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  1. Tic Tac Toe
  2. Graphics issue
  3. Incomprehensible bug
  4. vertical, front to back and string into decimal
  5. Delete Account
  6. Telephone Number
  7. Delete data from inside the object
  8. Rational - GCD issue
  9. Question!
  10. Help with high school java problem
  11. Add a dollar sign to a number
  12. Program trying to calculate money, won't work
  13. Account Class OOP Java....transaction, deposit and deduction problems using an array...need assistance fast!
  14. cclipse jboss server problem
  15. can we use the Action Listener in a awt without using constructors? clarify the following error?
  18. Having Problems writing Big Letters in Java
  19. java code error
  20. do-while error
  21. question about printing arrays
  22. java class
  23. problems with jbutton/actionlistener
  24. Printing i+1
  25. Need blank line between each mail body part, How???
  26. Using Java to create a quiz...
  27. [SOLVED] Need help with loops and turning into roman numerals
  28. [SOLVED] How do I make a picture-part interact with a user?
  29. I cannot figure out what the errors mean nor how to correct them. Please help.
  30. Square prime numbers up to 50 and then round to nearest integer plz help
  31. Add online video to web application ,Receives sms
  32. How to copy one array into another and flip the values
  33. please solve my problem
  34. Deployment failed: repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element
  35. Concern about use of });
  36. getting input from the user and give him some chances
  37. System Tray
  38. "Contextaware toolkit" for developing contextaware applications.
  39. Handling ashx http requests
  40. Please help! Passing variables between modules.
  41. Alarm Clock (How to figure out how much time left till alarm will sound)
  42. question about copying and flipping arrays
  43. Problem with my code for a Leet Translator
  44. mutable and immutable concept of java
  45. [SOLVED] Setting up table and converting kilograms to pounds
  46. Joptio pane not correctly outputting stored values. (Help please)
  47. Discrete Structures Class
  48. For loop help!
  49. Using JMF
  50. JRE 1.4 or 1.5
  51. Muliple Client Server chat application..how to send message from server..
  52. How do I do this, code supplied
  53. [SOLVED] Solution Error: Y U No Work??
  54. i want to give java certification exam
  55. Help
  56. Unable to correct my errors [code provided]
  57. Game sound delaying
  58. I need some help with an assignment.
  59. Illegal Start of Expression in IF Statement
  60. How to fetch attribute values of two different attributes example xml is pasted below Please help me out?????
  61. "Services with missing/unavailable dependencies
  62. ain" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/Platform
  63. How do improve the accuracy of this averaging program
  64. Help with easy programming
  65. getting java code to cell phone
  66. Collision detection
  67. Begineer mistakes, need help (very basic)
  69. Java Work
  70. Need help with Java Assignment (code partially complete)
  71. Convert Scores into letter Grades
  72. Class & object
  73. My first week learning Java!
  74. I keep getting an error message but I don't know how to fix this!
  75. Java Perlin Noise 1D terrain generation problem
  76. How to capitalize a letter in String?
  77. Mouse Click Action Listener for JTextField?
  79. Java Program String Arrays Problem
  80. stack implementation
  81. how to authenticate user in swing application from twitter ?
  82. my program works but when i export it as runnable jar file it doesn't works..
  83. Need help debugging
  84. How to install JAVA ?
  85. Horse Racing game
  86. Help
  87. Help Calculating a tip
  88. Problem in getting time of different time zone
  89. 2D array input
  90. Make code more compact
  91. Possible misuse of timer?
  92. gui not linking with main project/ class
  93. remainder issue
  94. Connecting Android and PC for Speaking together in My own program
  95. Conditions?
  96. Create the object of that program i'll pay for him/her
  97. Help with array
  98. Help needed on basics of Methods- Written non written
  99. [SOLVED] Concatenating booleans
  100. cannot find symbol
  101. can someone give a code example of deleting data to a text file?
  102. Celsius to fahrenheit vice versa
  103. null pointer in a linked list
  104. a java program
  105. [SOLVED] Counting primes
  106. How can I create an option menu with while and switch statements?
  107. Please help with code. Null Pointer Exception
  108. How to take User Inputted String for color, and use it in the drawShape(x,y,x,y, Color. )
  109. Help with simple math in java
  110. Break/Continue example doesn't work with ConsoleReader
  111. Cannot figure out error
  112. [SOLVED] Casting int and doubles variables
  113. Disablng jBottons
  114. How can I continuously read a text file in java
  115. java program hangs when executed
  116. Help
  117. Loops and arrays
  118. Webservice call failing with error message: Got handshake alert: unrecognized_name while opening stream from
  119. Very new to java taking 101 at school and could use some help with my code
  120. Is a modal JDialog possible in this scenario?
  121. hello world script. probably really basic help
  122. Whats wrong with this code?????
  123. Problem with timer
  124. Dought regarding SCJP Certification
  125. Re: Java program which can list all files in a given directory
  126. JAVA: Run .exe in jpanel (NetBeans)
  127. java programing two arrays
  128. How can I search for words in a String?
  129. Missing Class?
  130. Simple maths equations
  131. 1-100 counter
  132. Trying to figure out next step
  133. [SOLVED] Very simple file I/O question
  134. File checker not working
  135. Error in Java program
  136. Program due tomorrow. need some advice.
  137. I don't know how to start this..
  138. Need help in highlighting tree nodes
  139. Hi Fellow
  140. Need help to fix my code
  141. [SOLVED] Trying to call a method in class Fraction
  142. How to get the fractional part of this number without so much precision?
  143. How to check (reliable) if caps-lock is on?
  144. I can't get my last method to work! What am I doing wrong?
  145. whats wrong with this code....it says, 'the operator / is undefined for z=1.0-"A" / 2.0
  146. Program not working
  147. Lucene search api
  148. how to assign different task to different threads
  149. Variable Loosing Data?
  150. problem finding symbol
  151. Need help with a Summing Series please? :)
  152. Memory and time optimization
  153. stop word removal
  154. NEED HELP GETTING MY ANNUITY PRORAM TO WORK!!! Quartley payment is $500 profit is... 6,255.12
  155. how to solve this question ? please help me
  156. android image processing ( cropping)
  157. Help for Terminal Exams................
  158. Game rendering
  159. [SOLVED] Boolean trouble, no idea whats wrong.
  160. [SOLVED] Distance
  161. Need a bit of help with Linked List program
  162. String to Double Conversion
  163. [SOLVED] Continue and break statements
  164. What's wrong with my code? (Music store)
  165. Printf syntax woes
  166. Grid algorithm not working properly
  167. Can't find javaclass
  168. School project
  169. Extarct Substring using regex.
  170. Weird Compiling Error.
  171. a null pointer exception
  172. integer number too large - don't understand
  173. JAVA
  174. New guy having problems with for loops, methods and charAt
  175. BlueJ question: "Error: illegal initializer for java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String>"
  176. whats wrong with code, please help me understand thanks
  177. who can help me write this program?
  178. Need a seond set of eyes I can find where the errors are
  179. Help with simple calculator
  180. Where is my .class?
  181. [SOLVED] Find the the longest decreasing row of numbers in a vector
  182. Writing a program for system of linear equations.
  183. Beginner's Looping Issue
  184. Creating a number char by char
  185. Define method output?
  186. Snake Game
  187. help me please
  188. Help with beginners code?
  189. What's wrong with my code?
  190. Object Orientation Program Help.
  191. [SOLVED] Intro
  192. Need help finishing class methods
  193. Exception handling woes
  194. Big Rookie Question - New to Java, small problem Help appreciated!
  195. Could someone please better explain this to me?
  196. Creating methods with Arrays
  197. Rounding with printf
  198. Creating pseudo code
  199. My code is skipping my for loop altogether and ignoring my array input.
  200. Trying to sort a collection after removing an item in GUI
  201. Using the ? operator inside of a for loop
  202. Mail Merge
  203. Different ways to download file using servlet
  204. Connection pool and Datasource Implementation Is Not Functioning
  205. Print a given sentence forwards, backwards and every other word.
  206. [SOLVED] PigLatinTranslator produces no output
  207. Simulating a truck problem.
  208. calcAverage() not calculating properly
  209. Error in data types
  210. I could not post in my another thread so created a new thread: need help with data types
  211. Don't know why this isn't working
  212. how to search for upper/lower case using string using JAVA!!!?
  213. help
  214. Rounding with printf
  215. [SOLVED] Problem with my code (Fairly New to Java)
  216. height code not working
  217. Tic Tac Toe GUI jar file
  218. Different ways to download file using Servlet.
  219. wont get right output
  220. [SOLVED] How can I make this code concise?
  221. ArrayList Report
  222. how to make autocommit false in stored procedure execute() method
  223. jdbc instrumentation using 'asm' byte code manipulation framework
  224. Txt file to array
  225. Generating a random number from a range of inputted numbers
  226. Java puzzle Help needed
  227. How do I update information in a file?
  228. Sequences (convert char[] to String) [Replacing String with Character]
  229. Interfaces Executor and ExecutorService
  230. Math.round...I need help understanding what I am doing wrong and why it's not working
  231. [SOLVED] Filter-Standart Input
  232. How to receive a message from an external Midi device using javax.sound.midi
  233. JAVA TLS client application
  234. how to open one Jframe from main method call
  235. i dont understand whats wrong with my code, please fix it.
  236. How can i include mai activity in my java project
  237. Java Recursion reversing my strings
  238. how to configure js request in web.xl
  239. Beginner Java issue
  240. infinite maze issue
  241. Beginner: Need help with making an object value equal another object value without using literals.
  242. Movie of BufferedImages
  243. [SOLVED] Trying to rewrite the main method to use as few lines of code as possible
  244. Object not storeing in array?
  245. Calling A Public Static Void Method from Main
  246. My Noob Code needs attention
  247. Help getting started with JAVA program that calculates occupancy rate for each floor in hotel room
  248. How to create file in Logically(RAM) using java code?
  249. Please show me where I went wrong? I have tried many numbers to check, but the bottom line in output still comes.
  250. Need help to write an interpreter in Java