View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- Math program problem.
- Question. Lots of Maths!
- Flipping mechanism bug
- Idk what is wrong
- A few fixable errors. Please help :(
- help with tax program???
- Counter troubles
- beginner-urgent java help needed
- All Digits only
- Issues with clearing my JList?
- while loop wont exit
- Unscrambler, trying to get the last word of a dictionary...
- A password code
- describe this program code by code ....
- fncharts plotting buy sell signal codes please resolve it
- Array in constructor and deep copy.
- Simple code apparently too hard for me...
- Need help with looping!
- Difficulty with method headers.
- method undefined error
- Exception Thrown
- How to make this code even simpler
- [SOLVED] n00b having problems running code
- [SOLVED] Conditional Operator "?:" not compiling
- NoSuchElementException
- I have a logical error
- Jumble
- NOOB: Array Help
- A program with input and output on different method besides the main method
- Setting what currency i want with getCurrencyInstance()
- Priority Queue help
- Problem with getWidth() and getHeight()
- I need help with my FullScreen Code
- Java animation using pictures help
- need help with a function...
- Java error correcting, testing for a square issue i think
- Multiple nullpointerexceptions in my code.
- Need help int JTextField
- software can discover the errors of java codes ?
- why it is essential to use (int) ?
- Logical error and having trouble HELP!
- [SOLVED] wildcard delete
- Carpet Calculator Problem using aggregation
- Cumulative sum of entries
- finding the amt of words and chars in a give file
- parallel array newbie
- Convert Int to Doubel value without exponents and decimal value.
- Calculation error...very New to Java..please be kind.
- Checking 2d Arrays to Determine if they are Magic Squares (all sums are the same)
- Why does this program run?
- [SOLVED] Help using addAll without using listCopy
- Noob needs help!
- Exception when making window fullscreen
- display the generated Math.random number
- JSCI library (multiresolution function) to make wavelet
- New to java trying a GUI
- binarySearch troubles
- Error I cannot figure out for the life of me
- string==null or string.equals(null) problem
- Scanner delimiter
- Loop won't stop. Please help.
- [SOLVED] java.lang.NullPointerException
- Theatre Seating- program compiles but doesn't work the way it is supposed to
- FractionCalculator StringTokenizer with parsing DUE IN 4 HOURS
- How do I change my output to 1 decimal place?
- [SOLVED] Insurance Premium class not compiling
- Displaying Array Not Working.
- [SOLVED] Calculator Program
- Java Equation correct syntax
- Make brick wall using BlueJ
- rock paper si
- Very simple chat program hanging
- Phone Directory code
- Password Strength Meter
- Lucene Index Writing on SSD Drive
- 46: Unreachable Statement
- character problem
- Efficiency problem
- Changing Cursor Properly
- Designing an Account Class
- Newbie Java problem --->"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field data"
- [SOLVED] cannot find symbol error
- How to make Eclipse work with txt file?
- Hey 16 year old only started Java this morning, what is wrong with my code?
- Help Please!
- Help! Can't make it print right!
- My random generator isn't working. Please help!
- How do I connect 2 method headers to make it recursive???
- Calendar.MONTH return wrong value
- i'm getting th error, when i put a method to get the position of the smallest no
- i'm getting th error, when i put a method to get the position of the smallest no
- Baseball stats error
- GPA Calculation Program using an input file
- [SOLVED] Least Coins Needed For Amount class
- HELP!! Phone Directory Program
- Cannot find symbol
- BankAccount assignment problem
- HELP! Confused at why I'm not getting output
- [SOLVED] having a little trouble
- Help with Clock (advance and reverse day,hour,minute)
- Java program which finds an approximate solution to an equation f(x)=0.
- [SOLVED] Confused on what tokenizer to use and how to use them.
- [SOLVED] getting the end of the month for a given date
- Java error
- HELP! Constructor and "toString" method...
- Help determining which day a particular date falls on.
- no error when compiled but when the program runs .. help this !!!
- Calculating Percentile
- Assembling a Home System....
- Checkout line Simulation
- file won't compile
- Threads priority: low priority run faster than high priority
- Simple code, cant get it working.
- Scaling a graph in console
- [SOLVED] Making Binary Converter script from scratch, running into math issue.
- [SOLVED] Null Pointer Exception-Freecell
- Java Calculation Incorrect
- I give up. Need help changing color of JTabbedPane selected Tab. I've Googled so hard
- Need a non void method to return the first three characters of a string
- Matching Pairs game - something's not right?
- dynamic web project run from double-clicking icon
- Code compiles fine but doesn't run Properly
- Why cant I use toString() with vector?
- variable might not be initialized problem. Can someone tell me whats wrong?
- Error when adding ActionListener to JButton
- Need some help with this code - Asap
- Notepad is opening on click of submit instead navigating to other page
- [SOLVED] Can someone help me with this code asap
- Need help with simple class and demo program
- need help .. what is wrong with my code.
- Need help!!! Asap PLEASE!!!!
- Is there any way to control all browsers functionality using java program ?
- Implementing a Driver to following code
- Java Program to Check whether a Expression is Valid using Stack
- Using CharAt statement
- NOOB problem here.
- PriorityQ and MaxHeap
- [SOLVED] Noobie equals() problem.
- Please help with array code
- PLease help, I am trying to...
- I am having a hard time with my code
- Icons not visable?
- having bad time with basic calculator code
- How to replace dollar signs with ""?
- Checkers game code
- please help, simple problem
- 0 seems to be comming out as 48?
- Help needed for beginner. Im so confused
- Help with code dealing with parallel arrays.
- Generating array (or arraylist) matrix from txt file
- Little help with this project please
- Liitle help with Jmenu
- Making sure I answered this question completely.
- Crawler has trouble logging in.
- How do I fix my program?
- Fixing the scan input
- Need more help, this time requiring the Comparable interface
- Help with Sudoku function please
- covariant return type
- BlinkingLabel-StackOverflow Error
- bingo ticket loop problem (doesn't compile like it should...)
- [SOLVED] Error Message: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException etc.
- Java assignment help
- What do i have to do to fix my code?
- Hello Everyone. Need Help if possible
- Nested for loops and array
- sumone help me with y code
- Saving to a text file
- Does this code meet the standards set forth?
- Code is giving an error in console, but there are no errors apparent in the code!
- Null Pointer Exception?
- Finding Chromatic Number of a Simple Graph w/ Brute Force Algorithm
- .java File not found
- What's wrong with my code?
- validate XMl by using XMLUnit and JUnit test?
- LinkedList Iterator
- Strange errors with java.nio.file
- [SOLVED] Linear array search(without Arraylist)
- Code for Decryption
- HELP: I have problem casting from Vector to Integer in Java
- [SOLVED] Replacing dots with spaces
- How to change a String value into a number and then back into a String.
- I'm creating a sudoku program that is somehow in an infinite loops.
- Please Help Java Stack
- board of galton,simulation.
- Alright guys, I am having some serious trouble with this one.
- [SOLVED] Troubles with My code
- Need help coding Dice rolling simulation
- help with keeping client connected to server
- I need help with my code
- Need major help with a program for class
- Check numbers with characters like a phone keypad? Help!
- Help with get and set
- Creating multiple objects with a for loop
- [Help] Arranging Objects please help
- not sure where to go with this code, need to make it into an AI code
- Issue with reverse engineering what format this guy expects. Out of ideas
- Java Game - Alternate between players
- Help with simple enum problem
- guessing game assignment
- Dice game code creating help!
- Help with Program
- Not sure where the error is coming from
- MaxHeap/ PriorityQ HELP PLEASE!
- Need help correcting a JFrame program for class!
- Need help correcting my code for calculating sexy prime pairs
- Printing a Diamond shape Problem.
- [SOLVED] Not initializing
- Kill the Mice!
- help to find the error of coding
- Need help making an image move from one side of screen to the other.
- Pacman issue with walls
- Need help with a program
- Traffic Light problems
- Start: Applet not initiallized
- [SOLVED] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- can't compare class fields
- Polynomial LinkedList from Text File (Modification)
- Why do I get this error?
- Building a binary search tree
- Why does this equal that?
- not sure what the issue is here
- Comparing Input to array
- Need help with Tic Tac Toe assignment
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError incompatible with
- whats wrong? help to newbie
- Exporting to an Excutable Jar
- Simple Java Homework : Due Wendsday Afternoon PLZ HELP!
- Entering objects from a file into an array
- Question about my project
- Null Exception Error & Help with PrintWriter
- Memory related query
- Something wrong with really,really simple code.
- Make a Cluster for given number of node
- MySQL Syntax Error
- Sorting and Searching: Most Efficient Code
- [SOLVED] Uploading a Java Applet embedded in HTML to a Web server
- incompatible types!!
- JToggleButton's icon won't show up when pressed!
- issue with logging!!
- custom GUI (Synth XML file) Question
- thread priority and eclipse
- beginner programmer trouble
- another assignment from beginner programmer trouble
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