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  1. [SOLVED] Boolean return missing
  2. 2D game Jumping Help
  3. Switch statement issues Help please!!
  4. Auto click and auto populate Data
  5. Beginner Java program help
  6. Making a tax program
  7. Displaying an hourglass
  8. [SOLVED] how convert everthing to private
  9. How to add two numbers in the same row of a file
  10. Help with Iterators
  11. Problem with Grading calculator in java program
  12. Why bottons are not working?
  13. [SOLVED] method
  14. problem in Trie data structure in java
  15. JOption help
  16. Game moving keys
  17. Average score assignment
  18. Why does my code throw an exception when there aren't square brackets around the delimiter for the String split method?
  19. I need help adding a ratio into a String
  20. Need help ASAP
  21. Why the" int i" is getting the value 0
  22. MVC Calculator:
  23. JRE install - issues
  24. I can't give input a file by console , is there any wrong in my code ??
  25. write a thread to toss a coin 1000 times and print if it is a fair or biased coin. a coin is fait if difference of frequency of heads and tails in less than or equal to 50...help please
  26. this is part of the coding for a game and its not working so please help.
  27. Problem with a weigted average code
  28. Need Help With Memory Calculator...
  29. Help with My Codes!
  30. Displaying an hourglass 2
  31. sending multiPart mail through yahoo mail cause javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed;
  32. [Help] A simple encode and decode program
  33. Binary algorithm assignment.
  34. Creating a static method that requires no arguments and returns no values.
  35. need help for cheking if input is digit ?
  36. Using HQL im fetching the rows from 2 tables
  37. Update Xml Using DOM objects
  38. i need someone to please help me with this java assignment, i am taking it this semester
  39. Java.lang.NumberFormatException thrown
  40. plz give me lazzy buddy system program in java.........
  41. how to develop Front end like OLX, quikr ?
  42. Cant figure out how to moudulus!!!??
  43. How do I just read a users input back out to them?
  44. [SOLVED] help with a simple scanner problem
  45. Help with singly linked list.
  46. Need help placing mines and another point on a field!!
  47. write java program using table that stores celsius and farenheit values that are equal to one another using a loop. use C 0-20
  48. How to save output of java program in oracle database.
  49. Unexpected output java
  50. HourGlass [Due tonight need help!]
  51. step by step on how to write a java programm and instruction for begginners
  52. How to find all the symbolic link in a directory in windows
  53. problem with applet
  54. Omitting local large variable to save memory
  55. Hospital Management System
  56. Need help ASAP (Submission is in two hours) :(
  57. Paintwindow moving picture
  58. Help with a very beginner java program creation
  59. Help with class java program
  60. Basic programming and arrays please help!
  61. Rental Management System
  63. Error in Progress Bar
  64. Get all controls names on a layout
  65. I don't quite understand the last bit of this code. Could someone comment it out for me?
  66. List with ArrayList
  67. I was just about to start and it has problems?
  68. How to correct this code?
  69. [SOLVED] Java program, nested for loop help
  70. Characters from String in alphabetic order using quicksort
  71. How can I make the shapes move at the same time when the user enters "up" it should move up. It works for rectangle but i don't know how to move the others like that. (btw i am new to java).
  72. Hourglass Attempt
  73. Really bad at this
  74. whats is wrong in this codes ? output
  75. HashMap
  76. begginer, cant fix bug
  77. object
  78. Stripes (asterisk patterns) problem
  79. Java help with String Input and Output and casting
  80. Days Remaining Total Way Off, Displays Days Since Instead. Please Help??
  81. Help with my code please
  82. Help me in this code in the output
  83. What is wrong with my code? Simple for loop?
  84. HttpClient Multipart
  85. Java Program Help
  86. Java Integration Help
  87. Quadratic formula
  88. Re: }while(guess1!=gen1) ';' expected Compiler error
  89. [SOLVED] trying sort by second letter of the words input
  90. Please Can anyone help me, Im new at this and lost
  91. printStrings
  92. Layout Managers
  93. need Help to get this program running
  94. Search one person for compile my src
  95. need help with simple code pls T_T
  96. Something wrong with my Knight's Tour solution
  97. Romain to arabic numbers converter
  98. What Is The Purpose Of This Piece Of Code
  99. Is this the correct way?
  100. need help telling if a word or phrase ins a palindrome in java
  101. Can someone help me out with this
  102. PLEASE HELP ME, i am over thinking this and I am lost
  103. MalformedURLException error yet code still works
  104. java application that calculates an exponential function
  105. Help! Whats wrong with my code?
  106. Need help using JOptionPane/entering valid id#
  107. if-else statement: how do I get the program I'm writing to decide which math equation to use?
  108. Bank Account
  109. Timer Action Listener
  110. ForLoops -cant stop my indefinite while loop
  111. What is wrong with my code? Need Help! ASAP Thank you
  112. Passing data from one action event to another
  113. Hey guys I can figure it out
  114. JCF to make sorted tabel with number of.....
  115. How do I make this just numbers
  116. Help! What is wrong with this code?
  117. nested switch case (import java.io.*;)
  118. Need help with homework (beginner)
  119. Can anyone point me in the right direction with my program?
  120. Absolute values
  121. gottaCatchEmAll
  122. Can someone help me reverse the iteration of this loop?
  123. Need some help with my basic calculator
  124. How does java.util.Random work?
  125. problem connecting in mssql
  126. Code for spliting the file
  127. Constantly changing color of World Map Image in Java
  128. programmimng problem or bug?
  129. Not sure how to use DecimalFormat class
  130. State diagram
  131. [SOLVED] Fractal Triangle, Recursion to make children triangles
  132. Help with factorials!
  133. How to rotate string in single loop?
  134. The method getPart(String) is undefined for the type HttpServletRequest
  135. [SOLVED] Why it shows error ?
  136. I need serious help with this assignment!!!
  137. I need helping for some correction in this assignmnet
  138. Error in Java Library System
  139. I Need Help With A Java Assignment...
  140. Comparing Strings
  141. [SOLVED] [KeyStroke] - How to avoid keyboard auto-repeat ?
  142. Can someone explain how to fix this error?
  143. Help With BalloonTester
  144. help the noob pls
  145. Can some one write a jgrasp code for this using do while?
  146. Java reverse order using pointers
  147. [SOLVED] Please help with my calculator, 18 hours left to submit
  148. Writing a pizza program
  149. Create Employee Class
  150. java program to execute an external application
  151. Urgent question
  152. [SOLVED] Scrolling in panel won't work
  153. GetColor Not working
  154. Java Arrays - Entering Lists only let me enter 2 numbers
  155. Urgent help needed (again)
  156. Using Comparable, extends Comparable
  157. Flipping a Java Statement
  158. Using Int to get a value from a string?
  159. need help in creating array with multiple data type in java
  160. I need a running total. Help please!
  161. Problems with this code?
  162. JUnit Test Confusion.
  164. Java - Socket Programming
  165. Game Menu
  166. noob having problem with return...
  167. AspectJWeavingEnable Initialization of bean failed
  168. ReadLine doesn't work
  169. Project runs infinitely
  170. Funky triple nested loop problem. (Due tonight)(Confusing)
  171. Error in code
  172. im trying my second hello world program and im getting errors?
  173. My program does not find the file MyFriends.txt
  174. Signer Tool
  175. Signer Tool
  176. create XML
  177. Unzip base64 encoding
  178. alternative of sun.rmi.transport.proxy in Java9
  179. [SOLVED] The book I'm studying is wrong!
  180. what is wrong in this code ??? I want out put as.. Hello! I am here ...but it is providing Hello! here am I
  181. Strange code about SD_Entity table
  182. Hashmap problem in jsp
  183. need corection on java code
  184. [SOLVED] Method not printing...
  185. [SOLVED] Robot Needs To Follow A Parkour, Can’t Seem To Make It Work
  186. Setting a non static instance variable to a static variable in a constructor
  187. ActiveMQ With Public synonyms
  188. Why is my 2nd insert not working ?
  189. need help and advice with my code
  190. need help with the coding kinda da loss
  191. polymorphism problem
  193. event programming - controlling characters with arrow/keyboard keys
  194. METHODS!!! HELP
  195. Integrating .chm file in Java application....URGENT
  196. Problem loading TrueType Fonts
  197. Help with my code please Java war card game
  198. Need help figuring out what needs fixing please!
  199. Where is jdk path in linux mint?
  200. StdDraw keyboard controls uncontrollable
  201. Java land null point exception
  202. Eclipse ID issue
  203. Imitating a file system in Java and absolutely stumped by NullPointerException
  204. Can't install JDK 9 because “Another Java installation is in progress”
  205. Swing application - Heap Memory issue
  206. Working with MS Excel
  207. Java-gaming.org trivia question!!! HELP!
  208. [SOLVED] Absolute Begginer Error.Please Help
  209. Error on switch statement
  210. Identify the blank cells in a column while reading open office spreadsheet and display them without inserting into database
  211. Java Media Player
  212. Problem in simple evolution simulator..
  213. Execute jar file from javascript or HTML
  214. Very Confused Over Java Problem
  215. read content from text file into JTextField
  216. I need help
  217. [SOLVED] Nested Statements problem
  218. A problem in creating and using packages
  219. Doubling Letter in a String -- Stuck on Code
  220. [SOLVED] Get the unique characters in a string and respecting the order
  221. Printing Array Strings in a Method
  222. Encoding Opcodes ( Exercise question )
  223. How do I print a double to 2 significant figures?
  224. Problem with the code
  225. In a simple calculator the divison is not working for while loop
  226. how to write generated numbers in a file without repeatition
  227. Loop Structure
  228. java programm
  229. copy() to copy the values of singly linked list1 to another linked list
  231. help with interface
  232. meaning of this java code
  233. Why will this gui window not close
  234. About fast imagination the flow
  235. Making a sudoku game, seeking help
  236. Convert Java method to Restful method
  237. pls i need help badly
  238. I want the java coding to print following # pattern in cmd.exe . So pls help me .. It must start with 6 #'s and end with 2 #'s .
  239. Have problem with javac
  240. current date and time
  241. TimSort not working for particular data set
  242. How to Properly Read UTF-8 From InputStream
  243. [ Build An Alarm ]
  244. columns and rows [incomplete]
  245. Hello, Need Help Please.
  246. Call a method
  247. Need help please.
  248. please help to solve number display in E7
  249. When you write your first program what do you use to write in on?