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  1. reverse program
  2. Java calculator using swing and applet
  3. Soket connection failure
  4. Extremely challenging and lengthy java question..
  5. Incorrect call to class?
  6. how can i eject my pen drive that is connected on my pc through mobile using blue tooth in java?
  7. Random in dots How do i do it ?
  8. Array counting problem
  9. JAVA Calculator Problem
  10. Help with my code.
  11. problem using Sockets
  12. java Client Server program by using socket problem
  13. Help to make a random character
  14. [SOLVED] Executing cmd from Java, Compiling and Executing IN Runtime
  15. SQL Error
  16. the best java api refrence??
  17. Error by export Data from Excel File to MySql database
  18. Converting Insertion Sort pseudocode to running Java code
  19. java problem. please help
  20. error in declaration of try statement.
  21. The endless Null torcher...
  22. Java question. Please help me!
  23. Anagram Program
  24. JSP class files
  25. Map containsKey() giving Null Pointer Exception
  26. Reading in floats into JPanel?
  27. Help, text reader outputs high count value!
  28. Need help with my code T.T newbie
  29. Phys2d Velocity Problem... Body Movement from Point A to B with Velocity.
  30. Store data from Excel to Database without duplicate values
  31. [SOLVED] OOPAnnualFuelUse
  32. [SOLVED] Simple Static Method Problem
  33. Inserting data into sql with java gui
  34. frame target through servlet
  35. [SOLVED] Simple Error ( But Hard Solution)
  36. HashSet store duplicated Value
  37. Issue in a code
  38. [SOLVED] Arrays not printed? Error?
  39. Getting the same answer for selection sort
  40. Parsing error for UTF-16 file.
  41. Performance issue
  42. Inheritance + Array
  43. <param-value> in web.xml whith Jersey
  44. [SOLVED] prevent selenium from loading plugins?
  45. Someone who can help me with my PAYROLL PROGRAM
  46. Why my POJO is not working in my doPost servlet?
  47. convert double to int in ArryList
  48. Java Framework
  49. [SOLVED] My code has a problem ;)
  50. Parsing CSV file
  51. [SOLVED] How to build more actions in exicting code. A continum problem.
  52. This Program doesn't run completely, what do I need to fix? Please Help
  53. Can someone explain why the FILENOTFOUNDEXCEPTION keeps beign thrown?
  54. Java Dev's Plz help me
  55. image to pdf conversion
  56. [SOLVED] Problem Calculating emmisions
  57. Getting Selected Text From Combo Box
  58. GUI does not stay loaded in applet
  59. What is the difference between these two?
  60. need help with arrays
  61. Error in block Scope ecample
  62. HashSet cannot be cast to java.util.ArrayList
  63. Please help am Begginner
  64. Event detection in video using java
  65. Extending Jframe
  66. illegal character: \8206???
  67. Just Beginning
  68. graphics engine rotations not working
  69. [SOLVED] Please help me with my String variable and switch statement problem.
  70. A few tips in the direction of a lottery game, factorials
  71. [SOLVED] Carbonfp help
  72. Null Pointer Exception can't figure out how to solve this
  73. A general question about online help
  74. String Problem
  75. Error: Could not find or load main class
  76. hi java video uploading
  77. [SOLVED] Illegal Start of Expression // Creating, Compiling, and Executing Runtime Project
  78. How can I get this code to display in my GUI? Specifically my TextArea?
  79. GregorianCalendar - How to figure out how many days in all weeks of March, 2013?
  80. setter of Type Enum
  81. ChessBoardView with JLabel squares doesnt fill the JPanel
  82. DoWhile
  83. Extending Jframe
  84. java.awt.geom Area.Intersect\Area.Subtract locking up calling thread - seems to be in an endless loop.
  85. [solved] Array out of bounds
  86. [SOLVED] Problem Multiple Commands and filepath or classpath.
  87. javac is noty working in window8
  88. @override
  89. Java
  90. RE: Recommendations Wanted For SAP PI/WebMethods/EIM/HTML Opportunities
  91. problem in final year project
  92. need help..
  93. Protected members
  94. pick a color on a picture
  95. Help me understand the program! pls
  96. want a code
  97. My Java program gets a strange error
  98. Transferring console output to a textArea....how to make this happen?
  99. NullPointerException...how?
  100. Hurricane java Code
  101. constructor overloading
  102. Jtwain
  103. Easy game not doing what i want it to... Boo
  104. Class, Interface, Enum expected.
  105. I get an error
  106. [SOLVED] Cmd not recognizing a different Dir / ClassPath / FilePath / Environment
  107. Display database values into JTables
  108. Problems reading XML file -- casting problem
  109. how to handle big numbers
  110. [SOLVED] Raycasting troubles
  111. [SOLVED] Array
  112. PLEASE HELP!!!!
  113. error classnotfoundexception dirty_r.class
  114. [SOLVED] Something I've never seen from the compiler is what I'm trying clear up
  115. Set Footer and Header in Document using Java
  116. Connect with Active Directory
  117. A variable that never change.
  118. Newbie coder needs help with number guessing game - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate field name&signature in class file
  119. wait(); and notify();
  120. How do I use a class inside a library?
  121. [SOLVED] How to make an array a global static variable
  122. Problem with inheritance
  123. Factorial of a Number (program completed but doubt in that)
  124. menubars and menu items
  125. My applet is working in bluej but giving an error "Applet not initialized" when i try to run it in netbeans
  126. Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  127. -.-
  128. How can I export elements in array to .xhtml
  129. com.sun.jersey.api.MessageException
  130. Do I have to download a package and place it in my C:/ before importing it?
  131. Class world is public?
  132. I don't even know whats wrong.
  133. My birthday was Yesterday, can someone look at my code. Trouble with updating JTEXT
  134. help
  135. Threads
  136. My data got posted into my database but there's no message shown to user on broswer.
  137. Eclipse plugin for Jar extraction and .class files
  138. Determine source "event" from 2 objects.
  139. Calling a toss dice method
  140. Help with Stringed Instrument Project
  141. JNLP JDK8 Auto Load JRE Multiple Operating Systems
  142. thread
  143. nedd help using netBeans to do my assignment
  144. " Protocol violation" Error in java application
  145. JAva programing
  146. The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
  147. [SOLVED] setAccelarator keyevent
  148. issue with jsp code
  149. Need Urgent he-lp - Phys2D - Bodies doesn't bounce back after collision...
  150. how to get the print preview for pdf file in java
  151. Jlabel won't clear
  152. [SOLVED] Simple hangman game error
  153. set frame title from another class
  154. java rmi and socket programming
  155. problems about methods....cant apply the continue y or n..
  156. How to find Standalon word in the string
  157. read the word file without using apache poi jar
  158. [SOLVED] Need an sample on ProcessBuilder to delete a file.
  159. Intro to Java problem! Please help!
  160. Trouble getting my frame and panels to show up!?!?
  161. [SOLVED] I can't seem to open an html-file
  162. NullPointerException @@
  163. Intersects method problems(FIXED)
  164. How do you find the the exact index of an element that matches a search in an array?
  165. Setting background color to translucent?!?!
  166. Help: Insert , Delate, Display in my project
  167. Read Date from Excel and change its Format
  168. executing-multiple-commands-using-j2ssh-sometimes-return-null
  169. Code to read a table from different applications
  170. Creating more than one consumer/producer thread based on input number
  171. GridBagLayout
  172. [SOLVED] Game problem: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException with array list
  173. Getting stackoverflowerror
  174. Question
  175. question
  176. Getting “java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:"
  177. Can compile But can't Execute my programs need advice
  178. How to get the command line to function from Java code
  179. Regarding : Java API.
  180. My first code for computing a table of squares - and its not working :(
  181. Search and delete data to a Text file in GUI
  182. [SOLVED] Get path of current executing class
  183. Need help editing the size of a JButton!?!?
  184. [SOLVED] Strange outcome
  185. Help With I/O Exception Handling!
  186. [SOLVED] Automatic audio file player not working
  187. Generating random numbers in java without repeating a specific number
  188. Need help on pattern print problem
  189. sendEmail
  190. how to connect two applications to a one table
  191. Design Model-Assignment
  192. Stop word removal and stemming
  193. 2D array problem
  194. school assignment; decimal rounding
  195. IndexOutOfBoundsException - HELP! DON’T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS MEANS. :(
  196. java api
  197. IMEI Number
  198. Swing application crashing with Google ime
  199. Verification Window "Do you really want to close?"
  200. What is wrong with my I/O code?
  201. i have problem in connecting into excel as my database
  202. I have a question about import statements
  203. I/O Help with Collections/Ordering?
  204. 65535 bytes java limit
  205. Morse Code Conversion Problems
  206. [SOLVED][Beginner] Arithmetic Question, Why does product become negative after a certain point?
  207. Convert to OOP approach
  208. Like to convert old dos based app to run in WIN7
  209. Sorting question
  210. Constructopr chaining
  211. Why does this MergeSort implementation not receive IndexOutOfBondsExpception
  212. java
  213. fatjar(oneJar) running very slow
  214. My instant messanger program doesn't work completely!
  215. What do I have wrong? And no, this is not a homework problem.
  216. [SOLVED] Using Anonymous Classes
  217. Java program to count External devices connected with the system. Eg. Pen drive
  218. First day of ever working with Java.. Already confused -.-
  219. servlet
  220. Java Calendar printing wrong Time Zone?
  221. primitive vs reference data-type
  222. Boolean variable problem
  223. [SOLVED] method in class cannot be applied
  224. [beginner] What's wrong with my code?
  225. Help!!
  226. The largest prime factor of the specific number.
  227. error in my java program
  228. Help!! Schedual class with time and date
  229. gotya
  230. how to understand oop
  231. [SOLVED] Problem with Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  232. sound recorder
  233. Hashmap
  234. Char error
  235. nested while loop
  236. learningByChapter
  237. case 3
  238. [SOLVED] Copying a file to an array and getting exception thrown for input
  239. [SOLVED] Java assignment creating a game program need assistance
  240. Problems with the Diamond-Square algorithm
  241. Java Enterprise Development(J2EE) or Java Android Development?
  242. Extending JFrame
  243. java hashset
  244. Java Performance Engineering and Diagnostics
  245. java.lang.NullPointerException
  246. How to perform Part of speech tagging in data mining?
  247. Painting a room
  248. Create a tree in JAVA using the data from DB
  249. Java & Keystroke Dynamics
  250. any one can give the solution for allocating the node equally in consistent circle?