View Full Version : Other Programming Languages

  1. Javascript function returns NaN
  3. does anyone know assembly code for JVM?
  4. Undefined Array Problem
  5. HTML Help Please!!!!!!
  6. Parsing JSON Feed
  7. Help with clearing variables
  8. Customizing PayPal "BuyNow" button
  9. A little help please
  10. Hoe do I read html from the web?
  11. Processing
  12. how to submit Javascript form with excel macro to fetch data by web query in excel
  13. Problem with my JavaScript or JSP?
  14. Date Availability quary
  15. Have a C++ project due soon and am not sure if I'm using pointers right.
  16. getobject error retrieving data from mysql
  17. Confused about time expiration
  18. Javascript -publish on facebookwall
  19. How to uncheck the loadInSideBar in Bookmarking through code???
  20. C++ tutorials and forums
  21. can anyone help me solve this code
  22. Ok, I have an assignment that involves lists, it's in C+, and also polynomials
  23. I am triying to make a chart and indicator with this code but something is wrong
  24. (Javascript) Resize an image according to browser.
  25. bubble sort timer
  26. Need help with C++ min and max heaps.
  27. java to javascript
  28. Uscript coder wanted !
  29. Merge sort not sorting at all despite copying it exact from book.
  30. Null or not an object error
  31. Javascript error in a lightbox gallery...
  32. JavaScript Error in Task Bar..!!
  33. Java code help
  34. Help with Variables and making them work :/
  35. employing library jar from windows command line
  36. Please help not sure how to get past the Syntax error
  37. PHP HTML Forums & Javascript for entering Database Information
  38. Can't figure out how to print out number of lines and words in a file in c++
  39. onmouseover issue
  40. How to check if a datetime from mysql is the same Date as another?
  41. Difficult questions please help
  42. java script/PHP/Jquery Help
  43. Floating Balloons Javascript Code Help
  44. Refresh/reload only a specific <div>
  45. Trying to fix a YQL statement - Newbie needs help!
  46. Game Maker Language and Game Maker and Zelda Classic thread
  47. to create a table using mailto in java script
  48. Help with Flash Gallery On Website
  49. Please help with my blackjack javascript game
  50. Converting bookmarklet to operate on site
  51. Help with explaining the code, pleaseeeeeee
  52. help pleaseee
  53. Map Drive Locally
  54. Google Maps
  55. I have a Question( Try to make 1 HTML)
  56. how to open a popup window of specific size in asp
  57. Extracting a single line from a HTML
  58. confirmation pop up, help!
  59. Java slider blocking my homepage
  60. Simplifying Uml Class Diagram For System Comprehension
  61. Need Help with While Loop Lab
  62. Java Scripting Rule Issue
  63. what's wrong with this function?
  64. Pro JavaScript for Web Apps
  65. How many programming languages a programmer could master in Real life.
  66. JavaScript code
  67. Function work in IE 8 or 9 but not in Chrome
  68. Java Script works in IE 8 and 9 but not in Chrome
  69. Creating select box dynamically- onchange fired before selection
  70. Update Array by explode()
  71. Frustrating File>save as search function in google script
  72. How to add fancybox lightbox in wordpress theme without using a plugin
  73. Need help with FTP
  74. Set up Adobe plugin detect
  75. file size validation in js
  76. how to write a function *method* in Java to reverse an Array using Groovy?
  77. Help to implement new function in nCode Image Resizer
  78. help wirting a simple code
  79. Validation
  80. Displaying 2 images after clicking on one icon ( in different places of the screen )
  81. What does this code do?
  82. Form autofil field ?l
  83. Please help!! Need to solve this problem for class thank you!!
  84. use array of scores to calculate an average
  85. need some help figuring out what some code does
  86. Dynamic row with selection box(from db)
  87. Pop up window - which is going to load when my index page is loading
  88. Not setInterval() is applicable for scriplet
  89. Need help with array error
  90. CheckBox Program Install Loop
  91. javascript
  92. JAVA vs ALL
  93. Why width of dropdown is decreasing automatically on every select?
  94. Form - Calculation problem
  95. Please help me correct my program
  96. Get Reference of js files
  97. How Do I Automatically Detect Java Version via Web Page without Clicking Anything
  98. Question about Bounded Buffer
  99. Having problem checking number of attempts to login
  100. can someone help me to complete this requirement in JADE?
  101. how can we load css file without pressing refresh button in web page
  102. Creating A Webservice
  103. Need help with jScrollPane
  104. MySQL Queries
  105. My choose your own adventure displays a blank page when i try to run it in my browser(firefox)
  106. Need Help for digest authentication
  107. ANTLR - Business rule implementation
  108. Find out what type of simple validation checks for the for the data input into HTML forms?
  109. how can css be used to highlight data form elements
  110. eclipse configuration problem
  111. Generate personal button with java (textual adventure building)
  112. javascript
  113. help with my coed
  114. Dought regarding Function Overloading
  115. Creating a google map with markers and an option to change to heatmap
  116. How do I make an image in javascript or html
  117. timers don't work in IE8
  118. javascript
  119. Can someone please help me with this script
  120. Generating JAXB classes
  121. JAVA Web Menu Problems
  122. Custom formula with form input
  123. jquery in zkoss http request
  124. Function and radio Buttons in JAVA
  125. How to validate Radio buttons?
  126. Improving the SQL statement
  127. Ternary operator
  128. Jquery issue
  129. HELP About Javascript, creating program zodiacsign (horoscope)
  130. Whats wrong with my coding
  131. Coding issue read
  132. How to call Servlet using ajax
  133. Are there classes in c++?
  134. how can i apply ajax for this code with out usage of data base & php?
  135. JavaScript code to convert phone number phrase to actual phone number
  136. JQuery isn't loading
  137. JavaScript question if anyone can help. What's wrong with my code?
  138. Please help with this java script code so it validates.?
  139. Ipad action not functioning, behaving inconsistently in safari (Crossbrowser support)
  140. creating a Dynamic table using jsp based on textbox value
  141. HELP ME - da JQUERY a JAVA
  143. Countdown timer which opens a popup window
  144. Javascript - changing font colour of row
  145. Where to place "openTo()" command to make the script work?
  146. Simple but i am still too new
  147. I think this falls under HTML: FAQ section of a website
  148. datatables warning (table id = 'example') requested unknown parameter
  149. Javascript file reload every menu clicked - Chrome Debug
  150. Web Design Tutorials for HTML Programming of Beginners
  151. Ruby Programming Language For Beginner
  152. Want to print RESULT word before output
  153. Did anyone ever use the LOGO language?
  154. Plot a chart using Jqplot for a JSON object
  155. Ongoing C# vs Java Debate
  156. need help with simple multiple choice
  157. Codecademy Problem
  158. Sorting a string with numbers
  159. Alert Box
  160. Need help with widget
  161. Function to Retrieve data from database using Jquery and ajax according to the value in the textfield in jsp
  162. What is wrong with my C++ coding?
  163. Anyone ever use this?
  164. Is it possible to create a child window in Processing?
  165. My PHP/Java code causes the images to overlap. Why?
  166. How add "No wrap - in <head>" in JS.
  167. Generate webpage' embedded code banner
  168. Help with task
  169. Hello missing ) after condition - javascript
  170. switch program problem check my program and help how to fix
  171. reading javascript website
  172. Not able to get mathematical calculation in each row
  173. Jade question
  174. Ever tried Swift via xcode?
  175. codecademy Java Script
  176. Getting user ID and password from windows login in html
  177. Can someone tell me how to convert this C++ code to java? (just 50 lines)
  178. Site Catalyst
  179. opening a new page and running a script on it, from the old page.
  180. What have I done wrong?
  181. Path problem while importing css and js files
  182. B-TTIE algorithm
  183. Complete Beginner of C++ Graphics Programming(Help in simple checker game)
  184. Code that works on Fiddle but doesn't work on local
  185. error when build jar using Apache Ant 1.6.5
  187. Compatible Markup languages
  188. Can I do this and how long would it potentially take to make ?
  189. javascript var if
  190. Java Script: Adding 1 to existing value?(That can be used to Adobe Photoshop Script)
  191. Explain The JavaScript Features, Advantages And Disadvantages?
  192. JavaScript - Pass selected drop down list value to method
  193. Please help fix these errors
  194. How to get overflow in a autocomplete row.
  195. javascript
  196. SetInterval issue - beginner
  197. How to get this code to print the data from the listbox onto the page?
  198. Need Java help on this detail attached
  199. Review my code
  200. Switch doesn't work properly
  201. Passing a list through location.href
  202. Function is not defined
  203. calling ajax returning undefined value to called script (ddt is the variable)
  204. Confused adding minimum order code in my cart.html. Can anyone help? Please
  205. What is wrong with my code
  206. Gradle problem
  207. pop up window when click submitform
  208. Hi! Need helpfrom some experienced js programers to determine a js code
  209. htmlProcessor node xml
  210. making a website in three years
  211. change the time from getModificationTime (apache api) to utc+3
  212. expected unqualified id before public error
  213. TOTAL newbie, trying to get my head around several issues
  214. New to Java but have a problem appending a srtring to another.
  215. [Solved] Quiz app modification
  216. printing serial-numbered copies
  217. How to make table appear
  218. C# and Assembly Language Documentations?
  219. ASTM message - newb - comment delete line
  220. Java equivalent of Python :-1
  221. Java Click button not working
  222. Javascript errors notifier extension for Chrome and Edge - This extension violates the Chrome Web Store
  223. inline function
  224. Add Page Break in as a nested loop
  225. Best Java Books for Learning Core Java Programming
  226. Shows Blank Jasper Report After Integrating with Existing Application
  227. Shows Blank Jasper Report After Integrating with Existing Application
  228. Struts project for pdf conversion
  229. My post to http doesn't support hashtag not even via html code
  230. Sort Function Issue
  231. adding document.getElementById to a .css
  232. Counting a button use
  233. How can I return java object in an array as json format like bellow
  234. Field Validation On Blur Dependent on Other Field Not Working
  235. Help to create shorter code
  236. 2x2 Quadratic Equation
  237. need help regarding data analyst
  238. Random question for a quiz
  239. analogue clock coding an additional time report
  240. Advanced JavaScript Array of Objects Sorting: Multi-Criteria Sorting
  241. Java Exception Handling: Handling Checked Exceptions
  242. Understanding Control Structures in C++: Looping Through an Array
  243. java script
  244. java sxript
  245. Example code needed for API, jQuery & json
  246. Sample code to ask question in javascript