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  1. jar file
  2. Help Please! :(
  3. Implementing the switch statement
  4. Client Protocol Server
  5. Insertion Sort with String Array error in the While loop at the bottom of the code
  6. Manipulating array of arrays...
  7. Problem with my simple pw verifier
  8. Using FOR and WHILE loops to find average (DUE TONIGHT)
  9. Mastermind game
  10. I need some help (I'm a beginner)
  11. Static void is not being reached
  12. counter in loop not incramenting when its suppose to
  13. Recipe Book Help again
  14. How to split nextline in textfile using Buffered Reader?
  15. [SOLVED] How to round to 2 decimal places in a dialog box
  16. To get graph of System performance in java
  17. BufferedWriter help
  18. File input using Scanner help.
  19. problem returning array
  20. Launcher Downloads, but wont extract.
  21. [SOLVED] How to convert this pseudo code into JAVA
  22. How to Change Colour of Java Form??
  23. LWJGL Game: Odd behavior in game. Need help.
  24. Matching Game Help
  25. Boolean value prints out the wrong one.
  26. Really need help..
  27. Recursion
  28. Applying Methods to Program
  29. variable double problem?
  30. Stop applet from running
  31. Radio Button Help Please!
  32. New line in TextArea(clicking on radiobutton)
  33. Stop applet from running
  34. [SOLVED] Procedural programming veteran, Java OO newbie question, first time poster
  35. [SOLVED] java concepts
  36. Something Error!
  37. Java int comparison
  38. Help with NetBeans App using JPanel/JFrame with JButton (if statements)
  39. Rather Basic Question
  40. Reading a files header, hex
  41. [SOLVED] Problem getting a Variable Intialized.
  42. Arrays sorting
  43. create an equals() method that overrides the object equals() method
  44. Help with traversing a maze recursively.
  45. [SOLVED] If and else if statements???
  46. Convert List<Set<String>> to string array
  47. How do I use a variable from main class in another class?
  48. [SOLVED] Error when trying to use ArrayComparator
  49. Pig Latin translator
  50. connecting jframe
  51. for-each loop and a switch statement
  52. Help with making a small game
  53. issue with return values stuck at 0
  54. Range Calculator
  55. How do I request user value for array object's instance variables with this tester class?
  56. How do I process an Arrays.toString in reverse order????
  57. Arrays
  58. [SOLVED] Simple if-else not working for me.
  59. Swing buttons
  60. Multiple Class Calculator
  61. How to convert a digit to words
  62. Beginner JAVA help 600x400 pixel three by two primary color square chart.
  63. binary search tree to store club members and display membership ID and names
  64. drawLine loop
  65. Paddle Ball Game
  66. Post Fixed Math Expressions using Stack
  67. [SOLVED] please answer this question,tq
  68. Java Course Issues (Mod 5)
  69. java pop-up actions
  70. Method problem
  71. I need to retreive data from my constructor that does not have its own variable
  72. very noob question
  73. Locate a font in Mac osx environment
  74. want to resolve issue about discarding zeros of numeric values in csv
  75. how to replace a line in a text file
  76. Please help :S
  77. to get graph of system performance using java pls help me
  78. How i can create a Panel in the same
  79. Can't compile program!
  80. Help with a program (beginner)
  81. Java TDD Help! Need to create a Library Class to pass 3 TDD tests. I'm clueless.
  82. problem
  83. java struts
  84. Array List help
  85. Compute federal personal income tax of U.s of 2009
  86. i'm stack, have no idea how to continue this. Help
  87. Trying to figure out how to use char in this problem.
  88. Watermelon projectile
  89. Finding the lowest integer using sentinellvalue. :( I am stuck!
  90. Help with this please!
  91. how to fetch data from MySQL into textarea...
  92. How to make a good looking game grid in swing?
  93. matching game random number problem
  94. Cannot pass variables?
  95. I need a simple loop code
  96. [SOLVED] help with statements to keep track of names and scores.
  97. Hangman Game
  98. snakes and ladders game's code,i need help ,m a beginner!!!
  99. Linked list is not displaying the nodes correctly
  100. Need a win aspect in connect four game
  101. Conditional Statement Issue *Newbie Help*
  102. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException:
  103. Print to txt file
  104. Boolean problem
  105. [SOLVED] declaring in my mutator
  106. ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Help
  107. java help
  108. how to convert this my PHP code 'send post request' to java
  109. problem with coordinates (GUI)
  110. java games.
  111. i need help please
  112. Problem with returning 2d array
  113. Programm does not start. Help Please!
  114. Fibonacci sequence
  115. [Linked List] Problems deleting items from a linked list
  116. How can I make a loop repeat?
  117. How can I make a loop repeat?
  118. help with defining a changing variable within a loop
  119. Need a java code to click similar buttons on a web page
  120. MERGE SORT pls help
  121. Program Shutting Down Randomly?
  122. Lost in code problem- minor errors causing major problems
  123. Game crashes after start!
  124. This may sound stupid but pls help
  125. Hangman Program for CP1
  126. [SOLVED] Help a noob, PLZ? How can I convert my switch statement to if else?
  127. write a java program
  128. Help with java code that I can't figure out
  129. Code is not printing how I want it to
  130. JComboBox conditions?
  131. Help make addition table from stopping once it reaches 12
  132. how to read URL
  133. Need line breaks in output display
  134. Java Programming project
  135. [SOLVED] Java inheritance
  136. Try and catch
  137. Set and get issues in java.
  138. Set and get method problem in java
  139. Reversing a String with no Buffer
  140. Reversing a String with no Buffer
  141. How i can make chat desktop application in java??
  142. Card shuffle program
  143. [SOLVED] Java boolean
  144. Write a program that reads the timetable from a file and prints out to the screen?
  145. Accessing non-static methods from action listener in another class?
  146. Updater Project: Download and Execute Update
  147. Timer.scheduleAtFixedRate() is scheduling itself to run on the wrong day
  148. Word Guess program with a Null Pointer Exception
  149. How to fix the places
  150. Nedd Java help.Randomising Scene time - Animation
  151. I think something wrong with my Bubble sort
  152. mouse event code help
  153. variable fact might not have been initialized
  155. House/Room Classes
  156. Sets/Maps help needed
  157. Printing arrays from user inputs (2 dimensional)
  158. JButton by pressing the enter key.
  159. Error: Main method not found! Please help!
  160. Java WAMP Server
  161. declared with the wrong access modifiers ?????????????????????????????
  162. Cellbots code in eclipse
  163. array problem
  164. ConnectFour
  165. [SOLVED] Calculator Using JOptionPane
  166. A quick help to complete my program :D
  167. Problem in Class, Displaying only one last change in value!
  168. Presumably simple fix sets/maps
  169. Using Stacks Homework Help
  170. [SOLVED] Another question abt mutators and accessors...
  171. how to find second instance of char in string?
  172. BruceForce Method and Modulus HELP!
  173. Hey fellas whats wrong with my code? Im having problems here
  174. i need help writing this assignment
  175. Having troubles with Method Headers [Java Programming]! HELP!?
  176. Java main method
  177. How to display the list of inputed name and time in java?
  178. Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state
  179. Attempting to create a password prompt program
  180. Java program which scann file as per user input and return contents of file as output
  181. getting data from arraylist into a drop down list
  182. how to connect to site through proxy
  183. top 10 high score table
  184. assignment1- change pseudocode into java code
  185. Rate this code on a scale from 1 - 10 and please suggest some improvements.
  186. While Loop Question?
  187. Cube array help
  188. Java Program - Letter Frequencies - HELP!
  189. Jva Game error: Exection in thread "main" java.lang.nullpointerexception
  190. how do I get this output?
  191. Java Programming
  192. Java Method Help
  193. fast food java problem
  194. java gui menu , saveing
  195. Throw exception in repository, catch in UI
  196. function to get the number of a .(period)
  197. square root
  198. [SOLVED] Help with school project
  199. Help with Assignment
  200. Cannot print boolean value from class!
  201. Could anyone please advise me on this unfinished code? THANK YOU! (I know there are errors)
  202. Java Programming Help
  203. Drawing Image in Java
  204. Fibonacci Series
  205. Linked List question
  206. Hi, I need help outputting a 2d array
  207. Simple problem help!
  208. Code problems! HELP :)
  209. Double array averages
  210. Reding a file and storing the string as well as numeric value in array in specific format
  211. [SOLVED] Why is system.println printing a reference number
  212. Reg:extending a jpanel
  213. Object Creation Help
  214. Getting an error! String.charAt(Unknown Source) ???
  215. Program working perfectly in Netbeans, but not once compiled (probably a charset problem)
  216. Password With Java(Error)
  217. inventory System
  218. overloading an equals method
  219. hi all very new to all this and stuck already....
  220. Program not printing anything
  221. Casting error using String with generics
  222. java coding
  223. Printing highest number of array. Can't find my error.
  224. Java Coding
  225. Question about data types
  226. pattern matching
  227. Static methods in java
  228. JavaFX Coding problems
  229. Adding polynomials in an ArrayList?
  230. action listener not working help
  231. Error in excuting java .class file on a web page
  232. Internet Service Provider
  233. Boulder Dash
  234. Mathematical problem with Money amounts
  235. Recording data , so you know whats next
  236. Java IndexOutOfBound
  237. Java assignment
  238. Please Help. Urgent. For loops and printing to output statement.
  239. Question on learning to program.
  240. if-else-if statement
  241. Help me in java project
  242. Boulderdash
  243. How to access files(display,move) on other computers connected over LAN using java?
  244. Can't print actual values “request.getparameterValues” in JSP
  245. JFrame with a J anel on the Right
  246. How to fulfill this program
  247. finding unit length eigenvectors help
  248. troubleshooting GPA Calculator
  249. help with creating a method and returning a value
  250. Help with the return concept