repetition
- What is wrong with my code? JAVA-Eclipse
- Simple Calculator
- Please help! Nested while loops and asterisk triangles!
- Im stuck, please help
- loop in java
- Need help
- need help make a programs...
- [SOLVED] If, else if, else statement not behaving as expected
- I cannot get this loop to stop running. What am I doing wrong??
- [SOLVED] cannot get this method to work properly
- i need to add an item to my array in ascending order by using the compareTo method...
- Looping through an Array.
- tripple for loop problem
- For loop with a string as the subject
- [SOLVED] I am a java newb and I am having a problem with my while loops.
- Redefine Intergers
- loop Help Please
- Looping until keypress. How is this done?
- [SOLVED] Need Loop Help for Game
- How to control the time that a function takes to execute in a loop?
- Simple Nested Do/While Loop
- Timeout method
- Out of bounds error, 2d irregular array of integers
- am i correct? please tell me im not sure for my program tnx for the help if any ..
- Constructing Strings
- loop in java
- Trying to create a loop for the user to press enter to return to main menu
- If statement help
- Problem with if statements
- Can't think of a more specific title than: Problem with if statements
- Error with OR operator
- Having a hard time figuring out how to make my code work
- help me with my buffered reader please! whats wrong?
- Help with Control statements/methods!!
- else if - else if - else if... Goes Straight To Final else
- java Loop program to place distinct value in a row, column and diagonal
- Java Scanners and loop problems
- [SOLVED] "If" statement not working
- Need switch statement for checker game (DUE TOMORROW!)
- Need help with a for loop
- I need help with while loop.
- For loops
- for loop with chars
- For Loops
- Displaying increments of 0.5
- Using Nested Loops
- Testing values in an array.
- For-looping, if-else statements, charAt(), etc. Beginner programming problem
- not sure why the 'else is not working
- If Testing, testing for another if?
- Cancel button ..??
- Help with while loop
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