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  1. Trouble adding an object.
  2. Its Legal Instal Oracle JDK on Linux?
  3. Programming a game engine?
  4. how to use value of a String variable "Cel1" as a variable name like Cel1.SetText("abc")
  5. How do i make my Jbutton ( with icon ) keep his collors when i disable him?
  6. [SOLVED] Messing with alpha
  7. Need help with school question
  8. I need some help with this programming problem
  9. System.out.println, beside each other?
  10. Combining multiple uploaded documents into one report
  11. Open source Java Api for creating Tasks to MS outlook
  12. Abstract Method
  13. Setting up Java Development Environment
  14. Does Java have a timer routine.
  15. is this a bug in JAXB or a problem of me?
  16. [SOLVED] I need some advice
  17. Understanding OOP
  18. JavaSE or JavaEE?
  19. Java Book Recommendations
  20. Re: Image processing tutorial
  21. Where To start Developing a Web application in Java
  22. [SOLVED] Need Help Practicing
  23. java
  24. I'm a beginner and i'm searching for a basic example
  25. Serializable interface
  26. How to get the java equivalent of C++ const
  27. Is it possible to send keystrokes to a background window?
  28. uniq doc
  29. [SOLVED] Custom Image as the window in JFrame
  30. Static keyword for arraylist containing objects
  31. What exactly are supresswarnings?
  32. methods are checked based on the reference, not the object. why?
  33. Basic coding format for a program I'm designing?
  34. [SOLVED] Static Methods Preventing Usage of Instances?
  35. [SOLVED] Could I have made this simpiler?
  36. Correct Command Format inside Runtime.getRuntime.exec(“ ”) block
  37. Identifying Hashes Efficiently?
  38. Getting a 64 bit jvm to work
  39. Is there any significant difference between these segments of code?
  40. Silly Code
  41. java Metrics tool used in 1999 or 2000
  42. exporting a java program for use:
  43. Count out program
  44. Create non repeated words
  45. HashCode for calculate different objects
  46. [SOLVED] Detailed JApplet information
  47. I need assistance ASAP with command "-classpath"
  48. JApplet (java runtime permissions)
  49. Java Exercises and Challenges Recommendations for someone with intermediate skills.
  50. How to find if JVM is 32 or 64 bit from Java program
  51. How to change file permission in Java
  52. Input and Output via JTextField
  53. hi.. i have question about how to code this so that the output will appear as follow
  54. Have I done this efficiently ?
  55. Using the count element method to count the occurrence of characters in an array
  56. How to get the highest value of an array of integers?
  57. Download Image (stored as blob) from Database to the Client Machine
  58. Effect of Perm gen memory on CPU Utilization
  59. Stubbing documents in SharePoint using java Api
  60. Java Image path question.
  61. [SOLVED] Dorm and Meal Plan Calculator
  62. interfacing of java with audrino
  63. I need help with coordinate x y!
  64. How to print out all keys cerrently stored in a HashMap?
  65. Scaling text question
  66. Help understanding for-loop
  67. Tell a java method to wait
  68. Tell java to do a something when timer ticks
  69. [SOLVED] Copying from one file(source) to another file(destination)
  70. Spaceship question...
  71. [SOLVED] Need help understand this while loop.
  72. [SOLVED] Applet writing to an http server.
  73. Errors in my Simple Java code
  74. Sending XML to PHP Service via POST
  75. how to ensure that my method wont return the same random number twice in a row
  76. Applet Paint Method
  77. [SOLVED] applet out of memory error (how to increase available heap space)
  78. Java Tutorial
  79. Numbers & Binary
  80. creating a excel from Swing:
  81. Help me validate or break my conceptions of web technology
  82. [SOLVED] Stupid question on the use of < >
  83. when should we go for interface and abstract classes and concrete classes
  84. [SOLVED] Fixed.
  85. Regular expression to find a line beginning with a certain character Using Java
  86. [SOLVED] Why should a programmer follow GUI standards in programming the user interface?
  87. How to manipulate typed text
  88. How to View contents of .ISO file in java?
  89. Is my understanding of explicit casting correct?
  90. How to store 2 related elements using a 2x2 array
  91. limiting string length
  92. Java Printing
  93. Creating an ISO 9660 library
  94. [SOLVED] going to the nextLine in Java BufferedReader
  95. Java Curiosities
  96. Convert a file in UTF8 format to UTF16 on command-line
  97. How do I get my program to read .txt files? My code doesn't work. Can you please post your code? I use eclipse.
  98. why the command prompt does not recognize java as a command?
  99. Making a web site in Java
  100. [SOLVED] How do I prevent buttons from flowing over when the window is dragged.
  101. Java 1.6.0_21 x 64 - Windows 7, Add-ins
  102. Java Math help please
  103. Simple but Strange situation in my Java Code.
  104. Continuously get user's input until an empty string is entered
  105. Is it time to start android development?
  106. Java enquiry!!
  107. Writing my own custom comparator in java
  108. Java Math/Physics Help
  109. Need help !! Advanced Level
  110. [SOLVED] Different versions of Eclipse?
  111. Copy a file in java
  112. [SOLVED] How do I sort a TreeSet<Person> by Person's age?
  113. [SOLVED] Iinitialization of members. From Qt (C++) to Java
  114. [SOLVED] Test noExceptions
  115. What is the output of this program supposed to be and what am I doing wrong? (long one)
  116. colors in java.. what would be most easy to start with for a beginner?
  117. Looking for Java Books/Videos for absolute begginer
  118. abit of idea on how to make the program to repeat
  119. Conversion between primitive data types: mixed mathematical expressions
  120. How to find whether a number is palindrome or not?
  121. [SOLVED] Lost on Java Threads
  122. Java Generics
  123. Browser automation/embedding into GUI/ attaching to existing browser window
  124. How to instal JDK 8 in a drive other than C
  125. [SOLVED] Incremental change to a java program
  126. Regarding Persistence.xml file implementation in JPA
  127. Issue with JOptionPane showMessageDialog
  128. Reading Web XML Document
  129. [SOLVED] Difference Between The Terms 'Architecture Neutral'l and 'Platform Independent'
  130. Array problem
  131. Creating a keylistener that reacts across the entire application?
  132. [SOLVED] algoritm of Convert hex to floating point
  133. [SOLVED] Difference between Interpreter and Compiler
  134. best compiler
  135. java tutorials
  136. Java 'Bin' folder is emptied quite often
  137. Serialization
  138. The proper SwingGui best fit to display a large information set
  139. HELP: Trying to get mp3 class to play song from playlist class
  140. Limit Updates
  141. Help me to understand MultiDimensional Array
  142. Variable size array
  143. [SOLVED] "Java is slow" myth
  144. modularity and interfaces:
  145. #ifdef in Java?
  146. Question about (10)++%5 == 0
  147. Working with custom JList Component in Java
  148. code to move an object in grid
  149. How to read a text file in java?
  150. How to manually put data into an InputStream?
  151. Replace unless inside quotes?
  152. General help with servlets
  153. how best to run external process and control it
  154. static method
  155. Guessing game
  156. Load a vb.net dll in java???
  157. Help with a client server program
  158. Hi guys
  159. [SOLVED] Rendering the cells of JComboBox in Java
  160. Help with constants!
  161. Compiler
  162. Question about good coding practice
  163. Help me with ideas
  164. How to detect current memory free and used in java program ?
  165. Files
  166. Split a String in java using delimeters
  167. Re: How To Make JCreator Output in a Command Window
  168. Projects For A Beginner Programmer
  169. Help with a beginner worksheet
  170. I have a doubt in java Interface , please help me?
  171. Site with exercise includes solutions
  172. import question
  173. Where would I place try and catch in this code?
  174. Good practice to detect lapsed observers
  175. abstract class:
  176. Face Detection
  177. Need Help making this non-recursive
  178. Need help on ideas to approach this String problem..
  179. I need help understanding what two aspects define objects
  180. Current Tutorials / Videos / Etc for Java / JEE / Spring / JPA
  181. Different units in calculation
  182. little kind of "notepad" application
  183. while loop loops foreve even with the right inputs.
  184. java se 7 question
  185. File reading/writing
  186. Java DB - Embedded or localhost?
  187. Basic XML Reading Question
  188. Java vs Groovy
  189. Convert PDf to Excel
  190. Question about Garbage Collector
  191. Beginner question dealing with a GUI
  192. org.apache.commons.lang package does not exists
  193. multiple methods in one class
  194. parallel manipulation of XML files
  195. Implementation problem.
  196. Handling IO Synchronization
  197. Help Required in sound mixer software
  198. [SOLVED] Run cmd commands through java
  199. Simulate keystroke
  200. Java site
  201. Need knowledge on initialising arrays of various types
  202. launching a application to look like a web page
  203. Re: How to create directory in Java?
  204. VBA programmer trying to learn Java
  205. Accessing objects within a GCompound not possible?
  206. Java JSON question.
  207. changed packages, now it will not run:
  208. strings
  209. Creating a textfile with program output.
  210. [SOLVED] Random Generator and 2D Arrays
  211. java
  212. Check opan applications w/ Java
  213. Jenkins Jelly, Annotated Nested Class error
  215. Not sure how to do this
  216. Why does 16.33%10 return 6.329999999999998?
  217. Pulling data from a URL
  218. Java 8 Heap is LOWER with instrumentation?
  219. java game server connection problem
  220. Optimum solution for objects
  221. [SOLVED] [Beginner]
  222. How do I call a variable from another method?
  223. VM Instruction Pipelining
  224. Secure Java Files
  225. [SOLVED] Get JVM Flags?
  226. Possible to check if classes contains a specific method and then run that method?
  227. main method
  228. Environment independent single .war generation
  229. Variable from superclass using in JFrame class
  230. switch case , check range
  231. Which tech to use JAXB or XSTREAM ?
  232. Problem with Java Update freezing application
  233. Solving/Roots of nonlinear System of Equations - Java - Android
  234. How to make a program that can set a video as a wallpaper
  235. Change Access application to web based application
  236. An Overview of Java programming
  237. Java programming Overview for Biginner
  238. How do I compare a variable's value with an enum's value?
  239. Steam bot
  240. Should I use a framework/build tools etc?
  241. JList or Table or maybe something else......
  242. A Number Test. Help On How To Do This?
  243. The Possibilities
  244. [SOLVED] Multiple Catch Blocks
  245. [SOLVED] simple netbeans project for math calculations with commons-math commons-math3-3.6.1.jar
  246. Programming an IOS app wtih eclipse
  247. jFrame print
  248. Multiple choice help
  249. Chrome extension - Text lookup / search
  250. Hello