View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- reverse program
- Java calculator using swing and applet
- Soket connection failure
- Extremely challenging and lengthy java question..
- Incorrect call to class?
- how can i eject my pen drive that is connected on my pc through mobile using blue tooth in java?
- Random in dots How do i do it ?
- Array counting problem
- JAVA Calculator Problem
- Help with my code.
- problem using Sockets
- java Client Server program by using socket problem
- Help to make a random character
- [SOLVED] Executing cmd from Java, Compiling and Executing IN Runtime
- SQL Error
- the best java api refrence??
- Error by export Data from Excel File to MySql database
- Converting Insertion Sort pseudocode to running Java code
- java problem. please help
- error in declaration of try statement.
- The endless Null torcher...
- Java question. Please help me!
- Anagram Program
- JSP class files
- Map containsKey() giving Null Pointer Exception
- Reading in floats into JPanel?
- Help, text reader outputs high count value!
- Need help with my code T.T newbie
- Phys2d Velocity Problem... Body Movement from Point A to B with Velocity.
- Store data from Excel to Database without duplicate values
- [SOLVED] OOPAnnualFuelUse
- [SOLVED] Simple Static Method Problem
- Inserting data into sql with java gui
- frame target through servlet
- [SOLVED] Simple Error ( But Hard Solution)
- HashSet store duplicated Value
- Issue in a code
- [SOLVED] Arrays not printed? Error?
- Getting the same answer for selection sort
- Parsing error for UTF-16 file.
- Performance issue
- Inheritance + Array
- <param-value> in web.xml whith Jersey
- [SOLVED] prevent selenium from loading plugins?
- Someone who can help me with my PAYROLL PROGRAM
- Why my POJO is not working in my doPost servlet?
- convert double to int in ArryList
- Java Framework
- [SOLVED] My code has a problem ;)
- Parsing CSV file
- [SOLVED] How to build more actions in exicting code. A continum problem.
- This Program doesn't run completely, what do I need to fix? Please Help
- Can someone explain why the FILENOTFOUNDEXCEPTION keeps beign thrown?
- Java Dev's Plz help me
- image to pdf conversion
- [SOLVED] Problem Calculating emmisions
- Getting Selected Text From Combo Box
- GUI does not stay loaded in applet
- What is the difference between these two?
- need help with arrays
- Error in block Scope ecample
- HashSet cannot be cast to java.util.ArrayList
- Please help am Begginner
- Event detection in video using java
- Extending Jframe
- illegal character: \8206???
- Just Beginning
- graphics engine rotations not working
- [SOLVED] Please help me with my String variable and switch statement problem.
- A few tips in the direction of a lottery game, factorials
- [SOLVED] Carbonfp help
- Null Pointer Exception can't figure out how to solve this
- A general question about online help
- String Problem
- Error: Could not find or load main class
- hi java video uploading
- [SOLVED] Illegal Start of Expression // Creating, Compiling, and Executing Runtime Project
- How can I get this code to display in my GUI? Specifically my TextArea?
- GregorianCalendar - How to figure out how many days in all weeks of March, 2013?
- setter of Type Enum
- ChessBoardView with JLabel squares doesnt fill the JPanel
- DoWhile
- Extending Jframe
- java.awt.geom Area.Intersect\Area.Subtract locking up calling thread - seems to be in an endless loop.
- [solved] Array out of bounds
- [SOLVED] Problem Multiple Commands and filepath or classpath.
- javac is noty working in window8
- @override
- Java
- RE: Recommendations Wanted For SAP PI/WebMethods/EIM/HTML Opportunities
- problem in final year project
- need help..
- Protected members
- pick a color on a picture
- Help me understand the program! pls
- want a code
- My Java program gets a strange error
- Transferring console output to a to make this happen?
- Hurricane java Code
- constructor overloading
- Jtwain
- Easy game not doing what i want it to... Boo
- Class, Interface, Enum expected.
- I get an error
- [SOLVED] Cmd not recognizing a different Dir / ClassPath / FilePath / Environment
- Display database values into JTables
- Problems reading XML file -- casting problem
- how to handle big numbers
- [SOLVED] Raycasting troubles
- [SOLVED] Array
- error classnotfoundexception dirty_r.class
- [SOLVED] Something I've never seen from the compiler is what I'm trying clear up
- Set Footer and Header in Document using Java
- Connect with Active Directory
- A variable that never change.
- Newbie coder needs help with number guessing game - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate field name&signature in class file
- wait(); and notify();
- How do I use a class inside a library?
- [SOLVED] How to make an array a global static variable
- Problem with inheritance
- Factorial of a Number (program completed but doubt in that)
- menubars and menu items
- My applet is working in bluej but giving an error "Applet not initialized" when i try to run it in netbeans
- Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- -.-
- How can I export elements in array to .xhtml
- com.sun.jersey.api.MessageException
- Do I have to download a package and place it in my C:/ before importing it?
- Class world is public?
- I don't even know whats wrong.
- My birthday was Yesterday, can someone look at my code. Trouble with updating JTEXT
- help
- Threads
- My data got posted into my database but there's no message shown to user on broswer.
- Eclipse plugin for Jar extraction and .class files
- Determine source "event" from 2 objects.
- Calling a toss dice method
- Help with Stringed Instrument Project
- JNLP JDK8 Auto Load JRE Multiple Operating Systems
- thread
- nedd help using netBeans to do my assignment
- " Protocol violation" Error in java application
- JAva programing
- The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
- [SOLVED] setAccelarator keyevent
- issue with jsp code
- Need Urgent he-lp - Phys2D - Bodies doesn't bounce back after collision...
- how to get the print preview for pdf file in java
- Jlabel won't clear
- [SOLVED] Simple hangman game error
- set frame title from another class
- java rmi and socket programming
- problems about methods....cant apply the continue y or n..
- How to find Standalon word in the string
- read the word file without using apache poi jar
- [SOLVED] Need an sample on ProcessBuilder to delete a file.
- Intro to Java problem! Please help!
- Trouble getting my frame and panels to show up!?!?
- [SOLVED] I can't seem to open an html-file
- NullPointerException @@
- Intersects method problems(FIXED)
- How do you find the the exact index of an element that matches a search in an array?
- Setting background color to translucent?!?!
- Help: Insert , Delate, Display in my project
- Read Date from Excel and change its Format
- executing-multiple-commands-using-j2ssh-sometimes-return-null
- Code to read a table from different applications
- Creating more than one consumer/producer thread based on input number
- GridBagLayout
- [SOLVED] Game problem: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException with array list
- Getting stackoverflowerror
- Question
- question
- Getting “java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:"
- Can compile But can't Execute my programs need advice
- How to get the command line to function from Java code
- Regarding : Java API.
- My first code for computing a table of squares - and its not working :(
- Search and delete data to a Text file in GUI
- [SOLVED] Get path of current executing class
- Need help editing the size of a JButton!?!?
- [SOLVED] Strange outcome
- Help With I/O Exception Handling!
- [SOLVED] Automatic audio file player not working
- Generating random numbers in java without repeating a specific number
- Need help on pattern print problem
- sendEmail
- how to connect two applications to a one table
- Design Model-Assignment
- Stop word removal and stemming
- 2D array problem
- school assignment; decimal rounding
- IndexOutOfBoundsException - HELP! DON’T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THIS MEANS. :(
- java api
- IMEI Number
- Swing application crashing with Google ime
- Verification Window "Do you really want to close?"
- What is wrong with my I/O code?
- i have problem in connecting into excel as my database
- I have a question about import statements
- I/O Help with Collections/Ordering?
- 65535 bytes java limit
- Morse Code Conversion Problems
- [SOLVED][Beginner] Arithmetic Question, Why does product become negative after a certain point?
- Convert to OOP approach
- Like to convert old dos based app to run in WIN7
- Sorting question
- Constructopr chaining
- Why does this MergeSort implementation not receive IndexOutOfBondsExpception
- java
- fatjar(oneJar) running very slow
- My instant messanger program doesn't work completely!
- What do I have wrong? And no, this is not a homework problem.
- [SOLVED] Using Anonymous Classes
- Java program to count External devices connected with the system. Eg. Pen drive
- First day of ever working with Java.. Already confused -.-
- servlet
- Java Calendar printing wrong Time Zone?
- primitive vs reference data-type
- Boolean variable problem
- [SOLVED] method in class cannot be applied
- [beginner] What's wrong with my code?
- Help!!
- The largest prime factor of the specific number.
- error in my java program
- Help!! Schedual class with time and date
- gotya
- how to understand oop
- [SOLVED] Problem with Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- sound recorder
- Hashmap
- Char error
- nested while loop
- learningByChapter
- case 3
- [SOLVED] Copying a file to an array and getting exception thrown for input
- [SOLVED] Java assignment creating a game program need assistance
- Problems with the Diamond-Square algorithm
- Java Enterprise Development(J2EE) or Java Android Development?
- Extending JFrame
- java hashset
- Java Performance Engineering and Diagnostics
- java.lang.NullPointerException
- How to perform Part of speech tagging in data mining?
- Painting a room
- Create a tree in JAVA using the data from DB
- Java & Keystroke Dynamics
- any one can give the solution for allocating the node equally in consistent circle?
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