View Full Version : What's Wrong With My Code?
- [SOLVED] Help me please.
- How to write this without
- Every token to a string?
- [SOLVED] Problems with Sockets
- Exception in thread "Launcher:/Whiteboard" java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to load
- What the heck is wrong with my code?
- Help please with array...
- Login website using Java
- Array Code Help
- my FileReader(i think) isn't performing properly..
- Broken JPanel?
- Has to be a simple error, but I can't find it.
- Problem with digits/letters
- [SOLVED] GuessingGame problem
- Testing if dates are real or not.
- New to Objects...
- Button Won't Stop Animation.
- can any one plz find the error.
- Square Game (a half solved, please help with the rest!!!)
- About the ackermann function...
- Applet clear
- ClassLoader and inner classes
- Search for number in array and return index
- Extracting the " (Double Quote) character from a string
- Adding entered text from one GUI to another
- Applet doesnt show
- [Y/N] Option
- [SOLVED] issue with Character.isUpperCase class
- Reading a File in Java
- Pls explain me the code logic
- JavaScript pic puzzle
- Having trouble returning the right out put.
- help with loops
- whats wrong?
- anagram program wont compile please help
- set Background Excel cell color using POI API
- Assigning an 'int' from a JTextField to a variable...
- returns all suggestions
- PDE(plugins development environment)
- ReadWrite program advise
- [SOLVED] adding to a multidimensional array.
- Switching letter-cases from user input; why is not working?
- Tictactoe problem
- Why does it get smaller when it's suppose to get bigger
- Help here!!
- server client upercase
- Calculating average of an array
- [SOLVED] InetAddress worn't work :(
- [SOLVED] Reading integers from a file, but it's only displaying the first number repeatedly..?
- Can anyone help me finish creating a GUI for my program
- Methods and Exceptions
- Grid bag layout inside grid bag layout
- Help please!
- How to remove the last comma
- Tic Tac Toe Java Application Help w/ Importing Text Field
- Need help with program that checks requirements
- How to use PrintSteam and BufferedReader Simultaneously
- advice for an Odd, Even, Zero counter from input.txt file
- JFrame Question
- Issue with code. Does not detect duplicate names in file
- Polymorphism test
- Binary Search Help
- java applet program question (on getting path fails)
- need help as soon as possible
- button action problem
- iterator help needed
- Need help with instantiating a class
- Breakout Game
- stuck on Iterator
- [SOLVED] Faster Run Time - Scanner(file) and Arrays
- help please with code for inverse radon transform
- [SOLVED] Bank Simulation - Null Pointer Exception
- What's wrong. Compile Ok but error when execute.
- GUI errors
- Help with an array please!
- help with user selected section has no available seat applet
- [SOLVED] Servlet cant perform sql after second button click
- how to read a text delimited file using 2 dimentional array in java ??
- Storing radiobutton into file
- Java Bar graph takes user input to create graph?
- [SOLVED] Embed a Jar into a website/Exception handling
- [SOLVED] this.something = something - problem with "double"
- .Jar Help
- Help with class program!!! STUCK! Program not doing what I Want!!!
- Bowler calculate project, two errors
- [SOLVED] JFree chart Exception
- User Interface Problems
- Javascript function window.onload cant run
- Help with method plz..
- Need help with checking passwords
- [SOLVED] Quick method/array question...?
- Ok, Notepad class has returned!
- JavaCompilerobject giving an error WITHOUT ide
- null pointer exception problem
- Unchecked or Unverified Warning
- Re: null pointer exception problem
- Array of strings Null Pointer error
- Issue with beginner program
- changing GUI
- finding the end of ram
- (URGENT) Plz help me with the black jack program.
- Problem in reading image file
- Trouble Reading Line in File
- acessing variabloe outside loop
- BufferedWriter Problem
- OS Specific Java Error
- error in HashSet
- [SOLVED] Help with getting user input for my factorial method
- .gif image becomes black and white (against my wishes)
- Using Vector, data get duplicated
- Issue with setting up different class with arrays
- ERROR using Runtime.getRuntime().exec("arp -a");
- How to add scrollbar to a JPanel with Graphics
- Help with creating random circles
- PigLatin translator help
- Python code to Java, Incorrect answers returned in Java. Did I type something wrong?
- Array question. Stumped!
- Java PhoneBook
- creating GUI using java, need help?
- Something wrong with my programming, please help
- Search Word puzzle game
- Default system look and feel does not work
- Java TCP multiple clients
- orphaned case
- Help with making the user input to store in file
- Problem reading correctly from a file
- jbutton on applet
- Whats wrong with this Pig Latin code?
- problem with choice for airline reservation
- Reading from ResultSet to Object and from object Object Array
- [SOLVED] PigLatin Program Help
- Reading data from a text file into an object
- update query is firing first then insert query
- Trying to add text from a string to the name of a JPanel (is it possible?)
- JOptionPane problem
- need some help with an 2-d array project
- Iterators and lists and oh god my brain hurts!
- Java graphic coordinates out of bounds?
- Adding strings to an array dynamically, how can i do it?
- [SOLVED] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- [SOLVED] Asynchronous Imaging Problem
- [SOLVED] Finding deepest node of tree??
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- probleming writing multiple items to text file
- Loan Payments
- Help with Identity matrix!
- Possible Loss of Precision
- Applet problem with MouseEvent
- Help with Graphics class and keyPressed method
- Savings account balance comparison code.
- Created simple game applet but wanting it to access a DSN on the server
- Directing JButtons to functions?
- [SOLVED] List problems
- Can't Find what is wrong with my Code
- problem in my code
- Java sliding block puzzle issues
- problem with File Stream
- [SOLVED] I have a problem with this Joption programme.
- I dont see why this program is not doing what it is supposed to
- Sorting date using BeanComparator
- [SOLVED] Please help with this... I think I have a minor coding error
- Laugh parking garage
- Writing a very simple "Poker" game in Java
- Terminal Tamagotchi
- question about my applet
- instantiating class objects from an array
- HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Class company, class Employee and tester (Having trouble with my computepayroll() met
- how to create a JTabbedPane java?
- please help with simple program!!!
- Help me with My Game.
- NullPointerException error
- [SOLVED] modular programming, converting to degrees
- Right so who is a Guru at BreadthFirstSearch ?
- Methods Help - Unreachable statement error
- Can't fix my own errors
- Incremental image drawing in Java
- [SOLVED] Problem with ActionEvent not doing anything
- [SOLVED] Please help me with this payroll program
- Implementing a priority queue using a max heap
- Help with looping etc THANKS ALOT IN ADVANCE
- [SOLVED] Gap between GUI elements
- [SOLVED] Can't add a method without getting errors
- Maze Game
- [SOLVED] Circular Linked List---Need Help ASAP (before midnight)
- Paint program adding classes to main method class
- Trying to output color....HELP PLEASE!
- Start application, and return process ID (PID)
- How do I call a class in a main class
- Need help with my standard deviation code.
- Need help with emirp problem.
- [SOLVED] Java assignment, concerning Arrays and Loops
- Simple java method problem
- How to add buttons on this code
- TemperatureConverter Return Problem
- java email program
- GUI - calculate BMI (need help asap)
- NullPointerException ... and does it work?
- I still have errors. Can you PLEASE correct my code?!
- Java 6.0 Compiler Error
- Problem with thread.sleep()
- Cannot get to compile
- Cannot get to compile
- contains method not working?
- Quicksort algorithm displaying strange behaviour
- Sliding puzzle Restart button(same exact game)
- Write methods and constructors from Javadocs
- Help me organize my code
- will pay 10$ for a API application
- Please....Help.
- No errors but just won't print out the first element of an array list
- [SOLVED] Could someone help me find my errors on this program?? (homework)
- Beginner java programmer!
- Need help, please.
- What's wrong with simple Scanner program?
- Another beginner to Java!
- Scanner code won't work
- HELP! Cant pass my input values to the paint component
- Prime Number Program for class
- Adding a Panel from a different class
- Problem with apache xml-rpc lib
- Need help with changing color of JOptionPane
- method not working outside of class
- StackOverflowError when using quicksort
- [SOLVED] Taking a square root in Java, answer appears as 0.0. Why?
- Reverse Number guessing game
- switch statement not working for JFrame Calculator
- [SOLVED] Cumulative array
- unclosed string literal
- GregorianCalendar problems
- Copy Constructor
- Student Programs
- DFS in Graphs
- Using the fileReader?
- HELP with sending data within text file to client with printwriter
- File Reading code doesn't work
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
- Keystoke Problem :-(
- Have Problem with if condition...Please Help me...
- Some much needed help, and questions.
- Help with code outputting wrong info
- Abstract class
- TicTacToe
- recursive program to find median
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