What is Yildiz Online?
Yildiz Online is a massively multiplayer strategy game(MMORTS). It's a combination of classical startegy game(like: Homeworld)
and management game(like: Ogame).
The game takes place in space and it is entirely in 3 dimensions. Its goal is to devolpoe and assure the management of its base.
and also to create its army with which players can attack other databases to steal their resources.
Yildiz Online is a mobile game which can be played on windows and linux platform.
About Yildiz Online:
The game is pretty well advanced. The engine works great and the different components are fully integrated as well.
Now it is possible to gain resources and to build the base with some buildings.Also it is possible to create units and make them
fight and attack a player to steal resources.
Objectives of Yildiz Online:
Yildiz Online is destined to become a commercial project. The economic model will be free to play with bonus pay.
A future version will witness the appearance of colonization of the planets in order to give an extra dimension to the game
and to enrich more the gameplay.
Currently, the game suggests two languages which are available: French and English.
The project's origins.
Yildiz combines two different styles of games. It offers an innovative experience and offers a community aspect which pushes the interactions between players to widely promote their
development and the different possible research offer a wide range of customizing the way you play.
The project is developed in java for the API and the surface of the engine. The internal components are in C++.
The various libraries and tools:
-Eclipse(java and CDT for the c++(with g++ as compiler, via mingw under windows)
-Maven for dependency management.
-ANT for deployment.
-Orge 3D
-Open AL(implimentation soft openal)
-Netty IO
Control of Quality:
The pictures I have posted or I will post do not represent the final view of the game but just to let you know that it's in the process and that it works well.
The 2D representation of the base and the icons are just temporary. They are some of certain actions of the vessels but I have
not drawn the final ones yet.
NB: for more information, pictures and videos about the game, do not hesitate to visit and LIKE our page on facebook:
Yildiz-Online | Facebook
Best regards.