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  1. Program does not work
  3. Help With Flowchart (Non-Code Issue)
  4. Simple but fustrating issue with swing
  5. Chutes and Ladders Java Program
  6. Does this line of code need any exception handling?
  7. Remove at index method for singly linked list... what's wrong?
  8. how can i set an object in focus
  9. invoking method from another class ..
  10. Can you please help me figure out what's wrong with my code?
  11. ISBN-10 enter 9 digit to find the 10th digit
  12. The operator / is undefined for the argument type(s)
  13. Polynomial Bisection Help
  14. How do I make a break in this?
  15. [SOLVED] Help me out with my code
  16. Noob Question: How to add spaces between each print
  17. Customer java program( Whats wrong with my code?)
  18. Hang Man
  19. Attributes,Modifieres, and More
  20. Referencing libraries in java
  21. [SOLVED] Problem with FileWriter
  22. Problem with a binary insertion sort method
  23. Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null'
  24. Java programme design help
  25. please help
  26. Java Basics Question
  27. Please help issue with a variable in a loop.
  28. Return Min
  29. Passing an element from an array to a Method
  30. Trying to write a program that reads from StdIn and findes the highest value
  31. Need to find out if a String has consecutive letters or digits with LOOPING ('89012' or 'bazyx')
  32. SparseMatrix
  33. User input trouble
  34. Bubble Sort on double Linked List
  35. Help needed regarding JAVA Application Demo Version
  36. Java Beginner. Help needed.
  37. Grey Scale?
  38. Yet another java interface rule conflict.
  39. Searching arrays
  40. [SOLVED] Simple programming help
  41. Problem with code
  42. [SOLVED] Program not compiling correctly
  43. Why is it not ROUNDING HELP PLEASE
  44. How to access derived class field values?
  45. java program codes for fast food ordering system
  46. validate a String in java Regular Expression
  47. checkbox on a JTable
  48. Java hangman help with comparing array to String
  49. Linear Search in an array
  50. uniquly identifying a system
  51. ')' and ';' error
  52. Java Average Speed Programme
  53. Fixing my Chess Program setup
  54. if else issues
  55. Desperately need help for Uni Assignment. Willing to pay.
  56. Attempting to calculate a budget and using public static double method(...)
  57. [SOLVED] On Screen Keyboard help
  58. please help to sole my problem
  59. How to input a decimal via JOptionPane and echo it as a Integer
  60. Cannot get the program to write and display properly
  61. Law of cosines help to find angles URGENT!
  62. [SOLVED] AssertionFailedError: Expected <1> but was <0>
  63. Need help to connect Google api
  64. code with problem in layout and scrolling
  65. Need some different approch on sending emails through java
  66. i need code for follwing program
  67. cisco
  68. is Tomcat 7 is application server or webserver.....?
  69. Help with java project?
  70. Program with objects and classes trouble
  71. Hi can any have a look at my code and see how I am going wrong with my array list out put,the mark is not outputing
  72. Writing a word jumbler program.
  73. [Easy] Finding area of triangle, rectangle, and circle.
  74. Remove at index in singly linked list?
  75. Logic to find adjacency of numbers 0 & 1 in an array
  76. About the project
  77. rock paper scissors program giving wrong results
  78. [SOLVED] Using methods improperly
  79. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
  80. Regarding Independent SIM Card
  81. Regarding Independent SIM Card
  82. Calculating pi
  83. Is Java EE is Advancement of Java SE.
  84. What is the logo of Java?
  85. What is wrong in My code. Going to Else part..Can you please suggest me.
  86. [SOLVED] Searching for a word in file
  87. Issue with unicode in linux
  88. JAVA NETWORK client/server architechture
  89. unsorted array list (Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException)
  90. How to change a string at indexOf
  91. string comparison java
  92. button
  93. Saving new value to file
  94. Help on this class. Almost done
  95. problems with loop
  96. [SOLVED] Put a random number from one vector to another
  97. Network Interface scan returns an InternetAddress list which has a single null entry
  98. Probably something simple but stuck
  99. Can someone tell me why I keep getting a tie, no matter what I type in?
  100. Rock paper scissors program not displaying winner
  101. Comparing a list against another list, and storing it back into a list. Java
  102. how to record speaker output using cmd
  103. How to capture/record from "Wave Out Mix" or "Stereo Mix" in Windows7/Vista ?
  104. Inner Class Use
  105. pls help me out on this (import scanner)
  106. Some of my methods don't run properly
  107. Errors in Selenium
  108. can't create checksum algorithm/ can't understand concept of checksum
  109. Recursion: Fibonacci Number Question
  110. Small question! Looking for help!
  111. BLUEJ Program Help
  112. [SOLVED] Shuffling a deck of cards
  113. [SOLVED] Jsoup cant Login on Page
  114. Cannot obtain ' and " in my program
  115. Method local Inner class
  116. Help with boolean logic please!
  117. JOption Dialog box showing duplicates for each choice
  118. How to read an empty token and display it in the output??
  119. Java Applet Shooter click timings/limit
  120. how to rotate one by one jbuttton
  121. Not getting an output file
  122. Switches
  123. Java assignment- Need help please
  124. I need help developing an algorithm.
  125. (Homework) Assign
  126. Program Works on NetBeans, but Jar file doesn't work correctly.
  127. Need code to get count from huge json file
  128. Need to get a target element from json file
  129. My reverse method wont work
  130. Beginner struggling with homework question
  131. How to generate random numbers in Java?
  132. String Manipulations Help
  133. Method returns empty stack when called
  134. Re: How to read a text from an Image file?
  135. Difference in time with alternative methods
  136. Help with if statement or counter (not sure which)
  137. simple calculation code
  138. jsf page refresh
  139. how to change DB design for a change in java
  140. I need help with these basic Java ?s
  141. How to generate multiple random numbers?
  142. trouble with an sdk
  143. Trouble with detecting digits
  144. Pls me out on this arrays number print
  145. Help changing my programm to take in more data
  146. UDP single vs multiple socket performance
  147. java udp request response mismatch
  148. Have a problem with i2c and java. Help needed!
  149. Connect 4 Help
  150. How to validate user input in a loop
  151. Java Homework
  152. problem with deleting from an array
  153. Total noob needing help - Arrays and scanning.
  154. Class structure for solving a thread situation
  155. Java user input troubles using the scanner class
  156. Java Program ferinheight to celsius Table
  157. how to send sms to mobile through excel sheet
  158. how to send sms to mobile through excel sheet
  159. THREADS:What is the difference between acquiring lock on a CLASS and OBJECT (instance) of that class
  160. ocr in image processing
  161. code for finding the maximum in a tree
  162. If Then Statement Question!
  163. int cannot be dereferenced
  164. ocr in image processing
  165. Help with Math.sqrt()
  166. creating a rainfall class
  167. Variables not initialized?
  168. Error with String range print -1.
  169. Problem in my 2-Dimensional Array Board Game
  170. [SOLVED] Popup JInternalFrame not doing what it's supposed to when minimzed.
  171. URGENT! Due in one hour. Please help!
  172. Problem In Accessing User Machine Command Prompt From Java Program Which Runs On Server
  173. java - inheritance
  174. difference between import and extends in java
  175. [SOLVED] Try... catch loop?!
  176. How to move jbutton left to righ using java threads
  177. o2bin
  178. Help With Nesting Simple If-Else Loops
  179. Help with infix to postfix problem.
  180. I need help coding a string
  181. Party Bits problem
  182. Need help with while loop
  183. Home work help?
  184. why wouldn't it print my code?
  185. Help with five function calculator
  186. extract senteces from a text document
  187. How do you code to compare result?
  188. basic binary search tree implementation
  189. xml file parsing using xsd file in Java
  190. Specifying the order & starting point of a queue<String>
  191. using case switch statement. display salary and bonus.. help me
  192. Java Colors
  193. help with an accumulator
  194. method overloading problems
  195. programming
  197. Java heap memory error
  198. simple java calculation
  199. Help with Abstract Extended Classes
  200. Method Invokation
  201. I Require some guidance :)
  202. [SOLVED] keyListener keyPressed not working
  203. Math Game
  204. Request:Generating Subsets
  205. Looking for some help! (BEGINNER)
  206. Removing duplicates from an array
  208. I get error when putting in more then 10 digits in my vector
  209. Java JTextfield
  210. Java won't install !
  211. How to convert java games
  212. Error when running java GUI
  213. Passing by reference in Java?
  214. why is my while loop terminating?
  215. [SOLVED] need to run
  216. Assignment
  217. Only one of a client
  218. error: error while writing HeloWorldApp: HelloWorldApp.class <Access is denied> class HelloWorldApp {
  219. Loan repayment calculator
  220. Can't get 2 different randoms
  221. image prosseccing
  223. Beginner Java code problems
  224. What Did I Do Wrong With My Code?
  225. [Solved] Palindrome
  226. System.exit(0)
  227. Help with school assignment/arrays
  228. Program crashes when user input's decimals
  229. Trying to delete this forum....
  230. Exponential function giving different results
  231. Why the value of ' i' is 0;
  232. Find first null in an array of objects
  233. Calling a JPanel into another Jpanel in a JFrame
  234. RequestDispatcher include()
  235. Can't convert string to int
  236. Guessing game
  237. logical errors
  238. redundant code
  239. Why are my flowers stacked on top of each other?
  240. Methods with parameters and return values help
  241. homework help
  242. Help with hypotenuse code that uses JOptionPane PLEASE help
  243. Stopping while loop if there are insufficient funds.
  244. program coding
  245. String O string where are you?
  246. [SOLVED] Monthly payment Calculation Error's Please Help
  247. connection refused error java networking please help sir
  248. Project Nursing Home Due Tonight Help
  249. Passing variable from one class to another
  250. I need help defining a class.