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  1. I can't clone an object
  2. exceptionerror
  3. Swing timer, falling object
  4. pbewithmd5anddes algorithm
  5. Having two functional "Rectangle" in same JFrame
  6. How should I go about programming this?
  7. What Am I Doing Wrong With A Slot Machine Game?
  8. Seek Bar using JMF
  9. Simple Publish-Subscribe pattern using J2SE
  10. Simple Publish-Subscribe pattern using J2SE
  11. Help with Who Wants To Be a Millionaire code
  12. Need help adding Displays to a program
  13. Don't Know How to Solve this problem that involves recursion and factorial. Stuck. Please HELP!
  15. Help with resource bundles
  16. Line of Action Game Help plz
  17. Java Song class
  18. [SOLVED] Java Simple Rectangle Program Error
  19. rotate in java
  20. Problem in MYSQL data base Connectivity with servelet
  21. Determine If Applet was lunched directly form localhost
  22. 2d array assignment help
  23. arrays ... what am i doing wrong?
  24. Huffman coding from huffman tree...
  25. Java Program Help
  26. Problems send a SAOP message to a server bus end point using SAAJ libraries
  27. Problem with changing level in game
  28. [SOLVED] help with grades
  29. console error
  30. i/o error when using Netbeans 7.3 and Java 7
  31. cant catch NoClassDefFoundError
  32. Matching Game
  33. Need help inputting and writing to a external data file.
  34. Alphabet Program
  35. Morse Code
  36. [SOLVED] Same buttons getting added to several panels
  37. [SOLVED] Java - reading in two text files of different sizes into an ArrayList
  38. need to use a value of a java variable in .js file
  39. java inheritance
  40. Java help
  41. can someone plz help me...
  42. I Need Assistance With Using a Bool Type Variable
  43. Calling jar from different directory
  44. I need help for canvas drawing app like windows paint .
  45. String help please!
  46. Were would i go?
  47. [SOLVED] Read in arguments as a String
  48. Cannot push onto a stack
  49. i want show online menbers like facebook
  50. [SOLVED] RSA algo not working. (algoritm included)... not working for some numbers..[TOMORROW EXAMS]
  51. org.apache.axis.enum error
  52. Resource bundles, Code error
  53. Static variable in java
  54. Split the file based on the on comparison between line being read from Fil and a constant string.
  55. dds portal
  56. Still not Good
  57. Moving a car
  58. Two-dimensional Array representing playing cards
  59. Image Processing
  60. Fast Help please
  61. Can you help me ?
  62. Homework - Calendar Assignment
  63. Need help!!!!!
  64. [SOLVED] Printing arrays
  65. Help with Java homework
  66. printing jtextfield content through printer...
  67. Hardcode a file location into code, removing user input
  68. help me out from null pointer exception!!!
  69. image does not load to .jar file after been compile
  70. [SOLVED] Can't find solution for error in my code..
  71. proxy checker keeps freezing
  72. Java Applets
  73. how to loop correctly this program
  74. [SOLVED] error in my code(Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException)
  75. Hw help!
  76. JButton takes graphics
  77. [SOLVED] Homework assistance
  78. Exception in thread "main" java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = '0'
  79. java.io.File;
  80. please help me to fix my code ,this code for bulls and cows game ,(i linked the errors in the massege)
  81. What's wrong with my code :(
  82. How Java handles float ?
  83. how to input image file in java code.
  84. Error displaying matrix?
  85. Bank Program
  86. Im extremely new to this so dont laugh....does anyone know why this wont run????
  87. having trouble with JTextField selectAll method
  88. [SOLVED] I'm trying to get the most frequent character out of a bunch
  89. Filling a Shape with lines
  90. Java arraylist question
  91. I need help for my code...
  92. Help with code.
  93. Can someone help me with this?
  94. For Loop Delay Help, Visibility Manipulation Assistance
  95. Can't put decimals in my textfields?
  96. Regarding function in java
  97. Beginner Java problem help.
  98. water simulator
  99. please advise on which method i can use to compare my out put resault
  100. how to connect a program to another program?
  101. Beginner java problem
  102. Inheritence and Polymorphism
  103. Help with Java program that counts strings and tallies results
  104. [SOLVED] Check code?
  105. I am a newbie and I am stuck PLEASE HELP!!!
  106. Homework help plz!!!
  107. flood it
  108. if-else statement problem! PLEASE help!
  109. find the error
  111. Self written timer with System.nanoTime()
  112. About deleting rows from table model.
  113. Java Applets - Events and Graphics
  114. Please need a help with my homework (math methods)
  115. print a form in java netbeans
  116. User inputs string to get calculated output
  117. Java Program - Graphics - Ball Drop and Retrieve
  118. Java HTTPURLConnection
  119. What Am I Doing Wrong?(Arrays)
  120. How to write addTextbook(Textbook) in a method? how to write a tester class?
  121. Java importing to JFrame get pixel color
  122. Homework help using max method
  123. How to find where the biggest number is in an array
  124. How can i Change Button Label Value Randomly in VIRTUAL KEYBOARD using JAVA/ VB/ NetBeans/ Dotnet ???
  125. create a pdf
  126. applets
  127. Pressing Cancel in FileDialog close entire application (Using SWT)
  128. Anyone would like to help me? I really need your help???
  129. Guide me
  130. Need great HELP in my Assignment.
  131. Please give me a complete answer to this quetion.........
  132. arithematic operation on arrays
  133. [SOLVED] Subclass not compiling.
  134. disabling keys
  135. Abstract type in java
  136. creating a jar file
  137. Guys please Help me find answers on A and B below
  138. Conversion of the temperature degree
  139. [SOLVED] login page connection to button
  140. Where is the error?
  141. Sorting 2D Array problem
  142. [SOLVED] File question
  143. Help with loop problem
  144. Keyevent while JOptionPane inputdialog is open
  145. Help Testing Objects
  146. illegal start of expression
  147. Objects and Classes
  148. Cannot print name, getting null error.
  149. registration with access as DB
  150. hi
  151. Help with Assignment Please
  152. [SOLVED] Send Int to Another Class Help
  153. [ask]port unreachable
  154. Java Program Help! Cant find errors
  155. How to sort rectangles on Java applet from an array in a text file?
  156. Making a Card Game...Need help displaying pictures of Cards
  157. Creating a Linked List from the contents of a file
  158. Hangman minor issues
  159. Sending commands through Java to Terminal
  160. Java Beginner
  161. Returning Boolean Values
  162. NoSuchFieldError: theInstance] - please help
  163. Simple Address Book Program Not Working....
  164. DB Connecting Refused for STAGE Environment.
  165. hls / rtsp stream in java?
  166. Union and Intersection methods (SetADT)
  167. String Tokenizer
  168. [SOLVED] decimal format not working
  169. How to modify System.arraycopy ?
  170. Final Project using OOP not sure if im following proper design
  171. Hangman winner issue!
  172. Re: Reading a file line by line using the Scanner class
  173. Can't compile classes due to exception problems
  174. Getting a random Yes Or No
  175. Refer me any java portals or books forJAVA preparation
  176. My Base Class is Changing every time in my code. How I can overcome this?
  177. [SOLVED] Beginner problem with "if"
  178. I had to write a code for a total ticket sales with filling int the information given in the book but my code doesn't run for some reason
  179. Sum elements column by column
  180. [SOLVED] matrix task in java
  181. help me plz
  182. How to make craps game?
  183. Andorid Memory Matching game help
  184. 600
  185. Jar File to executable file
  186. Facing issues while rendering Jpeg200 image in Swing in Java 7
  187. Invisible Button turns White when moving my Mouse
  188. GUI part in lines of action
  189. Problems with ArrayList- gives me a NullPointerException and the program crashes
  190. collision
  191. Need some help with this JFrame, or JDialog.
  192. How to call a static method within a static method in the same class?
  193. Working with methods and constructors
  194. internet bandwidth measure
  195. Converting a piece of C# code to Java (unsigned longs, etc)
  196. a HUGE list of errors, and i dont know why.
  197. Javamail messages
  198. [SOLVED] This shouldn't be too hard.
  199. [SOLVED] Code is not giving the desired output
  200. [SOLVED] Simulation for Grid Game?
  201. getCurrencyInstance = Cannot find symbol
  202. Java Generic Types
  203. How to determine if a String has non-alphanumeric characters?
  204. making a return for a game
  205. ascending sort
  206. My program can't find file, even it being there
  207. Histogram equalization Help Please!
  208. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsExce ption: Communications link failure
  209. Image "flickers", need help!
  210. java.lang.NullPointerException
  211. bicyclejava.BicycleJava class wasn't found in Bicycle.java project
  212. Sorting objects of an array by String name
  213. genetic programming in java
  214. array copy!!!
  215. Please help desperate beginner with Finding Volume project.
  216. Closed
  217. How to specify the number of processors (cpus) to use in a round of execution in a multicore environment
  218. Platform game sidescrolling
  219. Server/Client Applet- Connection Reset Problem
  220. [SOLVED] Write a program that converts floating-point numbers to/from decimal representation to Hex/Binary representations.
  221. [SOLVED] FileNotFoundException
  222. selectionsort
  223. File reading from a specific point on a line
  224. Card Deck project not working
  225. Problem with simple array program.
  226. the if statement does not work
  227. enlist: caught Exception
  228. Hi!
  229. no constructor found for thread
  230. How to sort integers on a file ascendingly?
  231. not sure how to pass this value
  232. KeyListener implementation problem
  233. [SOLVED] If then
  234. Java code for creating an stl file
  235. java
  236. What causes this error?
  237. Causing NULL POINTER when i add a code;
  238. Can someone help me convert the following java code which is in a GUI format into a text based interface?
  239. how to sort an array of integers(eg using barcode)
  240. largest object in an array
  241. Help quick please! Almost done!
  242. [SOLVED] GUI Java Help Please!
  243. system tray problems
  244. screen capturing
  245. Exception In Thread Main ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  246. error in this code
  247. how to maintain a unpopulated class -newbie level
  248. Writing a program that calculates midpoints based on randomly picking vertices
  249. problem of java programing
  250. New to java.. what does this mean?