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  1. Problem with communicating between client and server sockets in Java
  2. [SOLVED] Error setting up Object. Issue with static vs non-static
  3. Session creation
  4. Application reading a Gmail message with Javamail?
  5. How to use Regex as a key in Hashmap to match the given string with key in java
  6. Falling Distance
  7. Java programming help - Coins in a Jar
  8. Present Value
  9. XMI parsing
  10. writing a method to add fractions?
  11. Histogram java problem
  12. Copying objects through constructors?
  13. Java Programming help please
  14. nested do while loop
  15. How do I run the if statement?
  16. An email validation in Java
  17. Java binary Tree code help
  18. Problem with lists
  19. [SOLVED] Can't read into Array List.
  20. Web Service connectivity
  21. HashMap , trying to get the size of the value and NOT the keys.
  22. nested do while loop
  23. connectivity with msaccess
  24. Detecting collisions
  25. Ignore certain characters in a string.
  26. IndexColorModel 255 Colors to BufferedImage
  27. JLabel Will Not Show Up In Frame
  28. How to get Median/Middle value in an array?
  29. Please help, confusing programing assignment.
  30. Arrays and files
  31. please tell me the code of union and intersection of two arrays without using collections
  32. [SOLVED] New to Java - Developing Applet
  33. Making a sprite jump
  34. assignement help
  35. RMI Problems with doing calculations across a server/client platform
  36. private couseName & grade
  38. Best way of implementing a queue's isEmpty() method
  39. Simplifying if else statement
  40. nullpointerexception error
  41. <No main class found>??
  42. Copying Arrays
  43. [SOLVED] Creating a poker deck
  44. Could someone check my code out for me? (I'm a total newb)
  45. Path error
  46. Write Image Metadata
  47. Arrays- assignment due in 30 mins!!
  48. Problem with CRUD connection to database, help? :S
  49. My code needs help. The frames are not showing one a second and are getting to high. It's suposed to look like
  50. Exception in thread "Thread-0" .. Please help me!
  51. java game
  52. [SOLVED] getComponentAt() return defaultIcon
  54. java.lang.Exception: folder exists, but it is not a directory.
  55. Guessing Game Code... something went wrong
  56. [SOLVED] How to get url information based on keywords in java
  57. graph in java
  58. TEXT Box
  59. [SOLVED] student grade
  60. brain bench question
  61. brain bench question
  62. brain bench question
  63. brain bench question
  64. [SOLVED] My First Thread Program
  65. Network Program
  66. need help plzz in solving this Question
  67. setText help
  68. Accessing string list?
  69. IWAB0014E Unexpected exception occurred in Web service sample program
  70. How to use session handler created in one class in another class?
  71. methods
  72. [SOLVED] Simple averaging program using two different classes
  73. Well i got some kind of problem here?
  75. SUSHI SOAP Request
  76. ObjectInputStream
  77. adding questions label
  78. Accessing String Array
  79. Problem with packages.
  80. [SOLVED] Having problems with my credit program, and it's driving me nuts.
  81. java game errors
  82. how to write java data to pdf file
  83. one question JLabel and swap the text it holds via the JLabel's setText(...) method
  84. [SOLVED] my cirular doubly linked list only adds first number
  85. [SOLVED] Tax calculation program
  86. else if statement
  87. Array Sorting - Asc, Desc
  88. NullPointerException when canceling JOptionPane.showInputDialog
  89. Elevator simulation in event time, not clock.
  90. Simple input value from user
  91. Java Program - Distance Traveled (Formatting and Decimal Place)
  92. I am not sure what else do I need to complete it
  93. Help With Filters Java Programming
  95. [SOLVED] both class javax.swing.Timer in javax.swing and class java.util.Timer in java.util match
  96. Patching Java on my system
  97. java programming
  98. Counting duplicates in a Stack
  99. Java B-Tree Insert (no libraries)
  100. HELP! It's an assignment.
  101. Bullets are not showing up across network client screen in game
  102. Hashtable loadFactor
  103. Why doesn't this change the variables that are passed in?
  104. [SOLVED] Image on a JPanel
  105. v-shape
  106. My modulus result is wrong.
  107. Simple coding question, 1 error
  108. Rectangle keeps getting faster
  109. All permutations of 2 coordinate int array
  110. problem with understanding boolean logic
  111. [SOLVED] Find the lowest number
  112. Voice Chat using java multicastSocket
  113. [SOLVED] Java questions
  114. Creating a File with eclipse:
  115. assign values to nodes read from XML using java
  116. Buttons Multicoloured gridlayout
  117. Swing TIMER
  118. Just need some help with my program ... i really dont know how to get the total to print in my for loop :(((((((((((((((((
  119. Valid ticket id
  120. [SOLVED] String Builder questions
  121. [SOLVED] Why is Java not printing my method results?
  122. Read CSV files and organising the data in Java
  123. [SOLVED] Begginer ~ why is my divider not working?
  124. resetting label text alongside gui
  125. REGEX For Uppercase Alphanumeric
  126. How to call a EAR file from standalone java code
  127. New software
  128. [SOLVED] JFrame - ImageIcon not displaying
  129. Exchanging between classes and methods
  130. [SOLVED] Vowels
  131. Text size help. please help. probably really easy
  132. [SOLVED] Odd and Even numbers with boolean?
  133. Java Convert String of XML to Document object is null all the time
  134. java usb
  135. Files and arrays
  136. Example for joining 2 tables using Spring JDBC Template.
  137. How to store zip or rar file into Oracle database in java
  138. Some problem with "Main"?
  139. Formating integers into money
  140. reading files
  141. Help with logic to find the day number of the year
  142. RMI Java project
  143. a simple question for suggestions
  144. First Java Program -- Single Die
  145. Alternative method solutions
  146. 234 tree search and insert
  147. Creating a scanner and putting input into arrays.
  148. Amending whole words to a/an char[][]
  149. [Java AWT (No Swing)] - Problem with hiding user-drawn graphics
  150. ACM and another class
  151. simple basic calculator
  152. [SOLVED] Need help with Pong game
  153. Need a solution related to Java PrintService API
  154. How to export jasper report in a excel or word without saving the file in java struts?
  155. how to decode the html tags in java?
  156. Copy Selected Value from JComboBox to jTextField
  157. i need help
  158. Java string tockenizer
  159. Binary Heap Help
  160. Java String Regular Expression Help
  161. Find Highest rated movie
  162. why wony my label show on gui
  163. How to add all even numbers between 2 and a user input number which is included in the Addition
  164. [SOLVED] Application Gui Issue
  165. Searching for a word in a text file
  166. Uncomplete code to test another program
  167. [SOLVED] Arrays nightmare
  168. 2D Survival Platformer Help
  169. how to use sessions
  170. debutan, besoin d'aide java
  171. Managing Audio Files In Java
  172. UDP Client Server JAVA classes not workng!
  173. Difference between BufferedReader and InputStreamReader output for the code below.
  174. close original frame
  175. About java language
  176. Pong Game won't update
  177. Java SnakeGame
  178. dispose(); not working
  179. How to save a word in a text file
  180. Rushhour - X and Y Positions
  181. counting number of paragraphs in a text
  182. [SOLVED] Skipping user input lines, messing up object generation, and repetition of system.out.println.... I'm just stumped
  183. Java Home Utility Auditing Program Netbeans calculations !
  184. Help writing this code
  185. [SOLVED] String reverse
  186. Delimiter function and number of words in string
  187. Behaviour of shortcut assignment and normal assignment for float
  188. Using a String[] in a Void or INT???
  189. comparing string but the '/0' keeps being counted
  190. Java mastermind problem.
  191. [SOLVED] String Comparisons, HashSet, Duplicates
  192. adding images to word list
  193. Error: class name are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested.
  194. stuff from the whole year that I need to review for the AP Exam
  195. Simple Calculator HELP
  196. change to swing format
  197. Using BigDecimal for Mathematical Formulas
  198. please help i need this :(
  199. [SOLVED] Club Membership Registration client-server database problem
  200. I am having drouble with my java program for calculating the area and circumference of a circle
  201. Help with 2d Array Code
  202. word game (problem how to check that the word is in the dictionary)
  203. Java RIA Application and Java Plug-In Problems
  204. Will not average for high temp
  205. Binary Trees:
  206. Can someone help me with this project - willing to pay (and has to be done in the next hour)
  207. LapTop PC and JVM and SDK1.7.0_51 kits
  208. How do I get an average using an Array?
  209. Java Traffic Applet and Graphics
  210. [SOLVED] Help with Multi-dimensional Arrays. Help needed urgently!
  211. Emulator using java swing
  212. Program Error - Please help
  213. Is this syntax possible?
  214. Syntax error!!!
  215. Writing Java programme
  216. Testing testcase in Junit3 using treemap
  217. Why is if statement false?
  218. [SOLVED] Needs one-on-one arrays help
  219. [SOLVED] Debugging homework assignment/ questions surrounding partially filled arrays
  220. Maximum size of Collections
  221. [SOLVED] Need a little help,easy task
  222. [SOLVED] Need some help in a timer
  223. Help add something to my code please.
  224. My java homework (very simple stuff)
  225. Trying to make a Risk game, but I got stuck on the Hand class.
  226. How to extract and Parse email header in OBPM using java
  227. I'm stuck on this question in Java and we have to make a telephone directory?
  228. get values from database and set them in text fields
  229. Java error
  230. JList - Learning Java
  231. Help with hashmap and heap
  232. I need help with my Business Application
  233. Getting the client system default printer details
  234. need java code for Wavelet-based Color Histogram,please help
  235. SQL stored procedure to a grid view
  236. Beginner Java Help !
  238. Cant end input of data on my program...please help
  239. JavaPos Applet
  240. HiLo game in java
  241. linked lists
  242. Whats wrong with my code
  243. Beginner Java Method
  244. I can't get Relative paths to work with the code I'm using.
  245. Help with Inheritance in Java.
  246. Help With Sudoku GUI
  247. how to use executeupdate() when I connect to my jdbc?
  248. Java Socket:How i can set value jtext Field when Client Send Message
  249. Please I need help! About my project!
  250. how do I fix a "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException:6" problem?