View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- Tic Tac Toe
- Graphics issue
- Incomprehensible bug
- vertical, front to back and string into decimal
- Delete Account
- Telephone Number
- Delete data from inside the object
- Rational - GCD issue
- Question!
- Help with high school java problem
- Add a dollar sign to a number
- Program trying to calculate money, won't work
- Account Class OOP Java....transaction, deposit and deduction problems using an array...need assistance fast!
- cclipse jboss server problem
- can we use the Action Listener in a awt without using constructors? clarify the following error?
- Having Problems writing Big Letters in Java
- java code error
- do-while error
- question about printing arrays
- java class
- problems with jbutton/actionlistener
- Printing i+1
- Need blank line between each mail body part, How???
- Using Java to create a quiz...
- [SOLVED] Need help with loops and turning into roman numerals
- [SOLVED] How do I make a picture-part interact with a user?
- I cannot figure out what the errors mean nor how to correct them. Please help.
- Square prime numbers up to 50 and then round to nearest integer plz help
- Add online video to web application ,Receives sms
- How to copy one array into another and flip the values
- please solve my problem
- Deployment failed: repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element
- Concern about use of });
- getting input from the user and give him some chances
- System Tray
- "Contextaware toolkit" for developing contextaware applications.
- Handling ashx http requests
- Please help! Passing variables between modules.
- Alarm Clock (How to figure out how much time left till alarm will sound)
- question about copying and flipping arrays
- Problem with my code for a Leet Translator
- mutable and immutable concept of java
- [SOLVED] Setting up table and converting kilograms to pounds
- Joptio pane not correctly outputting stored values. (Help please)
- Discrete Structures Class
- For loop help!
- Using JMF
- JRE 1.4 or 1.5
- Muliple Client Server chat to send message from server..
- How do I do this, code supplied
- [SOLVED] Solution Error: Y U No Work??
- i want to give java certification exam
- Help
- Unable to correct my errors [code provided]
- Game sound delaying
- I need some help with an assignment.
- Illegal Start of Expression in IF Statement
- How to fetch attribute values of two different attributes example xml is pasted below Please help me out?????
- "Services with missing/unavailable dependencies
- ain" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/Platform
- How do improve the accuracy of this averaging program
- Help with easy programming
- getting java code to cell phone
- Collision detection
- Begineer mistakes, need help (very basic)
- Java Work
- Need help with Java Assignment (code partially complete)
- Convert Scores into letter Grades
- Class & object
- My first week learning Java!
- I keep getting an error message but I don't know how to fix this!
- Java Perlin Noise 1D terrain generation problem
- How to capitalize a letter in String?
- Mouse Click Action Listener for JTextField?
- Java Program String Arrays Problem
- stack implementation
- how to authenticate user in swing application from twitter ?
- my program works but when i export it as runnable jar file it doesn't works..
- Need help debugging
- How to install JAVA ?
- Horse Racing game
- Help
- Help Calculating a tip
- Problem in getting time of different time zone
- 2D array input
- Make code more compact
- Possible misuse of timer?
- gui not linking with main project/ class
- remainder issue
- Connecting Android and PC for Speaking together in My own program
- Conditions?
- Create the object of that program i'll pay for him/her
- Help with array
- Help needed on basics of Methods- Written non written
- [SOLVED] Concatenating booleans
- cannot find symbol
- can someone give a code example of deleting data to a text file?
- Celsius to fahrenheit vice versa
- null pointer in a linked list
- a java program
- [SOLVED] Counting primes
- How can I create an option menu with while and switch statements?
- Please help with code. Null Pointer Exception
- How to take User Inputted String for color, and use it in the drawShape(x,y,x,y, Color. )
- Help with simple math in java
- Break/Continue example doesn't work with ConsoleReader
- Cannot figure out error
- [SOLVED] Casting int and doubles variables
- Disablng jBottons
- How can I continuously read a text file in java
- java program hangs when executed
- Help
- Loops and arrays
- Webservice call failing with error message: Got handshake alert: unrecognized_name while opening stream from
- Very new to java taking 101 at school and could use some help with my code
- Is a modal JDialog possible in this scenario?
- hello world script. probably really basic help
- Whats wrong with this code?????
- Problem with timer
- Dought regarding SCJP Certification
- Re: Java program which can list all files in a given directory
- JAVA: Run .exe in jpanel (NetBeans)
- java programing two arrays
- How can I search for words in a String?
- Missing Class?
- Simple maths equations
- 1-100 counter
- Trying to figure out next step
- [SOLVED] Very simple file I/O question
- File checker not working
- Error in Java program
- Program due tomorrow. need some advice.
- I don't know how to start this..
- Need help in highlighting tree nodes
- Hi Fellow
- Need help to fix my code
- [SOLVED] Trying to call a method in class Fraction
- How to get the fractional part of this number without so much precision?
- How to check (reliable) if caps-lock is on?
- I can't get my last method to work! What am I doing wrong?
- whats wrong with this says, 'the operator / is undefined for z=1.0-"A" / 2.0
- Program not working
- Lucene search api
- how to assign different task to different threads
- Variable Loosing Data?
- problem finding symbol
- Need help with a Summing Series please? :)
- Memory and time optimization
- stop word removal
- NEED HELP GETTING MY ANNUITY PRORAM TO WORK!!! Quartley payment is $500 profit is... 6,255.12
- how to solve this question ? please help me
- android image processing ( cropping)
- Help for Terminal Exams................
- Game rendering
- [SOLVED] Boolean trouble, no idea whats wrong.
- [SOLVED] Distance
- Need a bit of help with Linked List program
- String to Double Conversion
- [SOLVED] Continue and break statements
- What's wrong with my code? (Music store)
- Printf syntax woes
- Grid algorithm not working properly
- Can't find javaclass
- School project
- Extarct Substring using regex.
- Weird Compiling Error.
- a null pointer exception
- integer number too large - don't understand
- New guy having problems with for loops, methods and charAt
- BlueJ question: "Error: illegal initializer for java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>"
- whats wrong with code, please help me understand thanks
- who can help me write this program?
- Need a seond set of eyes I can find where the errors are
- Help with simple calculator
- Where is my .class?
- [SOLVED] Find the the longest decreasing row of numbers in a vector
- Writing a program for system of linear equations.
- Beginner's Looping Issue
- Creating a number char by char
- Define method output?
- Snake Game
- help me please
- Help with beginners code?
- What's wrong with my code?
- Object Orientation Program Help.
- [SOLVED] Intro
- Need help finishing class methods
- Exception handling woes
- Big Rookie Question - New to Java, small problem Help appreciated!
- Could someone please better explain this to me?
- Creating methods with Arrays
- Rounding with printf
- Creating pseudo code
- My code is skipping my for loop altogether and ignoring my array input.
- Trying to sort a collection after removing an item in GUI
- Using the ? operator inside of a for loop
- Mail Merge
- Different ways to download file using servlet
- Connection pool and Datasource Implementation Is Not Functioning
- Print a given sentence forwards, backwards and every other word.
- [SOLVED] PigLatinTranslator produces no output
- Simulating a truck problem.
- calcAverage() not calculating properly
- Error in data types
- I could not post in my another thread so created a new thread: need help with data types
- Don't know why this isn't working
- how to search for upper/lower case using string using JAVA!!!?
- help
- Rounding with printf
- [SOLVED] Problem with my code (Fairly New to Java)
- height code not working
- Tic Tac Toe GUI jar file
- Different ways to download file using Servlet.
- wont get right output
- [SOLVED] How can I make this code concise?
- ArrayList Report
- how to make autocommit false in stored procedure execute() method
- jdbc instrumentation using 'asm' byte code manipulation framework
- Txt file to array
- Generating a random number from a range of inputted numbers
- Java puzzle Help needed
- How do I update information in a file?
- Sequences (convert char[] to String) [Replacing String with Character]
- Interfaces Executor and ExecutorService
- Math.round...I need help understanding what I am doing wrong and why it's not working
- [SOLVED] Filter-Standart Input
- How to receive a message from an external Midi device using javax.sound.midi
- JAVA TLS client application
- how to open one Jframe from main method call
- i dont understand whats wrong with my code, please fix it.
- How can i include mai activity in my java project
- Java Recursion reversing my strings
- how to configure js request in web.xl
- Beginner Java issue
- infinite maze issue
- Beginner: Need help with making an object value equal another object value without using literals.
- Movie of BufferedImages
- [SOLVED] Trying to rewrite the main method to use as few lines of code as possible
- Object not storeing in array?
- Calling A Public Static Void Method from Main
- My Noob Code needs attention
- Help getting started with JAVA program that calculates occupancy rate for each floor in hotel room
- How to create file in Logically(RAM) using java code?
- Please show me where I went wrong? I have tried many numbers to check, but the bottom line in output still comes.
- Need help to write an interpreter in Java
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