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  1. Having trouble loading variables from a file
  2. Drawing to a Java BufferedImage's graphics producing inaccurate results.
  3. Can anyone help me to check my error
  4. I have an error i dont knwo how to fix.
  5. Inheritance trouble understanding how to use it?
  6. trouble with add and remove method on doubly linked list
  7. trouble with add and remove method on doubly linked list
  8. help me pls (beginner)
  11. [SOLVED] need help printing single error
  12. Properly releasing memory to avoid memory pileup/crash
  13. regular expression issue
  14. What is wrong with my code?
  15. What is wrong with this code?
  16. Why doesnt my constructor work?
  17. need help...
  18. Need Help with Null Pointer Exception
  19. I included the main method, but it keeps flashing that I don't have one included?
  20. dunno how to test this code so i dont know if it works help please
  21. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception
  22. Array toString
  23. Please help a newbie with a easy java assignment!!
  24. Button tryout
  25. Why is the output always "0"?
  26. [SOLVED] reading a stream of numbers from standard input
  27. java
  28. Symbol not found error
  29. Having trouble dealing with objects using abstract methods/classes and polymorphism
  30. Java error
  31. Initializing
  33. Program won't run help!
  34. substring
  35. Have trouble dealing with negative numbers.
  36. Help: Executing perl script from java
  37. [SOLVED] Trouble with fahrenheit to celsius conversion.
  38. [SOLVED] Need BookTracker Class
  39. What does this short part of a code do?
  40. I need alittle help with JD2XX Coding
  41. toString problem
  42. Recursion Stackoverflow Error help!
  43. Assignment help.
  44. Having trouble returning an array
  45. Help me PLEASe! I need to submit by 8.30am tmr!
  46. Casting java.lang.String to a custom class
  47. Problem with Session maintenance in IE 8
  48. hello
  49. computational number theory
  50. New frame should only show GUI once!
  51. Save results in an excel file
  52. How can i make my Player attack another Player?
  53. [SOLVED] Absolute Beginner Here, should be an easy question for anyone really.
  54. Instance Variables with Applet Reflection
  55. what's wrong with my code?
  56. Help me with directory copying code.
  57. Help with bouncing ball
  58. [SOLVED] Basic help with Constructors and Classes
  59. Counting a total and printing value from 2 arrays
  60. Need help with tic tac toe game
  61. I need to create a certain SHAPE with FOR LOOP.
  62. Anonymous class Example : What's wrong with my code?? :(
  63. Distance function help
  64. Multithreading Problem
  65. Scanner Problem
  66. Am I demonstrating composition correctly?
  67. How can I improve on this?
  68. Problem with import java.util.*; dont know whats wrong
  69. JSON Decoding help
  70. Swing & Threading ... Systen hangs
  71. Problem with running a GUI Form
  72. Problem with detecting Math operation.
  73. MySQL Stacktrace
  74. Compilation error
  75. run time error
  76. Java Programming Fix - using recursion to print integer in reverse order vertically?
  77. [SOLVED] Repeating infinite loop in prime number finder
  78. [SOLVED] Using recursion issues for basic program
  79. basic recursion problem - code needs to be modified
  80. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException help
  81. conversion d'un fichier doc en un fichier access (code java)
  82. Interview Question
  83. Java Native command Execution - Adding a login Item on Mac OS X Using java
  84. Hey guys!!
  85. Cant figure out how to reset my code
  86. have code - need one line fixed please!
  87. from java to javaFX
  89. [SOLVED] Trouble With Doubles
  90. Can't get the loop to work properly
  91. NullPointerException in a small project
  92. Help cleaning up my code.
  93. Implementing restartApplication method in Java
  94. [SOLVED] Reading pgm file
  95. Difficulty with understanding interaction between Classes
  96. returning a rectangle through an arraylist
  97. Help With Null Pointer Exception
  98. error Identifier expected?
  99. VisualVM: Monitoring the Images instances being loaded that causes Java Heap Space
  100. [SOLVED] Need Help Displaying Double
  101. Can't work out how to detect and incorrect input
  102. Null Pointer Exception
  103. How to call tablle
  104. Http 404 Error - Img attached
  105. [SOLVED] find nonletter characters
  106. Problem decrypting with AES
  107. Implementing an algorithm
  108. I need help! SQL Exception!
  109. weird errors in my code
  110. problem while changing file data
  111. Need help with my code .... PLEASE HELP!!!!
  112. Please help with code
  113. newbie Question.....
  114. Print out a triangle by character *
  115. problem with enumeration
  116. Counting element(s) appearance(s) in arrays
  117. class String replaceAll does not behave as i expected
  118. Get the lowest value from Object[][]
  119. Build a database using Arrays and external file
  120. Having problems with GUI Interface
  121. [SOLVED] Data Structures: Symbolic Algebra with Trees
  122. Please help me with my project
  123. Basic Question Need Help
  124. DEBUG SMTP: could not connect to host "host.domain.uk", port: 25, response: 421
  125. How to put a timer?!?
  126. Reverse a String
  127. Code for EvenCount
  128. simple multiplication exercise.
  129. [SOLVED] Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius
  130. NullPointerException stopping me from deploying. Help please?
  131. [SOLVED] Help with an Array
  132. scanner and int issue
  133. Needs help in my program of a bank account!
  134. publishing an applet
  135. Playing sound each time mouse is clicked (not working)
  136. No sound in executable jar
  137. want to add unlimited RRS feed urls
  138. Input a single char.Comparisson failed
  139. STACK USING LINKED LIST------------HELP !
  140. I'm new to JFrame and need some help
  141. .class compiling error
  142. local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID Problem
  143. Creating new Object Help!!!
  144. Simple Commission Calculator
  145. i want my code to read the content of a html page... and am getting this error.
  146. need help with the code will not close window buts opens the right window
  147. LinkedStack - need help fixing code; should be quick fix
  148. [SOLVED] actual and formal lists differ in length
  149. [SOLVED] Need some help with creating a new object
  150. BMI calculation
  151. awt cardlayout help
  152. Hello I'm new to this forum :)
  153. hello i am new i java please some help!!
  154. Problem with Action Event
  155. double to int conversion -- 3 simple lines of code -- prints wrong answer 1664 - why?
  156. Simple Collision with no Rect package import
  157. if....else statement
  158. [SOLVED] Merge two 1D array's into a new 1D array. Trouble appending last index
  159. need help with my program, not clear on diagonals or methods 3, 4 & 6 logic
  160. Turn off/ignore win, alt, and ctrl keys
  161. Need some help with removing and finding items from an ArrayList
  162. Please help with calculator program
  163. Problems with GUI, seems simple fix but I can't figure it out
  164. [SOLVED] Why is in Java 9/2=4 ??
  165. Graphical Issue
  166. Arraylist indexof problem
  167. Add drawing function MouseMotionEventListener program?
  168. Array Merger
  169. What's wrong with my code? Are there any errors? Is the idea right? Please helpThanks
  170. Java basic Example
  171. drawLine problem, lines not connected
  172. [SOLVED] Sinple GUI Program which uses the BorderLayout.
  173. How do I expand this code? I have no idea what my teacher wants.
  174. Write an applet with Eclipse
  175. Key Handler not working
  176. How to catch exceptions in Java
  177. [SOLVED] some help in my code
  178. Hi need some help!!
  179. Passing command line args from main to another class
  180. Including images and font
  181. Need some help, need to emulate days passing everytime i run my script.
  182. change java code project to exe file
  183. A simple mistake I can't fix
  184. JTable
  185. Trouble with Collision Detection
  186. Need help with Enums and setting costs
  187. [SOLVED] Grading Program
  188. Encryption password by java MD5 and UTF-8
  189. Stop Slideshow from starting automatically
  190. Having a hard time to solve this (probably easy for the rest of you)
  191. Some simple help please!
  192. Trying to get Jogl to work
  193. How to read a file in java.
  194. A peculiar performance problem: Application get's faster after adding more logging.
  195. [SOLVED] Have I lost it?
  197. Wrong with my Code i think. it's not supposed to be like this :(
  198. Simple Division not working heeeeelp
  199. NumberFormat class, rounding decimals (Beginner needs help!)
  200. [SOLVED] program compiles & executes, but the numbers ain't right :O
  201. Program not compiling + calling methods help
  202. Real noob here.... javac is not recognized as an internal or external command. ??
  203. stacks
  204. Question regarding objects
  205. How to compare variable with multiple variable?
  206. wmi usage or PC info in java
  207. JGraph problem
  208. Circular Array
  209. Need help fixing
  210. Empty ByteBuffer size?
  211. Zellar's Congruence error
  212. Why does java not honor my if/else statments
  213. My pseudocode is apparently wrong, and I can't figure out why...
  214. what wrong with in my progtam?
  215. How to solve this?
  216. [SOLVED] Math Remainder Issue
  217. Almost woring bot!
  218. I may be over-complicating this...
  220. Need some help with my code
  221. My code is not displaying on the console. In need of much help!
  222. Need some help with my Banking program
  223. Java ... I Need Your Help so I Can Help My Son
  224. Can anyone help get me started?
  225. Calculator
  226. Need Help, Not sure how to fix basic error!
  227. [SOLVED] My program skipping a for loop
  228. Help me to troubleshoot the errors
  229. Help me get started
  230. [SOLVED] PLZ HELP! Somethng wrong with code, assignment due today! Print if multiple of...
  231. Java Table
  232. Spell checker using bags
  233. Help with returning variable from method
  234. Please help about data structures.
  235. [SOLVED] I need help with my coding
  236. What is Wrong with my Code? I m new To Java But i have Done this before Months ago
  237. Using the same scanner multiple times in code help
  238. Need help with Code
  239. Problem getting code to print string after numbersn that qualkify for it. WHATS WRONG
  240. Please HELP! my code is wrong somewhere.
  242. Can't call paint() method from another class
  243. My text input file is not working correctly?
  244. Implementations!
  245. Java program inputting month name and outputting month number and number of days
  246. MultiHashMap - won't give the values back.
  247. Int not adding up right.
  248. Help with Fast Matrix Exponentiation
  249. time complexity qustion
  250. [SOLVED] time complexity qustion