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  1. Using NetBeans and I have no idea what the error message means...
  2. please help java noob here
  3. Array help
  4. Reading the text file contain binary and convert the binary into color or pixels
  5. connection of jdbc with mysql
  6. Java Shared Data Toolkit
  7. happy new year all members!
  8. [SOLVED] Returning an array
  9. Sales Generator
  10. how do i get the answer to appear in textFieldD (line 92)
  11. [SOLVED] Java constructor/object
  12. I am having trouble writing code that solves this problem involving check sums.
  13. New to JAVA need some help
  14. user input program using BufferedReader..
  15. unable to get idle time using JNA for ubuntu 11.10 onwards
  16. [SOLVED] New to JAVA, problem with first code, need to know how to fix.
  17. [SOLVED] Different approach to this code
  18. Binary Search Tree inorder tree traversal
  19. frame is not opening in chat application
  20. Need help figuring out this code
  21. problem
  22. someone please be kind enough demonstrate a code like this......
  23. Help! Variable potentially getting Overwritten!
  24. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException problem on mac
  25. change finder
  26. [SOLVED] Password Field Help.
  27. Missing return statement
  28. Why isn't this 2D array working?
  29. Running .JAR file issue.
  30. To check presence of padlock icon in the location bar /address bar
  31. Why br.readLine() method does not work properly while using it after br.read() method...I am giving the code. Plz help me..
  32. Hi,Can any one help me to understand this code.Am a beginner.
  33. Noob Question
  34. Can I make this code better?
  35. pls give create the program for the following
  36. how to write a program
  37. Need help with arrays
  38. Hey Guys, first time seeing this kind of error? -
  39. [SOLVED] [Homework] Requesting User Input
  40. how to save to a specified path
  41. Tanmay
  42. Applet viewer window is diplaying in fron of the current window every time
  43. Regarding developing a web/desktop desktop would be better I think Plz help me out
  44. That is my project but i don't know what can i do ? .. Someone who help me :'( I'm Confused
  45. So I keep getting this error code. It does not appear tho when I copy my code and paste it into an earlier version of IntelliJ.
  46. How to clear the textArea?
  47. can anyone help me to fix the error in the program???
  48. Question on bounded buffer
  49. Rolling Dice problem.. How to insert letter in JLabel and Button roll and stop into JFrame
  50. Suggestion to declare variable that is declared
  51. Absolute beginner with errors in code
  52. Primary Election program
  53. Writing an Action Event in a Jpanel to convert user text entered in a textField to uppercase
  54. method always returns 0
  55. Getting an error
  56. can anyone help me to fix the error in the program???
  57. How to scale the scrollpane's Vvalue
  58. String []arg
  59. linking frames
  60. Rush hour game
  61. Array overwriting
  62. Balloon code
  63. Removing Duplicates not working ... new to java
  64. [SOLVED] Im not sure whats wrong with my code
  65. Multiple Collision Detection in Invaders Game
  66. how to write a program for 1!+2!+3!+................+n! in java can u please help me to write in java
  67. Highschool student in need of help with array problem! Please Help!
  68. Help Pls..
  69. HELP! Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details?????
  70. Beginner: Get Local IP address from Java applet
  71. what switch?
  72. java using textpad. Atm code not having any syntax error but runs funny
  73. Counter behaving oddly, skipping large blocks of code& error message
  74. Getting primitive variable values from another class
  75. For some reason, I am getting a grey background rather than the 'CYAN' I have coded.
  76. New to Java. Need help with homework
  77. [SOLVED] Array Issue
  78. Java Array Merge Input Beginner Question
  79. [SOLVED] Using scanner and if/else statement to draw one of two graphics.
  80. [SOLVED] Can you help me?
  81. Noughts and Crosses/Tic Tac Toe code problem
  82. ERROR
  83. HELP!!!
  84. Why can I not execute the following code? When I try to run it, I get a message that there is no main method.
  85. how do i loop this simple java code?
  86. Problem with looping
  87. class, interface, or enum expected errors??
  88. repetition control structure
  89. Funny Behaviour
  90. Why POJO class implements Serializable Interface ?
  91. problem with inheritance
  92. Core Java
  93. java help needed urgently :(
  94. help needed again
  95. Roll Dice Program Button
  96. What is wrong with my code?
  97. Error message when using JOptionPane
  98. Java Speech API
  99. Help me, java quicksort!
  100. Only getting last word
  101. Fractions
  102. Please help with code for a method, much appreciated!!
  103. core java
  104. How to clone a singleton class?
  105. Redeem Coupon
  106. Why do we make variables of a class private?
  107. (Beginner's calculator) Additional calculation after first result...
  108. help with defining a method
  109. Help with linked list problem
  110. [SOLVED] 'ELSE' missing 'IF'
  111. Two Parallel Arrays
  112. [SOLVED] Error for JCombobox Editable
  113. Java code problem?
  114. i need help
  115. [SOLVED] fixed
  116. [URGENT] Unable to display data retrieved from the database in table format in JSP page
  117. thanks
  118. please tell me what's wrong in my program
  119. File I/O
  120. Help debugging a program that runs a game of Nim
  121. [SOLVED] Eclipse - Start: Applet not initialized - Help?
  122. I/O for media ???
  123. Need help solving this Java program excerise
  124. Beginner,first java program assignment
  125. Noob Programmer Needs some help.
  126. Javadoc questions
  127. Experimenting with Graphics
  128. my encrypting simple client to server program unable to get the key from client
  129. B-Tree implementation
  130. Search array in separate class ???
  131. Signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
  132. Need to draw something with lines and loops
  133. Rather beginner level programming; need assistance.
  134. Help me with my 1st Java Assignment! Stuck!!
  136. exam revision question help please
  137. Multithreaded Proxy Server java
  138. Help with java keylogger
  139. Java Change Maker need help with rounding up the pennies
  140. [SOLVED] How to make Math.round() round to the nearest .1?
  141. Can't get inputs to add up. Need help fast!!
  142. Please explain why I get this error...
  143. passing parameters from Applet to JSP
  144. JAR Run Perfect in My Ubuntu 12.04 but not in Windows or Another OS
  145. thread
  146. [SOLVED] Project Euler problem one
  147. Vector of array [logic error]
  148. bouton RETOUR
  149. Pong--paddle collision algorithm help
  150. Problem with code.
  151. Append a string to Vector element
  152. simple gui java quiz
  153. Intro to Java
  154. [SOLVED] Extremely Simple Problem... Im new. (illegal start of expression)
  155. thread
  156. Printing loop twice?
  157. how to execute Xquery-Functions in java????
  158. Finding the lowest number in an array.
  159. Get int value from char, char pulled from String
  160. JAVA = Replace a line in a text file
  161. Need some help please
  162. Need some help getting this code to run...
  163. How can I get my card game running?
  164. convert java program to java ME program
  165. Temperature Converter Program is not running properly
  166. static method in super class
  167. [SOLVED] Creating sounds from numerical inputs (How do I do this?)
  168. Sales Commission
  169. Web based java application
  170. how to get return values from a button to main program.
  171. Regarding equating objects in Java
  172. help with Spy program
  173. NullPointerException?
  174. My proxy Server
  175. Heron's Formula
  176. Basic Java
  177. Save array to text file
  178. Creating an EOF and Acknowledgement on client side
  179. Beginner : Using a loop to print object array
  180. Linked list help simple little problem i need help with
  181. Seperating a top down program into classes
  182. i need help writing a code for a math problem
  183. creating a list of friends name and displaying their pictures once selected using swing component
  184. Please help with unwrap, deck, shuffle cards
  185. Need help finding and printing min and max in a 2D array
  186. Need looping help for my GUI.
  187. I cant export my applet into a runnable jar file
  188. Why can't I get my cards to move?
  189. [Homework] Calculating Change
  190. Beginner Help
  191. java help with inversing matrices
  192. javafx problem
  193. how to count and print asterisk.
  194. Linear Search / Index Location of Strings
  195. Help with Battle system?
  196. Move an object
  197. How to get the sum value from a jtable column
  198. Homework for class, teacher's not helping
  199. Loop to deposit money into bank account array
  200. Referring to specific numbers in an integer?
  201. [SOLVED] Please help me first time user, and need help with a method
  202. [SOLVED] Logic error in Math.pow(a,b) using JOptionPane
  203. Double.valueof wont work for formated string
  204. Help With illegal start of expression
  205. Clarification needed for addActionListener and actionPerformed
  206. [SOLVED] Java array
  207. Java API or tool to update MS word headers/footers
  208. Comparing search bar input with database
  209. [SOLVED] FileNotFoundException on ftp connection
  210. Implementing web proxy
  211. PulseAudio Output - continued CPU use when idle.
  212. SWIFT MT103 Message
  213. Cheking birthday sheet everyday and Sending Automated MAIL to birthday boy on his birthday
  214. Help with exercise.
  215. nullPointerException with Nimbus l&f
  216. nullPointerException with Nimbus l&f
  217. Why am I getting a <No Main Classes Found> error message?? Help please!!
  218. need help solving Gaussian method for inverse
  219. counter not incrementing within for loop - please help!!!
  220. Working with loops for the first time.
  221. JLabel/ComboBox Issues
  222. for Jbutton
  223. [SOLVED] Would you use a do-while for the following....?
  224. Need some minor help.
  225. jsp
  226. oracle Reading Directly from a URL code not working properly
  227. Help With illegal start of expression
  228. Generate Barcode wih XZing
  229. Array that tests if any elements repeat themselves
  230. Brick Breaker HELP!!!!
  231. If Statements help
  232. 2D array project. Takes a matrix of numbers, checks for errors in the surrounding cells, and changes numbers to symbols.
  233. Question
  234. Application not running. "No main methods, applets, or MIDlets found in file."
  236. Memory test game program !
  237. [SOLVED] Java recursion
  238. JMF Playing an audio error
  239. help a first time java programer
  240. Slight problem with fraction calculator code
  241. help with java assignment
  242. convert text to speech with lip sync
  243. JAXB
  244. Create a virus removal tool
  245. resubmitting question from yesterday
  246. Tower Defense game. Program "crashes" when I use a button to start the wave,but not when started within my code.
  247. My program won't compile or run. Java homework assignment from the book absoulte Java, chapter 4, prob 11.
  248. Array (of a class) memory(reference) comparison
  249. My Code has no output
  250. Difference between JDK1.6 and JDK1.7