View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- I wanted to output the string itself, but the output looks like it's been encrypted or something
- I dont know what to do with this code
- What am I doing wrong?
- Force JDialog to Upper Right of Screen
- Exe show class output/Main not found
- N-Queen using Stack
- Input text file to BufferReader-Array to jcombobox
- JPanel not showing up dynamically inside JLayeredPane
- How to Monitor System Processes in Java
- Better ways to round floats and/or doubles?
- Ideas for sharing and introducing myself.
- 2 MouseListeners at the same location in a layeredPane
- ClassCastException: Vehicle cannot be cast to java.base/java.lang.Comparable
- run normal program in Inetllij
- Reading text file character by character into a 2d char[][] array
- Constructor & container
- How to create a function that returns a new array containing duplicate values of another array?
- need help doing Eratosthenes sieve
- My second adventure of working with inheritance
- [SOLVED] Java applet wrap around.
- Mirror image problem
- Why am I getting the wrong sum in netbeans?
- package org.antlr.v4.runtime does not exist
- MouseListener doesn't work and It blocks KeyListener
- Jasper Reports
- How do I invoke a method to an ActionListener
- For fun.
- File handling
- Hibernate Java Web application stops to give response on production environment
- Need help solving this class assignment.
- Can someone solve this Java programming Project
- Help removing/uninstalling JAVA SE 1.8/1.6(mac)
- nested loop
- Word Search Program Help
- ClickListener cannot be resolved to a type
- Whats the big-o notation (running time) of the following in java?
- I keep getting errors within my code and i dont know why
- Actual and formal argument lists differ in length Error
- Help Passing Variables
- Website (Day checker)
- WEB app Glassfish with Database
- How do I write these two pyramids in Java?
- Not getting desired result
- how do i fix my image delay and appearance problems
- [SOLVED] Unable to use Same scanner twice
- Issue With Methods Between Classes
- get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
- Google ChromeDriver
- isDecreasing assignment help. URGENT
- Build is having extra unwanted line
- [SOLVED] Problem with weighted average
- [SOLVED] Throw and catches not working as desired
- Help with my code
- What's wrong with this code
- Super new at Java
- Tips for a beginner to start JAVA with.
- Help for simple calculator code
- Is this Caesar cipher optimal? PVP
- first consul game in java (tic tace): problem with the winner check method
- Help with my IO code
- i am not getting the code ..some help!!!
- Having a programming issue with an assignment
- Brand new beginner help with code
- What's wrong with this code
- I have several errors when compiling my code as the name help
- what is missing for txt to work I have several errors
- Please help with the command prompt execution
- Why is my do/while loop for play again not working?
- xml read to table problem in getValueAt
- How can I pull the input from a variable to display the totalMinutes without disrupting the calculation in the following program?
- Help in Programing
- JAVA - create a game that?
- field validation to enter all digit to continue
- Jaune Pendragons QUestions....
- IndexOutOfBoundsException error (array of strings)
- Why is my code not working?
- Trouble when I try to do without using a compound assignment operator
- Looking for some help on a program
- Help me please errors with code
- Creating Random variable for access throughout code?
- return statements kicking me out of do-while loop
- My copied array is empty, and I don't know why.
- Can't run my JDK on windows 8.1
- Inheritance problem
- Problems with replacing indexs in an array
- help with parameters in FileChooser
- Missing a javadoc comment error in Bluej
- help me plz
- Help me please with Shape hierarchy
- Issue with while loops...beginner question
- Help with my StringCompare code
- Problems with an Inventory Manager
- Pass Number to Integer
- BufferedWritter saves every file as a file type extension
- Error Handling in Access Modifiers
- "Can not find symbol" when I use int and scanner
- Read text file, Prompt User to input name and List the year and rank for the name from the data set
- how to get each value in array list MVC
- [SOLVED] Can't seem to Force a certain input
- [SOLVED] Logical Flaw HELP!
- Unable to Serialize arrayList of Object even after implementing the class
- My code condition statement issue
- Help in ArrayList of ArrayLists
- how do I do a resultSet for ArrayList<String> and In clause?
- [ASK] I got java test below, but i cant answere this. thanks a lot off
- [SOLVED] NumberFormatException
- Converting Hex values to IP and Port Number - IP format
- Trying to compare the values of 2 array indexes.
- [SOLVED] My answer comes out a +0.020 more than the answer in the book
- Why is the som of this these two not correct
- soft selection for student object test scores
- Delete the post
- Seeking Guidance On my beginner code
- Changing update query in SQL
- Help with my code for this client/server program.
- KSH Script -> calling java passing args as tablename dynamically -> picking max id from common table -> bulk update should be done sequentially -> again update back that max seqid
- Problem reading text file
- Trying to read objects from file into ArrayList
- Trouble with outputs
- Changing JTable to Text and Add NewLine Between Each Column and Row
- Removing an object from an ArrayList
- need help
- [SOLVED] JButton not being recognized
- How can I remove an integer from a random number generator?
- Problem with Sound Distorting
- How can I read a file and store it's objects into my custom linked list?
- How can I fix the spacing on my output?
- Polymorphism
- How to send the pictures in backend
- NullPointerException - don't know why
- Extract Java project as runnable jar file?
- [SOLVED] unreported exception
- how to include and access a data file in a jar
- Code won't complie
- simple program
- Scraping data from the web
- access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "user.home" "read")
- java
- Packing up a into an executable.
- Threads and Sockets
- Threads and Socket client.
- [SOLVED] Compare the last 4 strings in String s1 and String s2
- unknown error
- Java Horoscope program running but not as intended
- Binary Multiplier only working for certain cases
- Problem with option scanner input for a switch statement
- Accessibility - Screen Reader
- [SOLVED] 2 sets of code, should work same but dont
- Game of life counter not working
- [SOLVED] File Errors
- [SOLVED] Game Board Help
- Health Records Profile Program
- Am I generating an infinite loop?
- Using a for loop to calculate Pi
- Scanner object not allowing input
- [SOLVED] Eclipse | why my program closed (jar) ?
- text input program building
- [SOLVED] Code won't compile
- [SOLVED] How do I accept user input?
- Question on math's loop sequence
- stuck on a "for" loop
- Difficulty calling method in another method
- Problem with parsing XML file for the first time
- TicTacToe error
- Changing from Public to private
- User inputs a number of characters as a string, program then lists all the words from array that can be made
- Shell Sort Comparisons and Exchanges
- Help with some loop in java
- division without division operator
- Confusion on IDE and JDK
- 2 Method Problem
- Having a problem finding the error in my ActionListener method.
- What does main[1] mean in the jdb ?
- Having trouble with Character and Boolean
- Change class type with constructor
- Makes no sense...
- [SOLVED] Java Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
- Can someone help me with my simple HW assignment, i am a complete beginner :(
- JAVA=CODE= public class Main { What's the problem with that line?
- Very confused
- program using only the main metod to calculate if triangles are congruent
- TODO error
- To print out the lowest and largest number from user input
- TicTacToe Game errors
- Display error on Java Prime number range
- A puzzle exercise.
- Creating a filter method in my InfiniteListImpl class
- What is wrong with my code.
- Java Problem
- Question
- Linked list insertion by console
- Don't clearly understand the function of ".nextLine()" & a comparison of two codes
- Guess the number using class
- Modify the processRequest() method in SimpleWebServer to use the preceding file storage and logging code
- Quadratic Equation. one equation doesnt work
- [SOLVED] what is the right class to write into text file in a specific line (the end of the text file) ?
- New post
- A Question On Understanding Java
- My program will not run properly!
- inverting rows and lines of a matrix
- I need help figuring out why my code won't work
- Help with formatting output into console
- How do you solve the dayOfTheWeek program with basic code?
- Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException !Help!
- Financial tsunami- Exercise_8_17.
- using selection
- java oop
- Error Message NoClassDefFoundError
- Underflow in Byte
- How to grant file read permission to a principal with JAAS?
- [SOLVED] Don't understand why "if else" don't work.
- Write A Java Program to store values (Beginner)
- what is wrong with my code?
- Count Triplets Hackerrank
- Why the "for" isn't working here?
- Java program timer countdown
- help with a question about if else.
- Need help with an assignment
- Help With Sorting Multidimensional String Array
- Help With Java Hash Table Project
- I need help with these "if" statement and boolean errors
- Devision of one number on 3 and 6
- WeatherByZip webservice client - 1st attempt failing
- [SOLVED] running java files in the cmd.exe
- Delete root node in Binary Search Tree
- [SOLVED] do-while loop containing switch statement cotinues looping when end statement is supposed to be reached?
- Comments on this code?
- cant understand where the problem is
- Hello I'm new to java i need help
- code to draw circles on a chart
- Please help me to convert C++ code to Java, Algorithm QuickSort LinkedList.
- Code snippets enclose???
- Declaring an object with the static modifier
- What does this method do?
- Why does my code not work?
- Piglatin program that prints no words out:(
- Reader Writer Project
- Incompatible Types error
- Help please create Timer(TimerTasK) for Spring Boot and Vaadin 14 project
- CommaND Prompt:class, interface, or enum expected
- The package java.sql is not accessible
- Collision doesn't work
- What to return after in this boolean method with the if/else statement?
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