View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- [SOLVED] Boolean return missing
- 2D game Jumping Help
- Switch statement issues Help please!!
- Auto click and auto populate Data
- Beginner Java program help
- Making a tax program
- Displaying an hourglass
- [SOLVED] how convert everthing to private
- How to add two numbers in the same row of a file
- Help with Iterators
- Problem with Grading calculator in java program
- Why bottons are not working?
- [SOLVED] method
- problem in Trie data structure in java
- JOption help
- Game moving keys
- Average score assignment
- Why does my code throw an exception when there aren't square brackets around the delimiter for the String split method?
- I need help adding a ratio into a String
- Need help ASAP
- Why the" int i" is getting the value 0
- MVC Calculator:
- JRE install - issues
- I can't give input a file by console , is there any wrong in my code ??
- write a thread to toss a coin 1000 times and print if it is a fair or biased coin. a coin is fait if difference of frequency of heads and tails in less than or equal to please
- this is part of the coding for a game and its not working so please help.
- Problem with a weigted average code
- Need Help With Memory Calculator...
- Help with My Codes!
- Displaying an hourglass 2
- sending multiPart mail through yahoo mail cause javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed;
- [Help] A simple encode and decode program
- Binary algorithm assignment.
- Creating a static method that requires no arguments and returns no values.
- need help for cheking if input is digit ?
- Using HQL im fetching the rows from 2 tables
- Update Xml Using DOM objects
- i need someone to please help me with this java assignment, i am taking it this semester
- Java.lang.NumberFormatException thrown
- plz give me lazzy buddy system program in java.........
- how to develop Front end like OLX, quikr ?
- Cant figure out how to moudulus!!!??
- How do I just read a users input back out to them?
- [SOLVED] help with a simple scanner problem
- Help with singly linked list.
- Need help placing mines and another point on a field!!
- write java program using table that stores celsius and farenheit values that are equal to one another using a loop. use C 0-20
- How to save output of java program in oracle database.
- Unexpected output java
- HourGlass [Due tonight need help!]
- step by step on how to write a java programm and instruction for begginners
- How to find all the symbolic link in a directory in windows
- problem with applet
- Omitting local large variable to save memory
- Hospital Management System
- Need help ASAP (Submission is in two hours) :(
- Paintwindow moving picture
- Help with a very beginner java program creation
- Help with class java program
- Basic programming and arrays please help!
- Rental Management System
- Error in Progress Bar
- Get all controls names on a layout
- I don't quite understand the last bit of this code. Could someone comment it out for me?
- List with ArrayList
- I was just about to start and it has problems?
- How to correct this code?
- [SOLVED] Java program, nested for loop help
- Characters from String in alphabetic order using quicksort
- How can I make the shapes move at the same time when the user enters "up" it should move up. It works for rectangle but i don't know how to move the others like that. (btw i am new to java).
- Hourglass Attempt
- Really bad at this
- whats is wrong in this codes ? output
- HashMap
- begginer, cant fix bug
- object
- Stripes (asterisk patterns) problem
- Java help with String Input and Output and casting
- Days Remaining Total Way Off, Displays Days Since Instead. Please Help??
- Help with my code please
- Help me in this code in the output
- What is wrong with my code? Simple for loop?
- HttpClient Multipart
- Java Program Help
- Java Integration Help
- Quadratic formula
- Re: }while(guess1!=gen1) ';' expected Compiler error
- [SOLVED] trying sort by second letter of the words input
- Please Can anyone help me, Im new at this and lost
- printStrings
- Layout Managers
- need Help to get this program running
- Search one person for compile my src
- need help with simple code pls T_T
- Something wrong with my Knight's Tour solution
- Romain to arabic numbers converter
- What Is The Purpose Of This Piece Of Code
- Is this the correct way?
- need help telling if a word or phrase ins a palindrome in java
- Can someone help me out with this
- PLEASE HELP ME, i am over thinking this and I am lost
- MalformedURLException error yet code still works
- java application that calculates an exponential function
- Help! Whats wrong with my code?
- Need help using JOptionPane/entering valid id#
- if-else statement: how do I get the program I'm writing to decide which math equation to use?
- Bank Account
- Timer Action Listener
- ForLoops -cant stop my indefinite while loop
- What is wrong with my code? Need Help! ASAP Thank you
- Passing data from one action event to another
- Hey guys I can figure it out
- JCF to make sorted tabel with number of.....
- How do I make this just numbers
- Help! What is wrong with this code?
- nested switch case (import*;)
- Need help with homework (beginner)
- Can anyone point me in the right direction with my program?
- Absolute values
- gottaCatchEmAll
- Can someone help me reverse the iteration of this loop?
- Need some help with my basic calculator
- How does java.util.Random work?
- problem connecting in mssql
- Code for spliting the file
- Constantly changing color of World Map Image in Java
- programmimng problem or bug?
- Not sure how to use DecimalFormat class
- State diagram
- [SOLVED] Fractal Triangle, Recursion to make children triangles
- Help with factorials!
- How to rotate string in single loop?
- The method getPart(String) is undefined for the type HttpServletRequest
- [SOLVED] Why it shows error ?
- I need serious help with this assignment!!!
- I need helping for some correction in this assignmnet
- Error in Java Library System
- I Need Help With A Java Assignment...
- Comparing Strings
- [SOLVED] [KeyStroke] - How to avoid keyboard auto-repeat ?
- Can someone explain how to fix this error?
- Help With BalloonTester
- help the noob pls
- Can some one write a jgrasp code for this using do while?
- Java reverse order using pointers
- [SOLVED] Please help with my calculator, 18 hours left to submit
- Writing a pizza program
- Create Employee Class
- java program to execute an external application
- Urgent question
- [SOLVED] Scrolling in panel won't work
- GetColor Not working
- Java Arrays - Entering Lists only let me enter 2 numbers
- Urgent help needed (again)
- Using Comparable, extends Comparable
- Flipping a Java Statement
- Using Int to get a value from a string?
- need help in creating array with multiple data type in java
- I need a running total. Help please!
- Problems with this code?
- JUnit Test Confusion.
- Java - Socket Programming
- Game Menu
- noob having problem with return...
- AspectJWeavingEnable Initialization of bean failed
- ReadLine doesn't work
- Project runs infinitely
- Funky triple nested loop problem. (Due tonight)(Confusing)
- Error in code
- im trying my second hello world program and im getting errors?
- My program does not find the file MyFriends.txt
- Signer Tool
- Signer Tool
- create XML
- Unzip base64 encoding
- alternative of sun.rmi.transport.proxy in Java9
- [SOLVED] The book I'm studying is wrong!
- what is wrong in this code ??? I want out put as.. Hello! I am here ...but it is providing Hello! here am I
- Strange code about SD_Entity table
- Hashmap problem in jsp
- need corection on java code
- [SOLVED] Method not printing...
- [SOLVED] Robot Needs To Follow A Parkour, Can’t Seem To Make It Work
- Setting a non static instance variable to a static variable in a constructor
- ActiveMQ With Public synonyms
- Why is my 2nd insert not working ?
- need help and advice with my code
- need help with the coding kinda da loss
- polymorphism problem
- event programming - controlling characters with arrow/keyboard keys
- Integrating .chm file in Java application....URGENT
- Problem loading TrueType Fonts
- Help with my code please Java war card game
- Need help figuring out what needs fixing please!
- Where is jdk path in linux mint?
- StdDraw keyboard controls uncontrollable
- Java land null point exception
- Eclipse ID issue
- Imitating a file system in Java and absolutely stumped by NullPointerException
- Can't install JDK 9 because “Another Java installation is in progress”
- Swing application - Heap Memory issue
- Working with MS Excel
- trivia question!!! HELP!
- [SOLVED] Absolute Begginer Error.Please Help
- Error on switch statement
- Identify the blank cells in a column while reading open office spreadsheet and display them without inserting into database
- Java Media Player
- Problem in simple evolution simulator..
- Execute jar file from javascript or HTML
- Very Confused Over Java Problem
- read content from text file into JTextField
- I need help
- [SOLVED] Nested Statements problem
- A problem in creating and using packages
- Doubling Letter in a String -- Stuck on Code
- [SOLVED] Get the unique characters in a string and respecting the order
- Printing Array Strings in a Method
- Encoding Opcodes ( Exercise question )
- How do I print a double to 2 significant figures?
- Problem with the code
- In a simple calculator the divison is not working for while loop
- how to write generated numbers in a file without repeatition
- Loop Structure
- java programm
- copy() to copy the values of singly linked list1 to another linked list
- help with interface
- meaning of this java code
- Why will this gui window not close
- About fast imagination the flow
- Making a sudoku game, seeking help
- Convert Java method to Restful method
- pls i need help badly
- I want the java coding to print following # pattern in cmd.exe . So pls help me .. It must start with 6 #'s and end with 2 #'s .
- Have problem with javac
- current date and time
- TimSort not working for particular data set
- How to Properly Read UTF-8 From InputStream
- [ Build An Alarm ]
- columns and rows [incomplete]
- Hello, Need Help Please.
- Call a method
- Need help please.
- please help to solve number display in E7
- When you write your first program what do you use to write in on?
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