View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- Whats wrong with my code?
- Can not figure out my programs error!
- cannot be resolved to a type
- Permissions?
- Output String Handling in Java
- Why the compiler can not find the symbol?
- Equals Method
- [SOLVED] Char cannot be dereferenced
- java.lang.numberformatexception error
- [SOLVED] Supressing empty lines and does not do until the end! Why ?
- Format some text with Java
- Check for palindrome numbers
- How to print results to screen
- Audioclip play makes applets slow
- Simple Input/Output program Acting weird
- how do I keep a persistent prompt in JTextArea and allow user input
- I need help with my ohm's law applet code. can't figure it out!
- Creating program Blackjack - Dr.Java
- An RMI-IIOP Application
- Cash Register Exercise
- Hi
- Funny business with JFrame, JPanel and JLabel
- What's wrong?!
- [SOLVED] Trying to call web service (and failing)
- Error in Program for Game of Craps
- program terminates itself and leave log file called hr_err_pid in desktop
- need help on an assignment :(
- the infamous null pointer applet problem
- Timer Class help
- searching a string
- Image location on a Runnable JAR file?
- Need some serious quick help. :/
- Triangle issues
- [SOLVED] utf-16 byte[] to string conversion
- ActionListener help
- keeping an drawing centered in Graphics
- GridWorld Code - Need Help
- My KeyListener is not Working!!
- Calling for methods
- Need help for my java game
- A little help with my Blackjack code
- How To Make The Program Jump To The Next Function..
- Playing .wav file
- [SOLVED] Help with code, Says number is NaN and i cant format it
- calling a constructor
- Custom Java stack class (with generics) problem
- treemap Duplicates
- [SOLVED] Array Problem
- returning a 2D array
- Exception during xml validation
- [SOLVED] Do i need to import anything here?
- begginer wondering why his guessing game won't work
- Producer/Consumer Help
- ArrayList Boolean Issue
- cannot find symbol Error
- Putting text fields in an array
- Object as Reference not working
- Totally stuck on this assignment
- Sentence and Letter Count Program
- Calculate federal taxes program! Help!
- [SOLVED] what is wrong for the java code
- Please help me with this Java programming
- Sorting/Lexicographic =)
- Unable to render printing the complete JPanel
- JAVA exercise
- [SOLVED] Writing integers to a file
- problems with loop in Java App
- [SOLVED] upper case
- Loading a file in a different folder
- Convert object to String
- [Swing-Progress Bar] Can't resize progress bar
- Bulk operations on sets/ map problem
- [SOLVED] Java Beginner: Help with methods and returning values (hailstone program)
- Inputing file (.txt) and finding the highest number in the file
- Noobie to Java questions!! :D
- Stuck :(
- Problem with JavaMail... HELP! :(
- Under Windows OS, how to call *.EXE produced in Linux OS?
- Enforce DTD on DomParser - Make Parser fall over if error detected
- Thread/timer problem
- Hangman
- [SOLVED] Problem with Scanner ?
- JAVA- .class to .java
- 3D Landscape
- unsafe operations note??
- Incrementing every letter in a string that occupies an odd position.
- Setting Icons and checking for matches
- Accessing a method of one class in another class
- problem in my code
- WSDL2Java tool
- Calling exe files from Java
- Merging of Trees..
- Illegal start
- squiggle
- Snake Game
- HELP! Input, numbers, nonsense
- AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- why does this code read an html file uncontinuously
- Extracting the BINDING element from WSDL file
- Multicast Problem
- Simple game in Java
- Help to translate from C to java
- Prince
- remote system shutdown
- Please help with this code.....
- need help figuring out what is wrong with my A* search algorithm for an 8 puzzle
- program execution with warnings
- [SOLVED] Writing " to a File
- [SOLVED] Problem with a tutorial program(Adding the answer of two squared numbers together)
- main methos problem
- print space
- New to programming
- org.apache.derby does not exist?
- SQL in Java
- Completely Lost in this problem(multiple methods)
- ArrayList Unexpected Return
- what is the reason of " Server returned HTTP response code: 403" error
- Java Client
- Hex to Integer Problem
- Making executable JAR more "executable"
- Writing data to the java DefaultTableModel
- How to run this code?
- applet + swing + arraylist = exception??
- unable to run log code
- 2D Collision Detection
- retrieve the video stream from an Axis camera
- String Vector
- MouseDraged
- component
- problem with data access when a class call another class
- HTTP Status 500 -
- Missing Substance file
- Apple
- writting to jeditorpane
- [SOLVED] The infamous Hello World
- regular expressions
- Piglatin Converter
- setText() NULL pointer excception problem
- declaring a "final" variable?
- Help with background and objects
- Log Management
- Interface problem please help!!
- Need help with array code
- I'm having trouble with date and calendar class
- Palindrome Stacks
- How do i access methods from an arraylist?
- Newbie questions about lesson on class implementation
- Java Newton's Method HELP PLEASE
- String array combined with if-then-else to output different text for different values
- Parsing CDATA
- [SOLVED] allow a new input, dicarding the last mismatch input without terminating the program
- Run 2 systems command in applet, how?
- Help with Java MenuItem and Boolean
- writing to JEditorPane
- Basic Java Encryption
- Action Listeners and Key Listeners Help
- Need help with java applet game.
- XML DOM Parser problem
- Java error
- Basic Beginner Help
- Creating Polygon (not visual)
- Formatting output of a Double
- [SOLVED] Printing Array without printing empty elements
- [SOLVED] Reading from a text file and storing in arrayList
- Beginner - Help with my code.
- Very beginner - What's wrong in my applet declaration?
- pictures wont load
- Trying to somehow Compare Generics
- [SOLVED] help in java i cant compile this
- Help with my code please!
- UML Diagram Help
- [SOLVED] Judging
- Need help with Assignment. [Car race]
- Keep it simple for the retard- Outputting audio on a trigger.
- Methods in java class files are not recognized.
- Doubt Regarding Printing an Array List
- Problem:getAppletContext().showDocument
- Help Executing C Program From Java! (Ubuntu)
- problems with connection to mysql database
- Screwed up system variables
- Applet cannot find client.class?
- Help with java audio samples please!
- Looking for help with Walter Zorn's Drag & Drop script
- Help with Menu/BinSearch
- java integers
- NullPointerException when trying to read Strings into an array of myObject
- Boolean Value Not Changing
- passing string into method
- Need help outputting sub-list of an ArrayList
- The value of x
- Sort in Cyrilic order
- Persistence causing problems with JButton 2D Array
- Null pointer exception
- Keyboard.class error
- Getting input
- Program???
- Code Need help
- Help with networked game
- Print out object that is in a tree
- [SOLVED] Char type Comparisson
- Action from Radio Button
- Help With Java Game Code
- not sure what im doing wrong with these if else statements
- [SOLVED] Little help with "extends" please
- BufferedReader error?
- Something is wrong? Please help.
- Need this to end when a negative number is entered
- PLEASE Help with developing a class with an overloaded method
- Showing database results
- Comparable Interface
- not spelling errors
- Need help with an Array!
- Magic Squares, input confusion
- Java mailer programming code problem
- [SOLVED] selection end and start
- How to take a char value in scanner
- Help PLZ .. =(
- Please help - Bank account application
- What am I msising?
- Making a little Lua script 'generator', JFrame showing up blank.
- Reading file
- need this program written
- Trying to write a Java OS for a course, myrad problems...
- Java Chat Problem
- Boggle not working?
- What is wrong with this code, please desperate
- RockPaperScissors
- lost
- i can run my program but the math doesnt come otu
- Help me
- Do I need to close an audio clip?
- [SOLVED] Simple Grahpic porgram wont work.
- search problem
- whats wrong with my program??
- El Gamal signature -Handle big integer
- [SOLVED] My head Hurts... such a simple problem but I'm stuck!
- Compliing fine but wont run--please help!
- Move button with mouse pressed
- newbie GUI/ event handling problem
- [SOLVED] While Loop Problem :(
- Not able to receive SOAP response
- Create a tree from list of strings
- Image problems
- [SOLVED] Null Pointer Exception
- repainting a jframe containing two jpanels
- add a 3rd tab to my JPane and now i get an exception error when i run my code??
- Struts Application, Complies perfectly but error at run time
- Plotting w/JFreeCharts
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