View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- display all prime factors of a number
- Need Urgent Help for Java assignment..
- School Assignment; Issue with lookUp method
- [SOLVED] how to trace recursion variables in a recursive method
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- [SOLVED] Layout Manager and Keyboard Panel
- Input file to Array
- [SOLVED] What wrong with my code? count++ isnt incrementing.
- [SOLVED] Problem with a simple drawing program
- What is wrong with my spaces?
- Not sure if run() or main(String[] args)
- help making war card game
- Need help calculating shortest paths with data extracted from the database
- I have a problem to load a set of points(x, y)
- Can't figure out my error
- where located my mistake
- [SOLVED] counting number of comparisons in merge sort
- How to display each score in a competition?
- [Newbie] Help with add-on!
- Sorting an ArrayList<MyObject> by MyObject.getDate()
- [SOLVED] displaying every 1000 comparisons in merge sort
- new to forums help needed in paint program
- Problem: cannot find symbol
- Can't Start
- How would you run jar file with a java program?
- install network program
- problem witch Apache
- Can you guys help me fix my assignment
- How do I include an "iostream" parallel?
- Help me check my assignment if it is correct.
- JcomboBox showing only one item
- [SOLVED] Prim numbers
- Applet Image Reading
- StringBuffer Problem
- Prime number solver.
- .indexOf selective replacements
- Getting mp3 files from folder and sorting them using hashmap.
- Sequence Classification
- problem with signing and webstart
- Age Calculator
- Cryptogram, help please
- Print 000 infront of String, I can get INT to work but not string
- [SOLVED] Class throws FileNotFoundException when called from another class
- [SOLVED] Help with a varibles!
- [SOLVED] Image looping issue
- Java Word Scrambling Game Method Help!
- Whats wrong?
- LinkedList RemoveAll Method
- [SOLVED] Quick Question: Did I understand these directions correctly?
- [SOLVED] Basic Code Problem
- unknown problems
- [SOLVED] Please Help Me With This Error!
- exception handling problem
- non static varible from static context error
- What's wrong with my code?? (it said cannot resolve symbol)
- problem in understanding output.
- generateRandomNumber
- Static Function
- I need help with my Netbeans calculator code
- Please Help. . . .
- XMLBeans - how to control generated class files? windows vs linux issues
- [SOLVED] need help implementing LinkedList
- Java
- Need help with ArrayList loop
- Painting ovals
- I keep getting a returned value of 0
- organizing linkedlist in ascending order
- NULL pointer exception in main ...PLEASE try solving it
- [SOLVED] Double rounding
- How can I read txt files in java program??
- linked list printing empty after removing duplicates
- Java 2d array problem
- Might be a thread leak problem reading a file into an Array list.
- Keyboard Listeners to Control object states
- Socket Problem?
- [SOLVED] MS Access Error: Too Few Parameters. Expected 2?
- Java Program Help.
- Trying to compile Fails
- images are loaded while using eclipse but i get NullPointerException in jar
- Need some help
- Please help a new programmer in Java applet
- Program returning wrong values.
- Cannot figure out Stone Game Program
- [SOLVED] Project Euler Questio 2
- Save Textfield to an Array
- JAVA game black jack need help on finding an error!!
- Logic Error in noughts and crosses game
- [SOLVED] how to find all occurrences of a number in an array recursivelly
- Unexpected Output Format
- [SOLVED] Problem with image in swing gui
- Run a jar file inside a batch file with Windows 7 Task schduler
- (jComboBox, JTextField, jFileChooser) as table editor overrides the refrences!
- How to display a Rectangle object in JFrame (Problem).
- anyone can help me to solve this?
- hi! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! :( :)
- Question on a method?
- Biojava and netbean
- can anyone think of a more efficient way of doing this...
- [SOLVED] getting the proper input from file
- use of regular expressions in string.replaceAll
- Having trouble reading in a text file with integers..keep getting NumberFormatEx?
- class [class name] is public, should be declared in a file names [class name].java
- Show output on jTextArea
- why am I getting an endless loop in this implementation of addlast to linkedlist
- Having trouble splitting a text file into multiple arrays.
- how to access a hashmap which is inside a MultiMap
- Calendar help - who is wrong, me or Netbeans?
- [SOLVED] Simple calculator issue
- I don't know where to start.
- Please, find my mistake
- Playing sound in my nursing program
- Login / Logout Session | why it isn't working?
- First time poster looking for help accessing a variable from a separate class.
- Restarting a thread
- I need help! Urgent!
- Comparable is implemented, but still " java.lang.Comparable" error appears
- program won't compile, can't get data from google analytics
- Swing Help
- help me in this problem related to ml-java
- Guys, really need your help
- Processing of increment and decrement operators in Java
- [SOLVED] hello
- Dictionary using Distributed Hash Table and BST Tree
- creating a new method that's not outputting correct result
- problems on implementing a JTree
- Method is not applicable for the arguments
- My First program, I need help.
- SQL syntax error, check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
- [SOLVED] Trying to fix repaint method
- I cant get my java to run LOGICAL Error PLs help me urgent need submint on wednesday
- [SOLVED] How do I get the one part of the needed output for quarterly sales-statistics?
- Is it possible.....??????????
- My Programme Not working .. as i used VECTOR and SWING.
- [SOLVED] frequency count/Big Oh
- [SOLVED] Help with password generation
- NullPointer Exception problem
- Year help
- Player wont move
- Gallery wont load properly on host server
- Programming challenge
- [SOLVED] Help with time
- String question
- could anyone tell me why am I getting this error?
- Not sure how to logically correct a method.
- [SOLVED] Calculator
- [SOLVED] help me!
- Unable to read '#' value using getParameter
- Counting sector from a grid
- [SOLVED] need help converting from infix to postfix notation
- What's the problem ??
- Combine Prime Factor Code into JPanel
- Program to read .TXT file one line at a time
- Main method/ class problem. I can't run any script!
- Frame not becoming invisible
- JSLider with ChangeListener question
- Binary Calculator -Why does variable execute?
- [SOLVED] Java applet
- Problem with image crop and pixel comparison code
- How can I have a jar file on my gui?
- Clicking a coordinate on my GUI (Not Local Mouse Or Normal Robot.movemouse!)
- I can't figure this out! Please help!
- need help with using trig functions
- Smart Library Management System..What Wrong with my code
- error: array dimension missing x 2. Any help?
- Math.PI sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. Help!?
- Threading problem? - hopefully in the correct forum this time
- Math.pow
- Is it the same?
- Converting a Java App to an Applet(with no GUI)
- [SOLVED] how could I throw an exception in this case
- number turning negative during calculation why???
- What is wrong with my code?
- Gregorian Calendar - Problems
- [SOLVED] Java Game
- Making a WorldGrid
- Variables equaling null in some class's but not others
- [SOLVED] Regular Expression Difficulties...
- counting the values in input file and and writing the output to a file
- How to connect and fire command to SSH server using Gyanmed SSH2 API.
- Java Sound problem
- Reversing letters of a words in a sentence keeping the words in the same order
- Im a java beginner and I need help :|
- Program that Opens/Executes a File on Windows
- [SOLVED] Making an image move with arrow keys
- UDP Server, I/O problems
- New to java, over 100 errors please help
- ShutDown from JButton
- Having trouble understanding assignment dealing with constructors with classes??
- have trouble with a ceaser cipher question
- The operator + is undefined for the argument type(s) String, void
- char manipulation quick question
- add a default constructor in abstract class
- Problem with paintComponent...?
- [SOLVED] Extra spaces in output - why & how to fix?
- project quickmatch
- Reversing an Array
- can I create an array in a parameterized class
- ArrayList problem
- Fill
- how could I output to a text area the output of a method
- Do while loop help
- Need help to complete my assignment.
- Two questions about key binding.
- help with the method
- [SOLVED] Java applet game
- Two characters trancated
- DecimalFormat error when compiled
- Misterious problem
- Writing string to file
- Need Help with java revision notes app
- Weird String .length() method
- having problem declaring a generic type array in OrderSet class
- wanting 2nd octet of an IP address
- Having trouble understanding object relationships and using them correctly?
- Please help!
- Can someone see whats wrong with my code, please?
- Generics problem
- Scanner not working?
- [SOLVED] Need Help Completing a Loan Table
- Getting filesnames from directory and write to file
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException problem in decryption algorithm
- Encryption problem with CipherInputStream/CipherOutputStream
- ']' expected
- Restrictions
- Where the hell is the error coming from. . . ?
- Do You Know the Answer to Java Quiz?
- Adding Fixed Point Numbers
- [SOLVED] return
- Very Basic Question: Reference Data Types
- Doesnt render in 3D with Bitwise Operator '&'
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Help
- Inheritance problems
- Quadratic Probing
- JComboBox
- search for specific line in the file
- Asterisks
- [SOLVED] Scanner Requiring Two Inputs
- Summer Project - Stuck?
- Problem with JTable and MySQL
- Problems with ArrayList
- [SOLVED] Memory usage increasing in while loop - is it a memory leak
- My code is not working correctly
- If statements not working as planned
- Hey! can anyone help me . i cant find an error (beginner)
- How do I create a if statement that accepts only Integers?
- Getting error messages with my javafx video player
- [SOLVED] the output is just a blank frame... no menu bar is present.. plz help me out..
- can't open jar file
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