View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- Infix to postfix using stacks
- two JScrollPane in one JFrame problem
- migrate to mobile
- query to developed for 3 view effect
- How to read excel in java ??
- Getting Error" Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "age"
- How to fix this bug with my calculator program?
- jdbc in applet
- System cannot find path specified in a jar?
- Help with code using classes/objects/etc
- I keep getting a symbol not found error when i already defined the symbol please help!
- event handling doubts
- Java code to find the smallest number from a two dimensional array
- [SOLVED] Help with searching an array for a String (name) using a for loop
- how to code dynamic updation of table fields??
- switch case
- [SOLVED] array not capturing input
- Need Help for Java Coding in setting duration for parking system.
- Controlling an external motor controller
- i'm a beginner
- Need Help With Code for Kitchen Timer
- image display in java
- Need to print Multibyte character.
- Url rewriting related..
- Simple Question
- One Simple Question
- Need help with a basic 21 Sticks game code!
- Images not rendering?
- Implementing Interface
- Why wont this method work?
- sir please help me how make sure addbutton, save button, or other
- (if) Statement is not working, even when the condition is true. The (else) statement is working though.
- How do I write a java program that controls all the services of the computer
- Distance traveled problem
- Output is Wrong .How to fix it?
- simple gui to check if text is a palindrome
- HELP!!!!
- Problem with Formatters (I think)
- Problems with understanding inheritance/method overiding
- find an error
- java awt...if statement not working properly
- Flicker problem with a paint brush program
- quick match
- Trying to read a directory recursively and match a String with the files present and return the file names matching the String.
- Jframe and hyperlink in netbeans
- I need help with this array
- Integer.parseInt problem
- Getting the peer address for a socket
- Syntax Highlighting errors and weirdness?
- Guessing Game
- Synchronize MySql DB from local to Server
- Invoke a linux shell command using Process
- object switching with event listener
- Need the assistance in Video Streaming projects in java ( web application )
- string data initialize java telling illegal.... please tell me right way ??
- Not able to inser data in mysql database
- how to wrap the java App as signle executable for Linux
- Logger wirtes zero values to file
- Complete noob! Incorrect package and ' Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:'
- I need help to write encrypt and decrypt 4 digit numbers.
- [SOLVED] Hangman Program Java: Comparing the User's Guess with Another String Letter by Letter
- Add debug info
- File not found
- Java Program - Not able to connect to 32 bit ODBC
- Searching code in a list
- arranging high to low
- Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
- jtable calculation issue
- I have problem with method in Java
- I am getting error while starting a websphere server
- some question from my program
- Merge 20+ xml files with 7000+nodes into one using java
- Am facing "Applet not initalised" when am compiling basic applet simple program:please help me out ASAP
- [SOLVED] Installed Android program which I created bombs out
- After a number of pin attempts it will end the loop
- Spring Framework
- TCP Problem
- Play again not working !
- Can you spot the error in my switch?
- difficulty with this code
- Trying To Change The Color Of JScrollBar
- Trying to get one line of my string to print and then scramble the code. Cant figure it out.
- Why isn't my collision working?
- cannot enter a floating point number
- Why Can't my file be read?
- Newbie, please help
- Bubble Sort errors
- Changing JPanels
- Button event handler from another class
- help me
- Trying to create a GUI front end for a TELNET application
- please me
- java program taking parameters inside a method
- what is the result and how?
- problem in Grid Layout Program
- [SOLVED] Problem Script: Random Number Guessing Game
- Dear sir or Viewer before reply please read the code even you not understand what i have doing
- My Access Database "memberID" now is until M15 , i want to get the next memberID "M16" , how to get it ?
- please solve my problem
- Could not find or load main class
- missing return statement }
- Help improve this code
- Compare two columns with two different excel files find duplictates values in java
- Java application Memory Leak
- Dont understand the nullpointerexception
- connect4 problem
- DefaultCellEditor does not support empty cells
- Java Program Help!!!!!!
- [SOLVED] Getting error message and can not figure it out.
- xsd to Xml
- nullpointerexception bug
- LayerManager background size
- Which option suits best along with reason JAVA CODE MCQ
- I ve got some questions for Java , and I need the awnsers for a limited time ! HELP
- java swing textfiled sinhala unicode
- [SOLVED] Program compiles with a cannot find symbol error- what is that?
- [SOLVED] Str1 vs strbuf... Help please!
- Use of Annotations
- selenium profile
- how to create java editor?
- GPA- Need to display having issues
- using addons with selenium
- New programmer - Course mgmt system
- Complex numbers need help finishing
- store certain column in ArrayList from excel file
- help cleaning up code
- JTable
- [SOLVED] cannot find symbol - error message
- [Swing] JPanel is being added twice to my JFrame in different positions?
- Can I get some help fixing this issue?
- A problem with Java 7 and a certain applet
- Add button listeners to 4 buttons?
- Need help with buttons
- JOptionPane NumberFormatException,
- shooting bullet
- Thread - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ????????
- Finding a determinant of matrix
- difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing
- [SOLVED] Need Urgent help, very easy code just missing some needed knowledge
- uploading the java version
- how can i make the choices 1 2 3 4 to A B C D in java
- java web services
- In need of help with switch-statement code.
- [SOLVED] Why does OOP hate me so much- can not get my driver to work
- Explicit Casting?
- How do you do this in java?( This is urgent )
- How do you do this in java?( This is urgent )
- [SOLVED] JAVA OOP- Driver and Methods will not play nice together- WHY?!?!
- Understanding Call Stacks
- Main Method Error
- Logical
- help!!
- using class and method..
- Get image for captcha session
- [SOLVED] Fibonacci Help!
- problem with creating .pdf
- javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name abcODBC1 is not bound in this Context at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(NamingConte
- Java Printing
- Please explain to me what I am doing wrong?
- creating insurance price comparison websites
- Graphics
- Thought I had this figured out and then.....
- Help with File Processing
- Syntax error with simple application.
- Java Swing
- fibonacci series in reverse order
- Printing Images using java
- java program with rfid
- FileInputStream is not saving the excel document.
- another selenium question
- What's wrong with my code?
- Multiple Static Methods and printing to different .txt file?
- Failed to compile, URGENT please help. Can't compile using JDK
- sum of digits
- help i cant get my code working
- progress bar in primefaces
- Java Swing Calender component like javascript one
- java program that takes an input file and splits it ,by line ,into output files please help
- need help with my JAVA programming project.
- Need help with Java Printing
- Usage of escape code's for controlling form feeds on dot matrix printer
- Problem obtain data from excel file via Jersy
- topic related to static final variable and static block !!!!
- how do you know what parameters go inside the parentheses when creating a new object?
- tree or directory structure
- Javac Errors At Command Prompt
- iProblem Array and looping Ip address,How?
- Button and Radio Buttons not working!!!
- Problem with Project Euler problem 18
- Display an image after mouse cursor point on a text area
- Java code for handle 'next' button
- Having trouble with DaoImplementation class Java
- [SOLVED] Bulk put(int) for ByteBuffer
- Sqrt Program, skips over method
- Word count, coutns "." as a word
- Error while compiling.
- Java Problem
- how is the correct declaration of character? I need it now. Somebody help
- Jlist.
- New To Java
- Adding a Jpanel from another class to JPanel in a main class
- help me people
- Java mvc
- how to write a code to read the directory of windows as the time we Save As the paint program , capability to search the direction where we wanna save our file , tnx for your help
- Beginning programming
- How to difine type each object is in a ArrayList
- [SOLVED] perfect
- maven don't support the casting
- referencing variables from multiple instances of a class?
- instantiating static methods
- Is there any java utility/dependency which supports both Microsoft office and open office?
- GUI html problem
- GUI problem
- Web Pages,Source Packages are missing after creating java web MVC project in netbean 7.1
- Runtime Error
- Reading integeres from a .txt file, my method never terminates.
- maven Application dosen't work , error: Servlet.init() for servlet
- Execute Linux commands through java program.
- Illegal start of expression.
- How to make JTextArea size thesame with its splitpane
- Java TCP Communication
- Convert a sqlsessionfactory session.SelectList ArrayList to a Java ResultSet
- Problem with basic calculator - Beginner
- Shutdown Timer
- [SOLVED] My compiler says there's something wrong with 2 statements
- Simple multithreading using wait and notify
- New to Java!
- Need to print the words
- Hi :)
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
- How can i adjust TextArea size automatically
- JOptionPane error in eclipse
- Errors In Java
- What's wrong with my integers?
- [HELP]Bugs of Java or Wrong Code?
- Get input from the user till he type quit
- Chat application
- [SOLVED] Ready to Program: Help Please!
- HELP!! Cant get point program to work
- Half Triangle printout
- [Please Help] java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state
- Java Eclipse Code Error
- Variable Parameter Amount Constructor
- help me :(
- Help with Looping out of a user saying the word NEW in the console
- Need help for complicated java question
- [SOLVED] If condition not working.
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