View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- Using NetBeans and I have no idea what the error message means...
- please help java noob here
- Array help
- Reading the text file contain binary and convert the binary into color or pixels
- connection of jdbc with mysql
- Java Shared Data Toolkit
- happy new year all members!
- [SOLVED] Returning an array
- Sales Generator
- how do i get the answer to appear in textFieldD (line 92)
- [SOLVED] Java constructor/object
- I am having trouble writing code that solves this problem involving check sums.
- New to JAVA need some help
- user input program using BufferedReader..
- unable to get idle time using JNA for ubuntu 11.10 onwards
- [SOLVED] New to JAVA, problem with first code, need to know how to fix.
- [SOLVED] Different approach to this code
- Binary Search Tree inorder tree traversal
- frame is not opening in chat application
- Need help figuring out this code
- problem
- someone please be kind enough demonstrate a code like this......
- Help! Variable potentially getting Overwritten!
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException problem on mac
- change finder
- [SOLVED] Password Field Help.
- Missing return statement
- Why isn't this 2D array working?
- Running .JAR file issue.
- To check presence of padlock icon in the location bar /address bar
- Why br.readLine() method does not work properly while using it after method...I am giving the code. Plz help me..
- Hi,Can any one help me to understand this code.Am a beginner.
- Noob Question
- Can I make this code better?
- pls give create the program for the following
- how to write a program
- Need help with arrays
- Hey Guys, first time seeing this kind of error? -
- [SOLVED] [Homework] Requesting User Input
- how to save to a specified path
- Tanmay
- Applet viewer window is diplaying in fron of the current window every time
- Regarding developing a web/desktop desktop would be better I think Plz help me out
- That is my project but i don't know what can i do ? .. Someone who help me :'( I'm Confused
- So I keep getting this error code. It does not appear tho when I copy my code and paste it into an earlier version of IntelliJ.
- How to clear the textArea?
- can anyone help me to fix the error in the program???
- Question on bounded buffer
- Rolling Dice problem.. How to insert letter in JLabel and Button roll and stop into JFrame
- Suggestion to declare variable that is declared
- Absolute beginner with errors in code
- Primary Election program
- Writing an Action Event in a Jpanel to convert user text entered in a textField to uppercase
- method always returns 0
- Getting an error
- can anyone help me to fix the error in the program???
- How to scale the scrollpane's Vvalue
- String []arg
- linking frames
- Rush hour game
- Array overwriting
- Balloon code
- Removing Duplicates not working ... new to java
- [SOLVED] Im not sure whats wrong with my code
- Multiple Collision Detection in Invaders Game
- how to write a program for 1!+2!+3!+................+n! in java can u please help me to write in java
- Highschool student in need of help with array problem! Please Help!
- Help Pls..
- HELP! Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details?????
- Beginner: Get Local IP address from Java applet
- what switch?
- java using textpad. Atm code not having any syntax error but runs funny
- Counter behaving oddly, skipping large blocks of code& error message
- Getting primitive variable values from another class
- For some reason, I am getting a grey background rather than the 'CYAN' I have coded.
- New to Java. Need help with homework
- [SOLVED] Array Issue
- Java Array Merge Input Beginner Question
- [SOLVED] Using scanner and if/else statement to draw one of two graphics.
- [SOLVED] Can you help me?
- Noughts and Crosses/Tic Tac Toe code problem
- HELP!!!
- Why can I not execute the following code? When I try to run it, I get a message that there is no main method.
- how do i loop this simple java code?
- Problem with looping
- class, interface, or enum expected errors??
- repetition control structure
- Funny Behaviour
- Why POJO class implements Serializable Interface ?
- problem with inheritance
- Core Java
- java help needed urgently :(
- help needed again
- Roll Dice Program Button
- What is wrong with my code?
- Error message when using JOptionPane
- Java Speech API
- Help me, java quicksort!
- Only getting last word
- Fractions
- Please help with code for a method, much appreciated!!
- core java
- How to clone a singleton class?
- Redeem Coupon
- Why do we make variables of a class private?
- (Beginner's calculator) Additional calculation after first result...
- help with defining a method
- Help with linked list problem
- [SOLVED] 'ELSE' missing 'IF'
- Two Parallel Arrays
- [SOLVED] Error for JCombobox Editable
- Java code problem?
- i need help
- [SOLVED] fixed
- [URGENT] Unable to display data retrieved from the database in table format in JSP page
- thanks
- please tell me what's wrong in my program
- File I/O
- Help debugging a program that runs a game of Nim
- [SOLVED] Eclipse - Start: Applet not initialized - Help?
- I/O for media ???
- Need help solving this Java program excerise
- Beginner,first java program assignment
- Noob Programmer Needs some help.
- Javadoc questions
- Experimenting with Graphics
- my encrypting simple client to server program unable to get the key from client
- B-Tree implementation
- Search array in separate class ???
- Signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
- Need to draw something with lines and loops
- Rather beginner level programming; need assistance.
- Help me with my 1st Java Assignment! Stuck!!
- exam revision question help please
- Multithreaded Proxy Server java
- Help with java keylogger
- Java Change Maker need help with rounding up the pennies
- [SOLVED] How to make Math.round() round to the nearest .1?
- Can't get inputs to add up. Need help fast!!
- Please explain why I get this error...
- passing parameters from Applet to JSP
- JAR Run Perfect in My Ubuntu 12.04 but not in Windows or Another OS
- thread
- [SOLVED] Project Euler problem one
- Vector of array [logic error]
- bouton RETOUR
- Pong--paddle collision algorithm help
- Problem with code.
- Append a string to Vector element
- simple gui java quiz
- Intro to Java
- [SOLVED] Extremely Simple Problem... Im new. (illegal start of expression)
- thread
- Printing loop twice?
- how to execute Xquery-Functions in java????
- Finding the lowest number in an array.
- Get int value from char, char pulled from String
- JAVA = Replace a line in a text file
- Need some help please
- Need some help getting this code to run...
- How can I get my card game running?
- convert java program to java ME program
- Temperature Converter Program is not running properly
- static method in super class
- [SOLVED] Creating sounds from numerical inputs (How do I do this?)
- Sales Commission
- Web based java application
- how to get return values from a button to main program.
- Regarding equating objects in Java
- help with Spy program
- NullPointerException?
- My proxy Server
- Heron's Formula
- Basic Java
- Save array to text file
- Creating an EOF and Acknowledgement on client side
- Beginner : Using a loop to print object array
- Linked list help simple little problem i need help with
- Seperating a top down program into classes
- i need help writing a code for a math problem
- creating a list of friends name and displaying their pictures once selected using swing component
- Please help with unwrap, deck, shuffle cards
- Need help finding and printing min and max in a 2D array
- Need looping help for my GUI.
- I cant export my applet into a runnable jar file
- Why can't I get my cards to move?
- [Homework] Calculating Change
- Beginner Help
- java help with inversing matrices
- javafx problem
- how to count and print asterisk.
- Linear Search / Index Location of Strings
- Help with Battle system?
- Move an object
- How to get the sum value from a jtable column
- Homework for class, teacher's not helping
- Loop to deposit money into bank account array
- Referring to specific numbers in an integer?
- [SOLVED] Please help me first time user, and need help with a method
- [SOLVED] Logic error in Math.pow(a,b) using JOptionPane
- Double.valueof wont work for formated string
- Help With illegal start of expression
- Clarification needed for addActionListener and actionPerformed
- [SOLVED] Java array
- Java API or tool to update MS word headers/footers
- Comparing search bar input with database
- [SOLVED] FileNotFoundException on ftp connection
- Implementing web proxy
- PulseAudio Output - continued CPU use when idle.
- SWIFT MT103 Message
- Cheking birthday sheet everyday and Sending Automated MAIL to birthday boy on his birthday
- Help with exercise.
- nullPointerException with Nimbus l&f
- nullPointerException with Nimbus l&f
- Why am I getting a <No Main Classes Found> error message?? Help please!!
- need help solving Gaussian method for inverse
- counter not incrementing within for loop - please help!!!
- Working with loops for the first time.
- JLabel/ComboBox Issues
- for Jbutton
- [SOLVED] Would you use a do-while for the following....?
- Need some minor help.
- jsp
- oracle Reading Directly from a URL code not working properly
- Help With illegal start of expression
- Generate Barcode wih XZing
- Array that tests if any elements repeat themselves
- Brick Breaker HELP!!!!
- If Statements help
- 2D array project. Takes a matrix of numbers, checks for errors in the surrounding cells, and changes numbers to symbols.
- Question
- Application not running. "No main methods, applets, or MIDlets found in file."
- Memory test game program !
- [SOLVED] Java recursion
- JMF Playing an audio error
- help a first time java programer
- Slight problem with fraction calculator code
- help with java assignment
- convert text to speech with lip sync
- Create a virus removal tool
- resubmitting question from yesterday
- Tower Defense game. Program "crashes" when I use a button to start the wave,but not when started within my code.
- My program won't compile or run. Java homework assignment from the book absoulte Java, chapter 4, prob 11.
- Array (of a class) memory(reference) comparison
- My Code has no output
- Difference between JDK1.6 and JDK1.7
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