- [SOLVED] New Java Programmer Needs Help Understanding What He Did Wrong With His Instantiation.
- Java run file as batch and write problem to TXT file
- [SOLVED] Need help finding why this code doesn't work!
- Can anyone help me to find what code im wrong? thx
- Im beginner need a solution for one logic
- Method in class cannot be applied to given types
- What is the logic behind sorting an array list in this algorithm?
- How do I find the mode in a list when values of similar frequencies mean that there is no mode?
- need help (dunno if im posting in right thread or not)
- Can anyone answer this?
- Calculator double zero button issue.
- why is this code giving value -48?
- [SOLVED] Exception Handling/Logic Problems
- Printing many random names from an array
- How to add to a string format from another class
- Is it possible to declare 2 different classes in one variable?
- what is the purpose of defaultWriteObject in java ObjectOutputStream
- Help with finding a mistake/issue in this code
- ArrayDiff Problem on CodeWars; Need Assistance
- [SOLVED] Unreachable Statement in simple recursion code
- Timer not running.
- Use char[][] instead of string[].
- How to override abstract methods and use variables without making them public
- Java Painter add features
- Runtime.getRuntime().exec(shellscript)
- show jframe1 and hide jframe2 when connection sql
- Permissions in Java
- How to fix my code?
- How to stop a while loop thats reading text files
- [SOLVED] Why does method need to return a String rather than leave it as void?
- Please help me with the java code bluej
- What is the issue with my code
- Whats wrong with my code?
- Rewriting a method recursivly
- Loop into another loop
- NoClassDefFoundError while reading Excel File (Apache POI 5.0.0)
- sphenic program problem
- non static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
- java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "str" is null
- Help with Scroll PAne SOLVED
- base conversion
- read a double type on the keyboard
- [SOLVED] Program skipping ahead and not allowing/reading user input
- Running jars from commandline
- Alarm clock won't tick, can't call method because of dereferencing??
- Calculator Method issue
- Problem using the JFileChooser
- [SOLVED] Having to press 'ENTER' twice
- BlueJ Auction Project calling external methods, using ArrayLists, and for-each loops
- ArrayList<> String searches and loops
- Java GUI button calculator
- [SOLVED] Stopping execution after 10 seconds/outputs
- [SOLVED] Noobie in need of serious help
- Java Count Help
- Simple guess game
- Display histogram using values from Array, use asterisks in histogram not numerals
- Hello need some advice to make this better
- Can you help me to make this calculator better
- [SOLVED] Count Num of Letters In Common
- Is there somethign im missing with serialization
- [SOLVED] How to save/access class objects on a .txt file?
- JavaFX NullPointerException when creating a new stage.
- rotating
- [SOLVED] Value of a variable not changing after reinstantiating it
- java.land.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out-of-bounds for length 0
- Increment operator
- Java Parcel Tracking-programm
- Set error to string buffer
- Changing a program to accept command line arguments
- LDAP Authentication Exception error code 49
- How to open the lock?
- Java Stack Implementation With the Help of Arrays
- Sorting an array without using the method sort()
- Can you help me with this Java GUI IconImage
- Need help to run examples in the JavaSim simulation package.
- Need help in making simple java program
- Stuck on what should apparently be a simple problem
- Multiple selection (bounding boxes) in displayed image
- Need a sample code
- Learning java (beginner) - code error
- Main.java expects Person.java behavior to work. How can I solve this?
- Java FX problem with Rectangle Intersects
- Java simple Graphics ball bounce
- How to determine a 2D array of specific index comment a specific element?
- Var ends up being 0
- [SOLVED] Comparing 2 lines from two separate TXT files
- Is there any other WebServer can run .war?
- [Beginner] How to add a new object to an object array?
- Trying to get my childhood game working
- HTTPInvokerRequestExecutor timeout
- Can anyone help with this question i had on an exax a few weeks ago? (passed by the skin of my teeth)
- [SOLVED] Looking for a second opinion
- quick question
- Do - While Loop
- Getting jcheckbox value state from another class
- Backward Slice Weiser
- how to add questions inside the switch statement and then calculate results in java
- Help required
- where is the mistake
- Excel loop
- Trouble with FOR LOOP statement!
- Game
- Two Issues with OpenJDK 17 on Windows 10 64 bit Home.
- [SOLVED] I am struggle to control the loop here.(solved)
- Promblem with JUnit testing
- What is wrong with my code?
- A question
- What is wrong with my code?
- cant add icon for joptionpane
- calling a method into System.out.print() method????? solved
- Why does it fill out the entire array instead of just one index?
- Nested while loops problem - when yes is being selected at the end, program needs to re-run code
- The element does not have time to load on the page
- Getting InputMismatchException
- Need some help
- how to cReate, Compile and Run a Java Package Program?
- finding a character from a given string value
- Help with substring
- [SOLVED] String problem ..kindly give me a code in alternative methods(solved)
- form-data - Body Request in java Post Request
- Design of UML diagram - Should it be a class?
- Reading Specific Column from Excel with java
- Receive only first mouse-click, looking for double click
- How to use Offline Navigable Map in Netbeans IDE with Java Swing
- Why my Java Project don't work?
- I need help
- [HELP] I'm creating a code to check whether 2D array is Magic Square or not
- array searching the location in one line
- Why don't if blocks work ?
- Junit Test for exception and WebRequest
- [SOLVED] Struggling with generics
- java help
- My friend cant install java plz help
- int from main method to non-static method
- [SOLVED] What's wrong with my code? (NullPointerException, outOfBoundException)
- [SOLVED] Cannot load file from resource using getClass().getResource
- Error with binary operand.
- Problem with nested switch code.
- can't solve this assignment
- Help me to figure out how code working
- Cannot find symbol error in single package program with default access modifier.
- Min Number from array
- trim
- Looping Array and Satisfying multiple conditions-Support
- GUI freezes instead of showing JProgressBar
- My first java code won't run from cmd Windows
- Difficulty with connecting 2 classes through the Switch Statement
- Pasrsing error when comparing two dates
- NullPointerException
- How do I print this?
- I need help with writing Regular Expressions and defining Capture Groups
- Runnable jar file not working in joined display configuration on Fedora.
- Is it possible to make a java software interact with a website's interface without having access to the backend?
- constructor method syntax error
- catching Set
- INT Operations Help Plz
- array elements assignment question
- [SOLVED] Why is this code not printing to console
- Is this code sufficient for my purposes?
- Button in borderlayout
- Layout in java
- String matches() Method in Java
- hasNext() - next() and substring() Methods
- Why my String does not appear ?
- Nu reusesc sa deschid un Frame
- [SOLVED] Can I build "my own type of java number"?
- can someone help me understand why i am getting this error.
- Why am I getting false ?
- [SOLVED] What am I doing wrong here?
- Mkyong - why i recieve the ERROR? Thanks!
- How do call an object in an if else if statement.
- Why is this working?
- Something related to Minecraft.
- Java Netbeans Swing - want to create x jlabels by entering a number
- Program window scaling
- File don't work
- I have to send this tomorrow and i have now idea what is wrong
- How Java handles and simulates ANSI keycode input in console?
- [SOLVED] Compare strings
- [SOLVED] Leap year
- I want print the number which leaves remainder 0 . For example: if 8 is enter I want output 1248 . Tell me where I'm making mistake
- Generics solve as one function but not two
- Neural Network method not working
- Why System.in returns -1 when I pressed "Enter key" how can I mimic "Enter key" in console?
- How to check if a calculation is an integer
- [SOLVED] Calculator
- [SOLVED] exit button
- There's a problem in line 43 i need help
- [SOLVED] cant solve this one out
- Comparing using String.valueOf() method
- answer my code!!!
- Hi guys my code here is showing errors specifically cannot find symbol even though i have declared this
- [SOLVED] How to make a team with min. 2 max 5 players with Objects and Arraylist?
- Project about Chat application with multi hop forwarding
- Are arraylists redundant?
- help with codoe
- I have to send this tomorrow again and i don't have any idea what's wrong
- Spring upgrade from 4.3.14 to 5.3.18
- FCFS CPU Scheduling
- [SOLVED] What am I missing here?
- please help
- Tournament issue - I'm stuck and need a push in the right direction
- Help the code seems fine and all but it doesn't identify the names even it's right
- toString on ArrayList is not working :(
- [SOLVED] How do I add an index in the middle of an ArrayList?
- Finding a String value in the ArrayList
- Nested For Loop Problem
- How do I calculate power using for loop?
- Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?
- Help needed on a ride - sharing app development project. I need a Mentor/Coach.
- Java arrays list
- Please help to review an error code!
- this works, but I want to print this to the screen in a fixed position
- Array Methods
- I need to know if the date is saturday or sunday or holiday.
- How to produce img from spring controller with image generated in the jsp?
- Sorting LinkedList
- Generating random 3 digit kength number with specific numbers. Need help!
- what whould be the output
- output?
- Can someone explain why my loop does not run again even when "y" is entered.
- Extract Xml or Json from jpeg
- User input string's problem
- [SOLVED] Implementing LSA " indexing image" in JAVA
- indexOf Linked List
- Java Program for Matrix Multiplication
- [SOLVED] .txt file won't convert to ints
- 2dArray index 00 input problem
- Array typ objekt class
- Printing Array
- Problem with snapshot in lock-free set
- Debugging with Print Statement (on List of Object Class)
- Condition satisfying but not getting desired Output
- Printing ArrayList
- GCD of Two Numbers in Java
- Returning node
- Please help me to find out the error in the following code
- Re: Please help me to find out the error in the following code
- Convert Array to LinkedList
- Java example in Wildfly
- Collision question
- [SOLVED] if statement to right syntax
- Java binaries seem to ignore JAVA_HOME
- Setting a background image on a gameFrame
- How to parse an XML file from a URL using JDOM or SAXBuilder
- setAlignment have no effect
- Cannot find class in .class or .jar file
- AsposeOCR API implementation Runtime Error
- Static vs Instance
- My new questions