View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- How to alternate plus and minus signs in java?
- Having a bit of trouble trying to loop my project.
- Multiple instances of a class
- How can I put a JComboBox inside an array and display it?
- Arrays?
- Is it possible to achieve the encapsulation without class
- Need Help Ran into problem
- How to add the numbers in the following series?
- Programming project: random multiplication questions
- Creating and Working with Interfaces
- Scanner multipule input [Solved]
- doubts about boolean
- Java chunk negative number problem
- find frequency of characters using static method
- Conversion Program
- Can any one tell me why I am getting an error
- How can I add empty string ("") to the end of textfile
- [SOLVED] java -jar path problem
- Java - Inheritance help!
- [SOLVED] Problem with Jbutton
- About casting
- Help with my code for homework assignment, I don't know how to fix it!
- guide me please
- Beginner at Java - can't figure out what I'm doing wrong
- My first Java 2D Game won't work
- [SOLVED] What is the difference?
- Searching a string for a single character - how to?
- Playing sound file not working
- [SOLVED] gui
- Problems with A* Map Search - GC Overload Error and Null Error
- please guide me
- Second largest
- Need a java program with GUI
- Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- [SOLVED] I think I did something wrong here. I need some feedback...
- Need help understanding a Lab. Don't know if I should make a nested class or extend the class itself.
- Java Homework Help
- Problem with external class
- Cannot get rid of File Input error
- javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel@1a38598
- Small Problem with my Code
- pizza parlor orde
- please help me with the Code below
- Dynamic JComboBoxes
- Online Employee Time Clock
- need a dropdown multiselection list
- Lisp Lists in java
- Trying to validate a character user input in an array ?
- Spaces at the start of every other line in a for loop
- Beginner at Java, Need help with my project its due tuesday.
- Constructor Undefined?
- AVL Tree help.
- How to make this triangle upside down in java?
- Simple question- nonstatic variable?
- Dat records
- Counter on Hi-Lo game
- How To Dock A Tree In Desktop Pane
- regarding String
- java parser
- Array Help Needed- Testing if ArrayIsFull & Displaying Most Recently added Array data
- RMI application connection issue
- tell me about the meaig of each line
- Unable to authenticate!
- Making sns site
- Homework Help Java Beginner
- [SOLVED] .
- Need help with nesting if statements! (Scrub) EDITED
- Null Pointer Exception
- another school homework thread
- Exercise
- Could someone explain to me what exactly is messing up?
- [SOLVED] JPanel and JText area keep resizing even though I'm telling it not to.
- How to access an ArrayList of another class?
- classpath in java
- JAVA SWING - Print
- Windows Services in Java
- How to Read data from Datasheet of an Excel sheet using Java?
- Merge two arrays of integers
- JAVA and WMI
- [SOLVED] [Asking] Problem send email
- Average Won't Work
- CS 170 Java Objects And Classes Help
- NullPointerException on JButton.setIcon.
- Recursion to Print and Count
- JDialogs
- Simple Balloon Applet [Help!!!]
- How to let hibernate know where to look for configuration file
- [SOLVED] Small problem
- Java and networking
- Refining some simple "Hangman" code
- where is my fault?
- What's wrong with my code!? seriously...
- [SOLVED] Memoization
- Help with arrays
- [SOLVED] Help me understand Delimiter limitations?
- is something wrong with my code? Lab 10.1
- Text Based Adventure Game (Inventory related)
- getting pluging message while loading applet in browser
- Output of numbers are incorrect sometimes.
- No such method, help
- need to randomly change the size of programs balls
- Balloon Applet Help [Simple for non-novice]
- 2 questions about making bar chart using asteriks
- Joptionpanel. i need help here.
- Need Help Here
- Abstract Class
- Running unsigned (Java) applications like this will be blocked in a future release
- [SOLVED] Many problems with JTable
- Very simple question (nextDouble- Random class)
- Array and Objects trouble
- Creating a random access file
- Splitting a String by number of characters
- Upper and Lower Case in a sentence
- Create a java program to determine what integers of two, three, and four digits are equal to the sum of the cubes of their digits?
- SWT- one Group taking all space vertically and hides other group in compoiste
- moving time line creation
- Greek characters are stored in mysql database like "?????????".Please help.
- Using actionPerformed method
- Don't know what statement to put
- Card Trick Program: Error Message
- Number Counting Array issues
- wso2Server installation issue
- Need GUI help
- Update data of text file
- Is there an easier way to do this?
- HttpRouteBuilder - Where did it go and Why?
- is this right?
- Integer pyramid 1-15
- calcuate and display the sum of even integers between 1 and 100.
- [SOLVED] Managing layout in JFrame
- How can I reset the values on my display screen without the NEW values being added to the OLD values?
- [SOLVED] Animation and double buffering
- Multivaluemap with keyset iterator returning in order
- Sorting by numbers of words in each sentence that is in ArrayList index.
- wso2Server runtime issue
- Why won't the frame Icon change?
- help with setters and getters
- Hot Dog Stand Code
- Strings; Extremely Basic Issue
- getBounds problem
- connection failed while connecting to OpenOffice .org
- defaultCloseOperation doesn't work plus JButttons don't show up
- Return a List from a method
- Instance method
- Looper
- Returning value from method? Arrays-
- Sum not returning correctly
- SWT-How to restrict Text from taking Vertically all space and hide other controls
- Runtime error-- Applet program
- blur filter
- too many if's and else's!
- help with setters and getters
- <Identifier Expected> - Constructor method?
- [SOLVED] Simple Problem!
- Java SE Server/Client Application how to
- DECtoBIN Conversion WITHOUT using String Methods
- [SOLVED] Where am I going wrong
- Invert an integer Triangle?
- How to create a Database Connection?
- Calling a Method with my Hexagon Area Calculator
- How to read multiple integers without assigning them to seperate variables?
- Missing Loop, not sure what I need
- What exactly is the syntax for println()
- Objects in an Array/Classes Help
- How to define a multi-dimensional array?
- 'for' loop problem
- Search data problem
- [SOLVED] My code was showing picture but now it's not!!!!!
- Need Help PLS
- regarding ByteArrayStreams
- Set the Screen Resolution in JSP
- Recursion
- [SOLVED] GAME VIEW - flashing
- Calculate Monthly Depreciation and Accumulation
- Help with card game (ace could be 1 or 11)
- what's wrong with this statement
- [SOLVED] Basic Java Problem
- Program that determines the lagest and the smallest number
- [SOLVED] Catch without a try error
- Why does my IF statement not work?
- Is my code working
- How to find the nth number?
- Beginner Java HELP!
- Making a change dispenser!
- Help With Code?
- What's wrong?
- compute the square of a number
- Need help with my POP method!!!
- help with if statements
- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error
- guess program problems.
- Joining two different generic type of ArrayList.
- Help altering dice program?
- Having difficult to move("focus") one sprite frame to another. Please help.
- Answer won't print!
- PrintStream, strings and reading from a file.
- Concantinate Leading zeros when extracting data from a SQL query and exporting that data to a ".txt" file
- Output error
- [SOLVED] i need help ,, how to do this program
- Neeeeeeeed Help
- Is is possible multiple public class in one java file? help needed..urgent
- Java error
- help with necklace problem?
- Help with method. Finding minimum value in Array
- How to handle Group Layout Manually
- Passing an array to the constructor!
- adding and removing from an array while conditions are met.
- Getting 1 error in my menu driven code for students add,delete and list.
- Adding two arrays
- How to write a code that can browse the list of books
- determine the 1,000,000 th primitive number in less than 10 min !!!
- How do you check to see if a RandomAccessFile already exists?
- Durchschnitt berechnen
- What is the correct way to write to a Random Access File?
- [SOLVED] Conversion of matlab code in Java
- How to solve??
- Aggregating java requests.
- My emulator displays "App is nt installed" message
- how to find 2nd largest array if array values like{10,20,92,81,92,34}
- Sorting Arrays and Counting the Number of Swaps
- My program skips an if statement I want to include in my loop--don't know why
- [SOLVED] Trouble with Writing test program
- Merging different nodes of XML files using Java
- how can i do that?
- How to call methods from another class using Eclipse IDE? Please help!
- [SOLVED] Niggling Issue in code
- Adding additional $10?
- I need hellllp
- phone number generator
- hello i need help for this question i dont no how to solve this question
- Code
- How to replace the vowels with a user input Character
- to add emoticons to my chat application
- is it possible to connect outlook to java?
- please help
- My code
- Random variant.
- IF statement/Array
- What's wrong with the code? Multiplication of Matrices
- Help on Linear Support Vector Machine implementation
- setting the size of JTextField in BoxLayoot
- java quessing game
- ArrayList problem, probably very simple.
- phone number generator1
- strange problem
- Reading Race Results from a text file in Java
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