View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- keep getting main method error need some help =]
- Problem with NULL.Exception [...]
- I get this error when compiling my program
- Help with ExitButtonHandler
- Simple java program help please.
- How to display .swf files in java code JEditorPane using eclips platform
- Distinguish between different Threads
- To call java method in jsp
- File handling in a GUI!
- Beginner Question length method
- The grafic interfaces
- Interest Program
- FILE Input without delimiter.
- Java Question
- [SOLVED] Looping doesn't change value
- Can't find the solution to errors in code
- how to return an alert true if the server is functioning normally
- Need help with my Assignment!
- Need help with the Tracing Answer!
- Assignment Help.
- Need to know if the Answer is correct?
- recursion on initialization
- Solving.
- JVM failed to initialize
- Java Program: Falling Distance Problem
- Fibonacci Sequence Code in Java
- Double Hashing for inserting integer into hashtable
- I gotta write a simple client server chat program for me college assignment. I need to use a key to encrypt and decrypt the message. However I am not able to send and receive the encrypted string. Help! Thanks!
- How to save a file in directory...???PLz find below code anything wrong in mycode
- Remove_duplicate elements
- [SOLVED] old object take variabile from the new issue
- Not seeing the result in the databse
- GOing from VB to Java
- how to import/ access classes created in one package in another package
- how i can do that??
- ParameterMystery problem
- Looking for Assistance with Graphing using Drawing Panel
- Simple Code not working properly
- Building a linked list whose nodes data is the sum of nodes of other list
- linked list data for java programming....need help please !!
- RainFall Programming
- [SOLVED] I need an advice
- Problem executing a jar file
- Java project on medical diagnosis
- Writing a program to search blutooth devices.
- [SOLVED] Help me on this code whats wrong with it?
- servlets
- how to set printer paper size to same as jframe?
- Testing double null
- How to clear Java output console
- stand alone
- Book Store Assignment.No errors but it doesn't print the name of the author.
- In degree and out degree of a graph
- Simple help in Java !!
- [SOLVED] Please help me to coding it (beginner)
- Getter from other class and border problem.
- Help with code- horizontal to vertical bouncing balls
- [SOLVED] Elasticsearch - Java
- How can I modify a text so that it doesn't contain two equal numbers?
- How can I loop this?
- How can I make an array for my products and quanitites
- [SOLVED] ArrayList<node> list
- Statistics Lab - Loop/ File IO NEED HELP!
- [SOLVED] Class issues not allowing me to compile
- Slick2D Runnable Jar Not Running (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError)
- help with inorder traversal
- Adjacency list graph
- Priority Queue in Java which keeps track of each node's position
- pls help
- [SOLVED] why is the program not entering the if statement?
- Can i get some help with an array code
- Help me to round off double, PLEASE JAVA MASTERS!!!
- i dont know where the problem me here
- why logarithms jslider vertical knob/thumb not moving?
- [SOLVED] Test
- [SOLVED] URGENT Array List Question
- [SOLVED] If Statement not working
- having a hard time getting code to coint coins in a piggybank
- Donno why its not being checked against the array seem to skipp to the follow on if statement 's" of just spinning
- [SOLVED] Java class Person: with friend_data.txt issue:
- //google replaced with http:\/\/google when getting the output in json format
- [SOLVED] Image loads in IDE but not when exported || creating reffered libary problem
- [SOLVED] NullPointerException Error
- It gives an error but i dont knw its cause...Please solve my problem
- Why does this code now work?
- Problem related to file handling example
- Arrays
- What is wrong?
- Urgent! - How To Increment Value
- Dijstra's Algorithm Problems
- why my code does not work ?? ://
- [SOLVED] Does anyone know where I can find some info on where to start on this program?
- Using Accessor methods to access data from another class
- Nothing will print into the console
- Code won't let me remove integer.
- Please help with output from Data File!
- μηπως ξερει καποιος να μου την λυση;;
- Code not working
- Help with array nots being updated
- What is the overiding in java?
- Creating method to print array of integers
- [SOLVED] I need help on this one :(
- [SOLVED] Why is my code storing input data in all three of my product objects?
- Output in JTextFiled with refreshing every row
- Having Trouble With My Key Listener
- Need help with DecimalFormat class
- without using split method want to get data from config file having multiple values for single key, and want to store them in array
- i have created the following code for classes, Account and SavingAcc, However, the preceding code results in compilation error. Identify the error please help me with the error? and please be more specific?
- Formatting Issue
- [SOLVED] how to specify location of opened window
- help me please this is a calculator by the way
- javaws issue - importing two jnlp files into system cache
- JOptionPane Question.
- Am I close to having this right? If statements
- [SOLVED] What is wrong with my code? pls help!
- help
- very basic program
- HELP ME!!- Starting to use java and problems with that damned jdk-
- help needed
- What is wrong?
- Question
- alarm clock gui
- How to create a text file?
- Why i m not receiving correctly the SMS over length of more the a page Using AT Commands???
- LWJGL Keyboard-Inputs aren't recognized
- My calculator doesn't work right....
- [SOLVED] Scanner Issues - I think
- Importing problems
- [SOLVED] Modifying the method to clear collection HELPPP!
- Java home utility calculator
- Developing UNO game in java
- Confusion with the question about this coding
- For Loop with condition
- How to give URL connecton to this.
- Problem with code, pls help!
- [SOLVED] When I add a 2nd panel the result is all white
- String counter doesn't count the appropriate strings properly
- Why doesn't my if condition work when I compare two strings?
- Common characteristic in programming language
- I building a Chat Program with NetBeans, need to know some few ideas
- tax return
- Java String regex - Extract String Tag for its Value
- AudioSystem doesn't find any Mixers though they exist
- [SOLVED] Problems With Throwing Exceptions in Program-Help Appreciated
- calculation in GUI interface
- java basic based on Gaddis text
- Synchronized is blocking
- Splitting a String which is Double Hours Method
- Average of an array! help and explanation much appreciated! :)
- How to read an integer attribute using dom.element
- solve my issue
- Logic Exercise
- why is terminal not returning results to ide
- [SOLVED] Array Problem
- javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException after few days
- Help Please
- How can I rotate an image using arrow keys?
- Comission Calculator not performing
- Not getting the right outputs.
- Please help me!!! I'm need your help
- This is bally chohan, i am here to know about session used in beans.
- Unsolved Core Java Program
- How can i fix my null pointer exception error?
- Math/Programming HELP!
- array stack
- Java Swing:
- Issue regarding php-java Bridge
- [SOLVED] Can someone take a look at my code? last few lines not doing anything.
- Java JOptionPane text unreadable
- Tip Calculator for newbie...
- small problem to do with 'this.'! help and explanation much appreciated!
- Why is the value of the selected row stays the same in textfield?
- how to Read excel sheet and validate then save into database through java
- multi array of buttons
- Problem with JPanel [...]
- [SOLVED] Scanner cannot be used as variable in "if" Statements???
- Hospetal Management System
- Need help with Gridworld
- [SOLVED] How to make a program run multiple times.
- [SOLVED] Random math operators and asking ten questions with a loop?
- Implementing an example into my code
- Declaring paramters in java class
- [SOLVED] Custom class loader returns NoSuchMethodException in listFilesAndDirs() method call
- TicTactoe program on BlueJ
- Collision Detection Problem Using Rectangles - Player sometimes passes through the tiles.
- Need help with Currency Symbol format
- Convert Numbers from -999 to 999 in words!
- Incredibly new at java... trying to make area calculator
- Using variables in switch statement case clauses
- Sudoku Solution Generator
- Code Required in the form of Key Values
- [SOLVED] using a seperate class(newb)
- Switch statements to initialize variable due to multiple outcomes?
- Read a text and extract data and display it in JTables
- Performance of Threads
- Error using printf function across classes
- JButton Positioning:
- Dekete Mutiple lines from file
- batch printing of files in java
- How to end reading from console?
- Could not create the Java virtual machine - RAD in Windows 7
- Building DOM object from multiple threads
- quine mccluskey
- DocumentBuilder.parse raises the error "The prefix "c" for element "c:de" is not bound."
- Help!
- problem with understanding this recursion
- Java simple program error?
- [SOLVED] Basic help with my code (using Processing)
- Running jar with libraries from a jar file in linux
- Java Applet Help: Keylistener/
- my first recursion ,what did i do wrong?
- [SOLVED] idea
- Arraylist :\ help!
- ActionListener changing ImageIcons:
- Array Payroll System
- pls help me check whether my coding have answer the question or not ... thx
- Canvas and MouseListener...
- please i need a help about findComponenetAt()
- Resource leakage problem
- Help mewrite this code...
- I need a head-start on developing a split download
- Multiple colors for a textfield
- [SOLVED] Should I Keep These In Individual Classes?
- [SOLVED] System prints final statistics many times than needed
- [SOLVED] How To get Data button to Display user inputted "numbers" to data label?
- employee management project in an education instituition
- error in type2driver
- execution
- Modify Hub code to Switch
- Gridworld Chess Pawn not working
- How can I execute and use Win7 Speech Recognition in Java?
- What is the best way to parse a xml file without xmlns?
- How choose between javax.xml.parses and xerces implementation
- Implementing Methods
- synchronisation of code in multiple instance of jvm
- [SOLVED] JOptionPane with Multiple JTextFields
- Writing a method that returns words without four letters back to main method!
- The case of the disappearing double quotes
- hangman 2 player game
- How do you return a array from a method, back into the main method that prints out stuff?
- Scanner and scannobject.close()
- Why do I get "Build Failed" when running my program in Netbeans
- why jaxb converts the elements in <choice> with one variable connected with Or?
- any idea?StringBuilder
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