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  1. logic error in for loops
  2. Help with my code please!
  3. what is the way to Calculate
  4. falling objects
  5. Null Pointer Excpetion help......
  6. JLabel and JTextField
  7. [SOLVED] head is fried
  8. Formatting a text file
  9. [SOLVED] Minesweeper Recursion Method Help
  10. JButton event handler
  11. Combobox problem
  12. hi if u can help me please to figure this how D become result of 1
  13. Cannot find symbol - method getItemNumber()
  14. Update Stock Code
  15. Sql only grabs last sql entry
  16. java ip regex
  17. Raindrop animation, almost done but the program form any of the raindrops I have programmed.
  18. Problem with JMenuBar(Solved)
  19. How do I select an object in a JFrame using the mouse?
  20. out of range help.
  21. how to determine type of component of listener's source
  22. help me with the learning please.
  23. Code will not work to change speed with the up and down arrow keys
  24. Please help with Arrow Keys
  25. Learning Java Array's
  26. Switch Statments
  27. Random Number Generator
  28. Need help with Logic of a Tic Tac Toe game.
  29. Code conversion (Matlab to Java)
  30. ArrayList weird display error
  31. Closest Point of Approach (CPA) mathematical formula in ship radar
  32. JLabel not appearing in new Frame ? please help
  33. write factoring program using RMI in java
  34. Null Pointer Exception. Why?
  35. L0L illegal start of expression + ; expected
  36. Applying filters to immages Horizontal Flip to an image using java
  37. No images being displayed
  38. [SOLVED] Confusing Problem with some Java code from a book - deals with Classes and Constructors
  39. Interger.parseInt Question
  40. total noob needs help
  41. how to install a pakcage?
  42. What's wrong with my code?
  43. Java nulpointer errsors
  44. My GUI programs will not display.
  45. getting text from url?
  46. Java
  47. Reading lines from a txt file
  48. why webservices.seekda.com site is not working for webservices
  49. Printing two rectangles on same Frame in Java
  50. Java Swing
  51. Unable to connect to Sql Server
  52. whats up with this jsoup code
  53. Why is a Frame Not Showing Up When I Run This Class?
  54. source code
  55. Simple problem, please help!?!
  56. overwritten equal method does not work
  57. equals method is never called
  58. run problems undesired output
  59. [SOLVED] Java: Sorting int array in asc and desc
  60. Compiling error
  61. Getting error as "cannot be resolved to a type"
  62. Word Search
  63. How do i make My Jbutton Edit selected Row in Jtable
  64. Need Help with java coding error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException"
  65. hi if u can help me please whats wrong with this code
  66. [SOLVED] Random maths operator generation
  67. Code to open up a txt file and display only first five lines?
  68. How Best To Proceed From SCJP
  69. Missing class file
  70. Single dimension array to multidimension array
  71. find a password
  72. GPS marker
  73. Is there anybody can help me?
  74. [SOLVED] One string Text message into array of strings(letters)
  75. encrypting and decrypting a string
  76. Calculating time taken - does this look right? Error!
  77. Recursive method - stack overflow
  78. need help in exception handling
  79. Whats wrong with this it's not displaying inside component
  80. Ways to make this loop more efficient?
  81. Help Please - Not sure why i can't get them to work at all!
  82. how do i solve this programming problem in dr java?
  83. Illegal start of expression
  84. Jumps over while-loop
  85. Enum with strings
  86. [SOLVED] Class of arrays
  87. Help with methods and constructors please!
  88. Writing Image to Text File
  89. Writing Image to Text File
  90. Frame
  91. [SOLVED] Testing a string for a single character
  92. Need help with some coding
  93. cos & sin 2d movement
  94. Finding a word within a string (using a stringbuilder)
  95. Advertisment for Class
  96. How to create this recursive method.
  97. sectionSort method in desceding order - Please help
  98. Help with Schedule Generator
  99. small disaster with upgrade to 1.7.0_17-b02
  100. [SOLVED] Help me make this Program? please
  101. ascending order array
  102. File reading issues
  103. Trouble with using Enumeration and Inheritance in Abstract Classes
  104. [SOLVED] trouble finding object
  105. revalidating JPanel when image is deleted from file
  106. Working with numbers when there's "space" in between them
  107. Three dimensional array in Java Help
  108. WiiMote AR-Drone Control using Java
  109. Write to New lines in a file
  110. JTextField with JButtons
  111. 15 square puzzle
  112. no ending after decimal point.
  113. Creating a Library, abstract class created issues. Also need GUI help.
  114. needed help on this programing assignment
  115. KeY Press
  116. Tic-Tac-Toe Invalid Moves
  117. Declare pulic class
  118. random card display problem
  119. How to assign an array cell value into a switch statement
  120. FFT code
  121. using cobra for web extraction
  122. what is mean to compound assignment
  123. How to call printDate method to output the dates?
  124. Rational program calling up from different file but in same package
  125. Lost In The World Of Java
  126. PLEASE HELP! (hashtable in Java)
  127. "Illegal Start of Expression" ?? CANT SOLVE
  128. How To Make Pong Ball Slowly Increase Speed
  129. [SOLVED] Is it the Math or is it my Methods?
  130. Writing a Driver Program to interact with a Class?
  131. Spring 3.2 -- 404 error calling a controller method from a link in a JSP
  132. swapping integers OOP
  133. random number array
  134. Encrypt a text message
  135. How to solve OutOfMemoryException using arraylist & hashmap
  136. [SOLVED] Inserting characters from string into 2d array?
  137. Converting a 2-D char array into a string
  138. Sorting parallel arrays project - HELP!
  139. Hi I am trying to make a two player tic tac toe game in java I am a beginner
  140. QuickSelect Help
  141. Help with Arrays!
  142. Hello Gurus - Pls advise me!!
  143. Finding the largest object in an array
  144. Default constructor generating random questions
  145. Getting two lines to collide
  146. Not sure where to start: Trying to write a program dealing with an Amazon API
  147. Array help
  148. [SOLVED] Encrypting a text message
  149. "Widget is disposed" LMDE
  150. sms coding in java
  151. Seperate numbers
  152. Can you please help me to solve this error.
  153. Need help with fixing this error: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
  154. What's wrong with my code?
  155. [SOLVED] Need Help with some code
  156. Trouble with comparing variables.
  157. Alternate turns using Polymorphism and abstract classes
  158. client program rectangle
  159. Method error for checking and updating guess in a basic hangman game
  160. [SOLVED] Inheritance constructor help?
  161. use external class
  162. caesar box with length of non-square...
  163. determining a prime number
  164. [SOLVED] Encrypt Decrypt
  165. [SOLVED] Why is my array not being read in correctly from my file?
  166. Circular Queue Structures
  167. Java Application + Java Applet
  168. Reading data from a file into parallel arrays
  169. Can somone please check my code???
  170. trouble with linked lists
  171. printing
  172. sprite
  173. What's Wrong With My Code?
  174. object oriented program help!!!
  175. Question about an exercise from D.S. Malik's Book "Java Programming"
  176. Help!!
  177. retrieve next character in alfabet
  178. Cipher Client/Server Encryption/Decryption Program - Please Help
  179. Overloading a method
  180. Connecting netbeans with sql database
  181. Help with editing offscreen graphics
  182. need help troubleshooting a word counter program
  183. Can Someone aid me in my conversion quest?
  184. Shopping Line Java Program
  185. java.util.NoSuchElementException: null (in java.util.Scanner) Need help please?
  186. [SOLVED] Scanner closed error
  187. com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.Commo nsLogger error Dispatcher initialization failed
  188. Oracle connection
  189. draw can't be resolved. Help!
  190. Increment a data by 1 after a certain time
  191. I don't understand what's wrong in my programme
  192. CheckStyle Error
  193. jTidy install problems
  194. boolean
  195. Whats wrong here??
  196. Returning an array of indexes in my program.
  197. Multiple Computations in 1 file
  198. Print Writer Problem
  199. doubt
  201. Polynomial Array List
  202. java comp sci help
  203. Text adventure game help
  204. simple tourney simulator question
  205. Username/Password Different Classes Java program help
  206. Reading from a text file into an ArrayList
  207. need help with lehmer's gcd algorithm code
  208. Error in ant files
  209. Help With my Homework Please :)
  210. Homework help what am I doing wrong?
  211. java computer science array access issues
  212. coloring the checked row in jtable
  213. Java Socket Programming
  214. Java Multiplication Table
  215. employe payroll
  216. Closure in java
  217. Apprending a print writer file
  218. This code has a slight error
  219. how to fined prime number using arraylist in java
  220. [SOLVED] Need help please!
  221. Help with my Binary tree. (Node links are incorrect) Please!
  222. Java code Split text file into multiple text file
  223. can somebody help me with this code
  224. Best way to use delimiter/other options
  225. Ants vs Zombies project help
  226. Loop & custom exception error Please help
  227. Reading into an ArrayList from a text file
  228. I am not getting the result I need
  229. [SOLVED] Help - reading from a text file into an ArrayList
  230. How do you call a method from the same non-application class?
  231. quick question
  232. Beginner Coding problem in a class taught by professor with limited English comprehension
  233. HII
  234. How to pass the ArrayList form servelet to jsp?
  235. detect browser states on java socket
  236. Langton's Ant. Can anybody complete it?
  237. csv or text file to Multiple csv or text file
  239. Threads, Audio Application, Audio loading twice error
  240. Classes
  241. Code for a question???
  242. multidimentional array- names & gender.
  243. How to print information from an array
  244. loading json file into jsp page
  245. reverse line feed using java printing
  246. Linked Lists Java Programming HELPP P.S. I am a beginner in Java Programming
  247. Polymorphism Java Programming HELPP P.S. I am a beginner in Java Programming
  248. Flocking Birds Program
  249. Java bouncing balls flickering
  250. cant seem to figure out this section: 3 JLabel’s for’Option’, ‘Square’ and ‘Direction’, & JTextField’s for the current option, location/square and direction of the robot