View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- Not Reaching If Statement
- help, help
- Trying to get 'frame.getContentPane().getCursor().getType();' to read outside frame
- How Do i add pictures to a jframe?
- Help with error (New Boston Tutorials)
- String index out of range?
- [SOLVED] I Forgot how to set a size to a JTextArea
- Using eclipse JRE 6.0 don't know what's wrong
- using eclipse on fedora
- Reading XML File using DOMParser and have problem with accessing xml
- Simple Shopping Cart..... not so simple
- Java application works fine in IDE but not in windows
- new use of bufferedreader, uncharted territory
- [SOLVED] No errors, but output not correct? Only one loop performed correctly! Help please :)
- Java web app, Saving to desktop?
- java program on fedora
- Java program runs out of memory (-xms1024 -xmx1024)
- Trouble passing parameters!
- What's wrong with my code??? I have been struggling for 2 days !!!!
- [SOLVED] Issue when returning an array
- Arrays for mortgage calc
- Changing colours of objects
- [SOLVED] Jframe Pop outs when clicking JButton
- problem with a maze program
- Updating a text area from a JtextField! HELP
- Problem with Bearing calculation appearing as NaN
- JTable Row Color
- Multiple methods in the same inner class?
- [B]Null Pointer Exception[/B]-- Please Help!!!
- Help me...its urgent...its simple but no idea
- Turning a JSP into a JAVA file
- bubble sort problem please help!!
- Error: The import java.swing cannot be resolved [in drJava]
- A Card Game
- Pretty basic java program..need some help!
- Need some assistance please
- Tetris Mobile Game is not running.
- Creating Callout shape window
- Need some help changing the colors of a picture
- Employee Class Exercise... Code will not run!!!!
- Can't display an image...
- program not compiling
- Scanner not working properly.
- Enter in name ....need a little bit of help!
- BackTracking in a maze
- Drawing Polygrams
- problems with my code
- Print array with commas
- Not able to read from a textfiel the way it's supposed to.
- How do I put action with my auto-gen UI?
- Error in URL connection
- Primitive types
- How Compare Integers using the if statement and && operator? Can it be done?
- Somehow it's not adding to an ArrayList of ArrayLists.
- English to L33T Translator
- BufferedReader hangs when handling POST method data
- Help with game applet
- 2nd week with Java. Help with a few basic syntax errors?
- Base64 encoding is not working.
- Incorrect results
- Code won't compile, but can't find the error....
- Beginner question about for loops...
- Can't seem to align the numbers
- English to L33T Translator
- Printing 2d array
- Static? Void? Trying to display date...O_o
- Binary Search for an array of random ints - Can't find the target value
- Can Somebody check this code?
- Applet array paint/print question
- Random variable order.
- Please I Help Me for My Code
- JSP / Java Problem - Twitter search application
- What's Wrong With My Code?
- New to Java, Shape Won't Show in Console
- My bullseye won't show
- Family Income Project
- file flash on java
- [SOLVED] 2 dimensional array storing help!
- [SOLVED] Arrow keys to navigate a maze in a console program
- Declaring static character array
- Help displaying a new string to GUI
- [SOLVED] problem with instantiating object
- [SOLVED] A question about updates. (Program dosent update until refreshed)
- [SOLVED] Nothing really wrong but i cant seem to get past a stone wall
- cannot find symbol
- I had an old code it really sucked, so i now am making a new one
- Getting Exception Errors, But Not Sure How To Fix Code
- Finding the range of 2 integer inputs
- [SOLVED] stack overflow error
- String.split("") puts null in the first index
- Help with a lab!
- mp3 file cant be resolved
- Strings in switch are not supported in source 1.5...
- Any ideas?
- [SOLVED] Having Issues Wish this Program
- Not sure what to do next!
- 2D Array with Strings
- Decimal to Hexadecimal, Without Java Libraries.
- If-Else Statement and Math
- [SOLVED] Can someone help with my code and psuedocode.
- beginner developing android app to stream radio station needs help!
- variable might not have been appreciated
- Using JFrame interfaces
- First post, very new to Java, don't kill me...NEED HELP
- Pascal's Triangle Program
- Problem in passing an object class through socket
- What do I need to do?
- I need help starting my pseudocode. My book doesn't explain it well at all.
- Bit Strings in Java
- Need help with chars/or's/if statements
- Need help using Arrays!
- If stament
- Can anyone help with my code please??
- How do I stop my answer from looping?
- Find prime nums from 1-100 algorithm
- Abstract class variable help
- [SOLVED] JFrame Menu bar errors.
- I am a beginner please help :)
- tic tac toe single array code help
- Prime Number Code Help!
- Can someone help me with this please?
- Hexadecimal to Binary WITH leading zeros???
- [SOLVED] help pulling information from different classes when you have more than one
- Can anyone help with my code please?? (Reading the Registry)
- code to refresh and check the code of a webpage..
- Problem with My Leap Year Calculation
- a recorsive method to get level of a certin leaf on a binary tree???
- [SOLVED] working with BigDecimal and MathContext
- JTextField returns a string, but I want an int
- Help camparing array elements
- Beginner needs help with a program
- How to get Present working Directory(Exact path) in java..?
- How do I get my answers to out with 2 decimal places?
- Refreshing from teh main class
- BFS Travel not in the sequence
- Help with beginner mutator method
- Estimating the adult height of a child
- Object oriented programming
- Sales not working
- user input mismatch problem
- problems running recursion, any help would be grealty appreciated!
- Finding the average of two double digits.
- Making a program that calculates how many days you lived.
- I am having an issue with my code
- help with code
- making a program that draws two circles and calculates the area and circumference
- "Separate Numbers"-Problem:Assigning Variables to User Inputs.
- sine cosine problem
- need help finishing up this project but I don't know the code...please help
- Strings not being added to arraylist
- Missing elements in array
- Struggling Student seeks Guidance...
- Java Program that plots point on a graph..need some help.
- GUI's
- How to graph the following code. I got the code but not the graph. ty for your time!
- [SOLVED] Stuck and can't get past it!
- [SOLVED] I don't know why this error using get() method from the ArrayList class
- Problem Finding Value from List
- Ignoring cases
- Beginner for Java, need help with this code I wrote
- Help with UTF-8 characters into Oracle database
- Code won't compile
- Trying to modify class so when toString method returns in different format than given
- Tree java
- Coding Problem
- Alternative to thread.sleep?
- Trying to learn Java programming
- Problem with School Assignment.
- GUI help
- Trouble with bounding values Assignment
- "Game of Life" help
- I'm making a program that recognizes cards say for poker
- Need help with probability assignment
- First real program help
- Cracker Barrel puzzle solver using Recursion
- In desperate need of help. Making an exponents table.
- downloaded file from HTTP look like damaged but file size in bytes is the same
- why i cannot use this class if working with another workspace?
- Password Hash - Brute Force Test - SHA-1
- Cannot Find symbol error! On new Object
- Help needed with java coding!!
- JOption Output Message
- Interesting task with regular expressinos
- Arrays (Beginer)
- simple prime or composite numbers
- Uppercase and Lowercase in a string
- callin a class from antoher class
- [SOLVED] Card Program"War" Class help
- Can anybody help me fix this, what I am supposed to do is at the top
- linked list null pointer exception
- Where did I mess up?
- Won't display calculated fahrenheit and celsius when running.
- might not have been instilized
- 1st Assignment Sem 2 Counter + GUI
- OSGI - missing imported package=org.apache.commons.collections
- Loan Repayment
- [SOLVED] nullPointerException, but doesn't look wrong to me
- help with code
- Sierpinski's Triangle in Graphics
- Creating a Sudoku Program Assignment
- Having trouble with my program, can someone please help?
- Code having problems please help - Invalid method declaration, return type required.
- Do while loop beak.
- Whats wrong with my java code? I really need help!
- Picture blurred to nitida in the code!
- Calculator dividing by 0 problem.
- Does this work?
- Problem with Memory Card Game
- Mouse Maze..Plz Help
- Need Help with code ...beginner
- Issue with running DataGimmick program
- I don't get why this code isn't working
- Why doesn't this work!
- How to align text? Printf?
- Best way to turn a single class into multiple classes
- Problem with Excelapi: Error: package jxl does not exist
- [SOLVED] Random Colors Problem
- Have user enter in 2 inputs instead of using -1 to end. Help appreciated!
- binary tree not building correctly
- Help with this very simple error
- return help
- ArrayList recursion return help
- How to notify() and proceed past wait()
- [SOLVED] Sorting strings alphabetically
- Help with my program please :) I can't figure this out.
- David
- please help me out
- Recursive Maze Help
- I am stumped.
- Help..Simple GUI needs help,can not sort out these red lines..
- can someone tell me what's wrong with my code
- Can someone help me with my code.
- Tic Tac Toe Program, Can someone help me out????
- Calendar from user input PROBLEM!
- Tic Tac Toe Program, Can someone help me out????
- Need help understanding math.random method.
- Beginner seeking help with quick problem in program
- Accessing specific class if condition is true
- Need help figuring this out its driving me Nutz!
- Gradebook error?
- Reusable classes.
- Need help with simple repetition statement
- Seeking help with minesweeper style program.
- Need help with my code for calculating monthly payment on a loan
- Can I change attributedstring into string?
- Needs help with code
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