View Full Version : Object Oriented Programming
- Create Phonebook using inheritance
- Problem in merging two java classes
- [SOLVED] Java program using two classes
- [SOLVED] How to link two different class?
- Getting heap memory errors in recycling objects from multiple classes program
- Confusion in creating class with OOPS concept
- How to link two classes in java to use it method
- [SOLVED] Java exception "result already defined"
- [SOLVED] Method declaration in Java
- Applications of OOPs
- running a class from another projects, reflection
- adding get mothods to a class extending thread
- How to share variable values amongst different classes?
- PLEASE HELP!!!! simple java program...
- connecting two classes?
- dynamic method problem...
- final class, final <variable> or <data member>
- Java Code Help - Calling Method
- My doubt may be stupid
- could not find the main class
- Object o = new Object(); need help
- Having trouble printing object information in main class
- User Defined Methods
- what is the use of transient class and serializable interface?
- Arrays Of Objects?
- Passing objects as a constructor parameter
- why is this statement evaluating false??
- What is the matching mutator method?
- Private Constructor
- Working with Methods
- how to load a class and type cast to that class?
- Calling a void method into a static void main within same class
- new Vs composition
- Data hiding and maintainability
- serialization problem
- keyword Extends
- Creating new instance
- Interface Implementation
- Static to non-static - Organization
- Declaring variables in constructor and compiling
- Help for java homework
- cannot find symbol - method
- [SOLVED] Word Scramble Using Objects & Methods
- Passing Information between classes
- A Question Regarding Abstract Classes & Packages
- static final object
- Can anyone explain this code for me
- speech redirection from one app to other; changing input from mic to socket
- unablissues wit type Date
- Problem with OOP - Inheritance
- Using variables from different methods?
- Problem with binary tree
- [SOLVED] toString() method
- A question about inherited methods
- PLEASE_HELP_ME_(i_have_no_TIME)
- How do I set a static variable??
- [SOLVED] Array Problem
- Class and Object
- Importance of interfaces
- Password Strength Checker
- making my code a little better, if needed.
- Object Oriented Programming request please helpp...
- Char cannot be dereferenced!! Please help
- Java: interfaces and abstract classes
- help with clock class
- object not accessible
- A Few Quick, Easy Questions
- string method
- need help with a list class
- Making a Craps game.
- Java for CUDA?
- Help with Error Debugging
- Canny Edge Detection
- the meaning of 'instanceof'
- CS201 Homework (Need help, not solution)
- Converting to String
- Limiting decimal places in a double
- The printf() method explanation needed
- For today...Very important please help will be a genius one if you solve it
- Create a java small class for a bank account!!?
- contructors, arrays ?? help
- Accessability/Visability Private
- interface
- new arrayList element overwrites all previous
- Interface and Extends problem
- Using Integer.parseInt
- FAQ: find variable in an array of objects
- [SOLVED] Handling Errors / calling Error-Catching Methods
- Help with this java program
- Java class probelm
- How to create a new object of another class within a method
- Two class program help
- [SOLVED] Abstract Classes Help
- Snake game in java
- [SOLVED] Exercise for study course help?
- TCP Client Server: Object Oriented
- Java object help(should be simple)
- help with project
- Object or Class?
- Listing the alphabet in lower and uppercase
- [SOLVED] Help with Class Methods(Probably simple)
- store a list/string for each object
- Create Objects on Demand?
- How do i create Sub Form
- Checking the Status of a checkbox
- Confusion about DAO in Three-Tier Architecture!
- arraylist, hashtable, and 1~2 dimension arrays
- Need Help on the Interface Function
- [SOLVED] Help with classes & instance methods
- JavaBean property TextPosition
- Timer class countdown
- Generating random numbers
- How To add my own Exceptions
- Help with Compiling
- [SOLVED] instantiate problems
- Object-oriented applet
- noob question on abstract classes
- "previously declared string"?... help
- Get CSS Attributes using Java
- New to lost trying to learn...
- creating a package
- Doubts Over Base Class
- Basic Math Expression Java Problem
- inheritance help
- Help writing a Template Class
- composite and prime
- finding the largest object help
- How to create a pointer type of effect for objects
- Vectors
- Java cirkel
- [SOLVED] Array of objects, invoking constructor for one changes others
- nextint() Method !
- Populate an Object with Other Objects
- Calendar date
- help with dis
- help me draw a triangle....
- Using loops and control statements to draw lines
- Date Of Birth Revision , Class please help
- Need explanation of the code
- Why do we use the "this" keyword?
- Class design
- Accesor and Mutator help
- Creating a quiz (really basic doubt)
- [SOLVED] Random 0/1 with given possibility
- System.out.print -align
- praser languege java
- cant run the program with 2 classes
- Address Book Help
- Java Mp3 player.
- Sounds to play during action performed
- how do i make my program to do......
- how do i make my program to....
- can someone help me debug plzz
- Object as a Reference into Object's Class
- [Method] Help ?
- Java Picture Processor with PGM files and Multi Arrays
- [SOLVED] [Method] needing some help
- Multiple class instances ??? But how ???
- how to creat one source multiple receiver
- User creates objects. How to?
- [SOLVED] Drag and drop in MVC
- XML InputSource class and the retrieval/browser type
- How do get and set methods work??
- Password Tester GUI HELP
- Method & Class confusion
- Helppppp!
- Drag & drop MVC: deleting an object
- HeeeY
- To Create and Admin an database
- Need Ideas For OOP(Java) Mini Project
- HELP: how and where was this build?
- Method injection
- OOP graphics program
- An associations with copies instead of references
- Class design for GUI program
- I need ur help :|
- Banking Application
- taking information from one array into another
- How to use this 2d ArrayList class?
- about calling sub class
- how I can solve this program ?
- Java Dos Logic Test count all non increasing number
- Need a program using only for loop its urgent
- [Homework] Rational Class
- need your help -- Instances
- How do I create an object(function)?
- Doubt in Encapsulation concept
- Aggregation
- create file in java
- [HELP] How can I retrieve attribute/method?
- How to use SDF to display a future date.
- 'pass by value' and 'pass by reference'
- Actual and Formal Parameters
- Enumerated Types
- call super method outside of 'this'
- Inheritance - Testing Point, Square, and Cube Classes
- Help on 2D Multi Table Array
- class interfacing to new server question
- I am really friends have no idea how...
- [SOLVED] Can't get output HELP
- Calculating Price with Command Line - Please Help!
- Need Help with Accessor and Mutator Methods
- need help with my idea!
- [SOLVED] Help with prefix and postfix(increment&decrement)
- Can't understand why Interfaces are there
- help me to solve my problem
- Yahtzee code help
- Repressable button in GUI
- Inheritance and Overriding help!
- Testing equation of a line
- Identifying invalid calls
- Completely lost, creating a bar graph
- random uniform distribution with probability assignment
- writing to an output...
- hi my dear experts
- Need Help on Updating a GUI Java
- In serious need of some help.
- Help with a line of my code.
- [SOLVED] Picture won't go with the .jar (Wrong code or compile error?)
- Problem with sending a GregorianCalender HELP
- Instantiation from within Methods
- Using Protected Methods, in a Java Library
- Can someone help with my Assignment
- Class Design Problems (BlackJack)
- Hey! I'm new and I want some help...
- Reusing Panel code in each tabs on a tabbed pane
- Assignment help; Feeling lost.
- Unstructured Data Model
- [SOLVED] Send a F5 command
- data structure assignment .. help me : |
- Help with problem.
- help pleasee
- eclipse java simple example
- [SOLVED] Compiled .jar won't work (Error-sound)
- start fisrtly form log in the window
- Credit Card Problem (While and Switch will be used)
- Problem with inheritence? arguments not applicable
- [SOLVED] Creating A Class
- Magic Square Checker
- How to store objects from a class inn an array?
- [SOLVED] BlackJack.. Random Card Assignment?
- img flowlayout
- Object oriented programming
- help with a programing assignment.
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