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  1. [SOLVED] New Java Programmer Needs Help Understanding What He Did Wrong With His Instantiation.
  2. Java run file as batch and write problem to TXT file
  3. [SOLVED] Need help finding why this code doesn't work!
  4. Can anyone help me to find what code im wrong? thx
  5. Im beginner need a solution for one logic
  6. Method in class cannot be applied to given types
  7. What is the logic behind sorting an array list in this algorithm?
  8. How do I find the mode in a list when values of similar frequencies mean that there is no mode?
  9. need help (dunno if im posting in right thread or not)
  10. Can anyone answer this?
  11. Calculator double zero button issue.
  12. why is this code giving value -48?
  13. [SOLVED] Exception Handling/Logic Problems
  14. Printing many random names from an array
  15. How to add to a string format from another class
  16. Is it possible to declare 2 different classes in one variable?
  17. what is the purpose of defaultWriteObject in java ObjectOutputStream
  18. Help with finding a mistake/issue in this code
  19. ArrayDiff Problem on CodeWars; Need Assistance
  20. [SOLVED] Unreachable Statement in simple recursion code
  21. Timer not running.
  22. Use char[][] instead of string[].
  23. How to override abstract methods and use variables without making them public
  24. Java Painter add features
  25. Runtime.getRuntime().exec(shellscript)
  26. show jframe1 and hide jframe2 when connection sql
  27. Permissions in Java
  28. How to fix my code?
  29. How to stop a while loop thats reading text files
  30. [SOLVED] Why does method need to return a String rather than leave it as void?
  31. Please help me with the java code bluej
  32. What is the issue with my code
  33. Whats wrong with my code?
  34. Rewriting a method recursivly
  35. Loop into another loop
  36. NoClassDefFoundError while reading Excel File (Apache POI 5.0.0)
  37. sphenic program problem
  38. non static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
  39. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "str" is null
  40. Help with Scroll PAne SOLVED
  41. base conversion
  42. read a double type on the keyboard
  43. [SOLVED] Program skipping ahead and not allowing/reading user input
  44. Running jars from commandline
  45. Alarm clock won't tick, can't call method because of dereferencing??
  46. Calculator Method issue
  47. Problem using the JFileChooser
  48. [SOLVED] Having to press 'ENTER' twice
  49. BlueJ Auction Project calling external methods, using ArrayLists, and for-each loops
  50. ArrayList<> String searches and loops
  51. Java GUI button calculator
  52. [SOLVED] Stopping execution after 10 seconds/outputs
  53. [SOLVED] Noobie in need of serious help
  54. Java Count Help
  55. Simple guess game
  56. Display histogram using values from Array, use asterisks in histogram not numerals
  57. Hello need some advice to make this better
  58. Can you help me to make this calculator better
  59. [SOLVED] Count Num of Letters In Common
  60. Is there somethign im missing with serialization
  61. [SOLVED] How to save/access class objects on a .txt file?
  62. JavaFX NullPointerException when creating a new stage.
  63. rotating
  64. [SOLVED] Value of a variable not changing after reinstantiating it
  65. java.land.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out-of-bounds for length 0
  66. Increment operator
  67. Java Parcel Tracking-programm
  68. Set error to string buffer
  69. Changing a program to accept command line arguments
  70. LDAP Authentication Exception error code 49
  71. How to open the lock?
  72. Java Stack Implementation With the Help of Arrays
  73. Sorting an array without using the method sort()
  74. Can you help me with this Java GUI IconImage
  75. Need help to run examples in the JavaSim simulation package.
  76. Need help in making simple java program
  77. Stuck on what should apparently be a simple problem
  78. Multiple selection (bounding boxes) in displayed image
  79. Need a sample code
  80. Learning java (beginner) - code error
  81. Main.java expects Person.java behavior to work. How can I solve this?
  82. Java FX problem with Rectangle Intersects
  83. Java simple Graphics ball bounce
  84. How to determine a 2D array of specific index comment a specific element?
  85. Var ends up being 0
  86. [SOLVED] Comparing 2 lines from two separate TXT files
  87. Is there any other WebServer can run .war?
  88. [Beginner] How to add a new object to an object array?
  89. Trying to get my childhood game working
  90. HTTPInvokerRequestExecutor timeout
  91. Can anyone help with this question i had on an exax a few weeks ago? (passed by the skin of my teeth)
  92. [SOLVED] Looking for a second opinion
  93. quick question
  94. Do - While Loop
  95. Getting jcheckbox value state from another class
  96. Backward Slice Weiser
  97. how to add questions inside the switch statement and then calculate results in java
  98. Help required
  99. where is the mistake
  100. Excel loop
  101. Trouble with FOR LOOP statement!
  102. Game
  103. Two Issues with OpenJDK 17 on Windows 10 64 bit Home.
  104. [SOLVED] I am struggle to control the loop here.(solved)
  105. Promblem with JUnit testing
  106. What is wrong with my code?
  107. A question
  108. What is wrong with my code?
  109. cant add icon for joptionpane
  110. calling a method into System.out.print() method????? solved
  111. Why does it fill out the entire array instead of just one index?
  112. Nested while loops problem - when yes is being selected at the end, program needs to re-run code
  113. The element does not have time to load on the page
  114. Getting InputMismatchException
  115. Need some help
  116. how to cReate, Compile and Run a Java Package Program?
  117. finding a character from a given string value
  118. Help with substring
  119. [SOLVED] String problem ..kindly give me a code in alternative methods(solved)
  120. form-data - Body Request in java Post Request
  121. Design of UML diagram - Should it be a class?
  122. Reading Specific Column from Excel with java
  123. Receive only first mouse-click, looking for double click
  124. How to use Offline Navigable Map in Netbeans IDE with Java Swing
  125. Why my Java Project don't work?
  126. I need help
  127. [HELP] I'm creating a code to check whether 2D array is Magic Square or not
  128. array searching the location in one line
  129. Why don't if blocks work ?
  130. Junit Test for exception and WebRequest
  131. [SOLVED] Struggling with generics
  132. java help
  133. My friend cant install java plz help
  134. int from main method to non-static method
  135. [SOLVED] What's wrong with my code? (NullPointerException, outOfBoundException)
  136. [SOLVED] Cannot load file from resource using getClass().getResource
  137. Error with binary operand.
  138. Problem with nested switch code.
  139. can't solve this assignment
  140. Help me to figure out how code working
  141. Cannot find symbol error in single package program with default access modifier.
  142. Min Number from array
  143. trim
  144. Looping Array and Satisfying multiple conditions-Support
  145. GUI freezes instead of showing JProgressBar
  146. My first java code won't run from cmd Windows
  147. Difficulty with connecting 2 classes through the Switch Statement
  148. Pasrsing error when comparing two dates
  149. NullPointerException
  150. How do I print this?
  151. I need help with writing Regular Expressions and defining Capture Groups
  152. Runnable jar file not working in joined display configuration on Fedora.
  153. Is it possible to make a java software interact with a website's interface without having access to the backend?
  154. constructor method syntax error
  155. catching Set
  156. INT Operations Help Plz
  157. array elements assignment question
  158. [SOLVED] Why is this code not printing to console
  159. Is this code sufficient for my purposes?
  160. Button in borderlayout
  161. Layout in java
  162. String matches() Method in Java
  163. hasNext() - next() and substring() Methods
  164. Why my String does not appear ?
  165. Nu reusesc sa deschid un Frame
  166. [SOLVED] Can I build "my own type of java number"?
  167. can someone help me understand why i am getting this error.
  168. Why am I getting false ?
  169. [SOLVED] What am I doing wrong here?
  170. Mkyong - why i recieve the ERROR? Thanks!
  171. How do call an object in an if else if statement.
  172. Why is this working?
  173. Something related to Minecraft.
  174. Java Netbeans Swing - want to create x jlabels by entering a number
  175. Program window scaling
  176. File don't work
  177. I have to send this tomorrow and i have now idea what is wrong
  178. How Java handles and simulates ANSI keycode input in console?
  179. [SOLVED] Compare strings
  180. [SOLVED] Leap year
  181. I want print the number which leaves remainder 0 . For example: if 8 is enter I want output 1248 . Tell me where I'm making mistake
  182. Generics solve as one function but not two
  183. Neural Network method not working
  184. Why System.in returns -1 when I pressed "Enter key" how can I mimic "Enter key" in console?
  185. How to check if a calculation is an integer
  186. [SOLVED] Calculator
  187. [SOLVED] exit button
  188. There's a problem in line 43 i need help
  189. [SOLVED] cant solve this one out
  190. Comparing using String.valueOf() method
  191. answer my code!!!
  192. Hi guys my code here is showing errors specifically cannot find symbol even though i have declared this
  193. [SOLVED] How to make a team with min. 2 max 5 players with Objects and Arraylist?
  194. Project about Chat application with multi hop forwarding
  195. Are arraylists redundant?
  196. help with codoe
  197. I have to send this tomorrow again and i don't have any idea what's wrong
  198. Spring upgrade from 4.3.14 to 5.3.18
  199. FCFS CPU Scheduling
  200. [SOLVED] What am I missing here?
  201. please help
  202. Tournament issue - I'm stuck and need a push in the right direction
  203. Help the code seems fine and all but it doesn't identify the names even it's right
  204. toString on ArrayList is not working :(
  205. [SOLVED] How do I add an index in the middle of an ArrayList?
  206. Finding a String value in the ArrayList
  207. Nested For Loop Problem
  208. How do I calculate power using for loop?
  209. Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?
  210. Help needed on a ride - sharing app development project. I need a Mentor/Coach.
  211. Java arrays list
  212. Please help to review an error code!
  213. this works, but I want to print this to the screen in a fixed position
  214. Array Methods
  215. I need to know if the date is saturday or sunday or holiday.
  216. How to produce img from spring controller with image generated in the jsp?
  217. Sorting LinkedList
  218. Generating random 3 digit kength number with specific numbers. Need help!
  219. what whould be the output
  220. output?
  221. Can someone explain why my loop does not run again even when "y" is entered.
  222. Extract Xml or Json from jpeg
  223. User input string's problem
  224. [SOLVED] Implementing LSA " indexing image" in JAVA
  225. indexOf Linked List
  226. Java Program for Matrix Multiplication
  227. [SOLVED] .txt file won't convert to ints
  228. 2dArray index 00 input problem
  229. Array typ objekt class
  230. Printing Array
  231. Problem with snapshot in lock-free set
  232. Debugging with Print Statement (on List of Object Class)
  233. Condition satisfying but not getting desired Output
  234. Printing ArrayList
  235. GCD of Two Numbers in Java
  236. Returning node
  237. Please help me to find out the error in the following code
  238. Re: Please help me to find out the error in the following code
  239. Convert Array to LinkedList
  240. Java example in Wildfly
  241. Collision question
  242. [SOLVED] if statement to right syntax
  243. Java binaries seem to ignore JAVA_HOME
  244. Setting a background image on a gameFrame
  245. How to parse an XML file from a URL using JDOM or SAXBuilder
  246. setAlignment have no effect
  247. Cannot find class in .class or .jar file
  248. AsposeOCR API implementation Runtime Error
  249. Static vs Instance
  250. My new questions