View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- Can anyone help me.. I cannot seem to get this menu looping
- Sorting substring?
- String Formatting on JOptionPane.showMessageDialog
- Manually recoloring buffered images
- i keep getting this error
- My AP CS Book Has Code Written in JRE5
- Simple curency convertor
- Issue with output format
- Program is attempting to change booleans yet the result is unsuccesful.
- I cannot get the right output in the right place. Where is my problem?
- calculate sum and product
- Studying for a test, can't figure out my code won't work
- Please help me with this question..
- [SOLVED] problem with time manipulation!
- need help to make my code flexible.
- New to Java : Need help with my integers rules
- Returning location instead of value?
- code issue, should be silple been working on it for four hours
- [SOLVED] How do I make my program accept letters?
- Help with a program..
- Why is it summing a long negative integer to zero????
- [SOLVED] isPrime Boolean Method returns true for squares of primes
- Prime Factorization Method: Won't reproduce all Factors every time
- RPN Help Please! (Order of Operations)
- Help with a java assignment?
- take a double, then round decimal to either to .0 or .5 only
- The program working fine but the "NO" button doesn't work
- Getting audio stream to play from jar file instead of system directory?
- Conditions and 'might not have been initialized' error.
- newbie help
- Problems with RepaintManager
- Making Coin Toss for Football game
- Help with pickup stones game
- Dont know how to recorrect
- Help with code that prints number of evens, odds, and 0's
- Noobie issues?
- How do I make this Palindrome tester ignore punctuation?
- i could use some help please!!!
- Separating Digits in a String
- Need help with java assigment
- Need help with some random java code.
- Java - Crypto ISBN number verification, GUI program
- DoubleQuadruple
- A chessboard with loops!
- Sphere (Volume/Surface Area)
- Can someone tell me how to fix this please
- Whats wrong with my code?
- Stack Practice: Evaluating Expressions Syntax
- Getting data back from a child form
- Java vending machine, minor thing.
- Confused..
- Easy Java Problem
- Please Help I'm stuck
- In Memory CD Database
- New to the complmunity, need some assistance please.
- Very Basic Java input Problem
- My 'if statements' are skipped after user input
- what is wrong with my code?
- Math Game? not sure whats wrong?
- My code runs forever without output
- Trouble with the use of isDigit and isLetter
- [SOLVED] Small problem regarding inheritance of classes
- assignment troubles polymorphism (guide for assignment included)
- I need join my code with the main metod, but i dont know how.
- [SOLVED] problem with accepting int!
- Newbie, Computing Student Help
- java.lang.NullPointerException
- can't figure whats wrong with my add method?? help!
- Help with methods
- [SOLVED] Using Stack Data Type to Solve an Infix Expression
- [SOLVED] Help figuring out why my method isn't executing as expected.
- Help with Average and Variables Please =)
- A logic / forloop question
- [SOLVED] Counting Addition "Carries"
- issue with arrays in Java
- Java Newbie..need help in guessing game program
- switch statement
- Don't know java ...Need help compare, explain 2 different versiosn of code.
- values of variables changing despite not modifying them
- Conversions Between Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Please help, thanks.
- Methodology to find bugs
- Help w/ my CPU Scheduler!!
- [SOLVED] Project Euler: Truncatable Primes
- Help with a makefile (javacc)
- Apache XML-RPC server creation problem
- JAVA1 - Final Project
- My code has error when its run....I dont understand what's wrong of it.
- Please help, newb with a simple question...
- Java USB detection
- help me , im confused!!!!
- Breakout Game Error
- keyboard listener not working
- Few questions
- beginer neeeds helppppp!
- Help with interrupting a loop without break or continue
- [SOLVED] (beginner) Switch Statement
- printing factors with 2 classes
- org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
- getResources
- Why am I getting StackOverflow errors?
- How to repeat a while loop?
- [SOLVED] help me how to convert it to "2d to 1d"
- Bank Account HELP!!!! PLEASE.
- Need some help on my HS Project
- Help with instantiating a class within a switch statement
- Need help building a simple calculator
- Return Object does not return the expected output
- check all purchase using methos equals without operator if
- Printing out numbers from an Array.
- How do you edit an array?
- array problem that i need help with
- Histogram Java Program
- Try, catch? array help
- Need help with classes and constructors!!
- Version issue? Or what else can it be?
- Need help with a "missing return statement"
- Variable Error
- I'm either doing this entirely wrong or I'm missing something simple.
- Connect Four FAIL....
- Am I doing it rite? Using netbeans GUI builder
- Need help on the pyramid number!
- Simulated Linker with Scanner
- missing something so!
- [SOLVED] convert int to String
- Problems with "/n"?
- need a bump in the right direction
- okay, i'm getting REALLY upset
- Help with prog please.
- random problem
- Social Planner-Arrays and Super and Sub Classes
- Trouble wil XML Encoder/Decoder using linkedlist<parameter>
- Bucket Sort Help
- Intparse error. I have been trying to fix for hours.
- What's wrong with my context.xml ?
- Small problem in big code, not sure why
- Playing a .wav file in SplitPaneDemo code
- Amortization Loan, works, but need suggestions please.
- "Error: Variable might not have been initialized" mmm... I'm pretty sure it was
- httpServlet response
- why could this happen?
- Am I doing it right?
- Re: okay, i'm getting REALLY upset
- toString method
- i cannot figure out what's wrong
- my code isn't working an i can't figure out why
- Decimal To binary Recursive conversion java?
- Starting one class from another class.
- linked list
- Getting Error in code pls help
- InnerClass troubles
- PDF iText code frustrating
- Having problem to stop reading strings
- [SOLVED] Nested Loops & Processing Strings
- Looking for help with assignment
- Help with Assignment
- Problem with Java code for Project
- type conversion error
- application that determines and prints the number of odd, even, and zero digits
- Help with Comparable interface.
- Beginner/Intermediate Java Code - NullPointerException and wrong output.
- Struggling with if and if else
- Cannot get Java to play a sound...
- How to separate ArrayLists in memory?
- Type magic
- AWT Desktop Open
- help with board game assignment
- Seaching an array confusion
- Beauty School student taking JAVA? doesn't work out so well, NEED HELP!
- Can anybody correct the code?
- Case Switch Help?
- help for this java question
- Inverted Equilatieral Triangle (Asterisks) - Not Equilateral :-(
- Aranging objects on a Gui
- Can someone please tell me why my do while loop isn't working?
- How do I do this?
- Help me with debuging this please!
- New to Java Need help with Homework
- Static Methods Problem
- Displaying the other
- help With Java SelectionSort numbers to display ascending and descending Order.
- un-expected error
- ()Method cannot be applied to ()
- beginner needs help with simple problem
- GUI error: is not abstract and does not override abstract method
- Lines in Graphics as an object?
- A program that counts the number of punctuation marks in a text file
- need help with my java program
- GUI problem
- what is -xlint message?
- Cannot find symbol ERROR
- unchecked or unsafe operations ERROR
- Checking Code: Getting the Unicode value of each character from a string.
- copying and comparing stacks
- actionPerformed not returning a value.
- Help with WMI
- get console to work
- HELP:Disposing a jframe
- High / low integer computation algorithm????
- Calling method cant get the parameters right
- How to call a value from a different method to main
- Simple Java Program
- use Delimiter, Scanner Class
- Method is not initiating formula
- One last question: How to get menu to repeat!
- with this
- assignment help
- final calculation after if statment
- Issue with arrays
- Copying Arrays
- Boolean method issue
- Simple Java Program - hasTeen [HELP]
- Newbie problem
- Trying to make a simple java program
- Beginner pleasee help with java code
- not a statement?
- Array List; How to pass objects into another arraylist
- New java student need help with code
- Need help with this practice java question
- What is wrong with my if/else statement?
- using java.util.InputMismatchException with try
- PLEASE Help With Ceasar Cipher Program!!
- Complete beginner to Java, problem with error message "non-static variable..."
- Help with code for converting 4 digit string to integer
- Cipher Program - Not sure what this error is - PLEASE HELP
- Infix to Prefix
- [SOLVED] Pong: Ricochet off Paddle Issue
- Creating an Intstance in an ArrayList
- Simple I/O Java Error
- URgh, drawing a square
- Can someone help please?
- CMD line is owning me
- Operator || cannot be applied to java.lang.String, boolean
- Trying to make a Car program and I can't seem to get it to compile
- [SOLVED] NoSuchElementException(), simple program not behaving right with Scanner class.
- Using char at to split up a interger
- Java deposit and Withdraw problem
- Validation based program that doesn't function properly
- Hey guys, my While loop isn't working correctly.
- timer.start() required identifier?
- Math.Random()
- simple arithmetic problem
- Need help with Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- 1.7 JRE library error?
- not looping properly, please help.
- So Lost with void method
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