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Thread: Java code math problem to find missing paranthesis

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Java code math problem to find missing paranthesis

    Hi, I need help for with full java code for the following Problem:
    Problem: Given string data representing a mathematical expression, determine the possible location(s) of the missing parenthesis. Although we show spaces between characters for readability the input strings have no spaces. All operands will be single digits.
    Given (2+3*6+1. A right parenthesis is missing. It could be correctly places in several locations. 
    (2+3)*6+1 Location 5
    (2+3*6)+1 Location 7
    (2+3*6+1) Location 9
    Input: There will be five lines of input. Each line will contain a string of characters with no spaces representing a mathematical expression. Each expression will have either a single left or right parenthesis. The operators used will be: +, -, * and /.
    Output: For each line of input, list all the locations in that expression where the missing left or right parenthesis can be correctly placed. Note: Single digits are never enclosed.
    Sample Input         Sample Output
    1. (2+3*6+1           1. 5,7.9
    2. 2-5*(6+1           2. 9
    3. 5+5-2)*5           3. 1,3
    4. 3*5 + (8/4*2       4. 9,11
    5. 2+8/4*5)           5. 1,3,5

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java code math problem to find missing paranthesis

    What have you tried?
    Be sure to wrap any posted code in code tags.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: Java code math problem to find missing paranthesis

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    What have you tried?
    Be sure to wrap any posted code in code tags.

    package ACSL2017_2018;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class C2_ACSLEnclosure {
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
    		Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("1718c2.in"));
    		for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    			String result = "";
    			String expression = in.next();
    			String p1 = "(";
    			String p2 = ")";
    			int n = expression.indexOf(p1)+5;
    			int p = expression.indexOf(p2)-4;
    				//result += Integer.toString(expression.indexOf(p1)+5);
    			         result = n+" ";
    			         for(int k=n+2 ; k<=expression.length() + 1; k++){
    			               result += k  +" " ;
    			/*for(int k = n; k < expression.length()-1; k+=2){
    				result += ", " + Integer.toString(n+2);
    				result += Integer.toString(expression.indexOf(p2)-4);
    			for(int e = p; e > expression.length()-1; e+=2){
    				result += ", " + Integer.toString(p - 2);
    			                  result = p+" " ; 
    			                  for(int k=p-2 ; k<=expression.length() + 1; k++){
    			                        result += k  +" " ;

    i don't get whats wrong with it

    --- Update ---

    package ACSL2017_2018;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class C2_ACSLEnclosure {
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
    		Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("1718c2.in"));
    		for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    			String result = "";
    			String expression = in.next();
    			String p1 = "(";
    			String p2 = ")";
    			int n = expression.indexOf(p1)+5;
    			int p = expression.indexOf(p2)-4;
    				//result += Integer.toString(expression.indexOf(p1)+5);
    			         //result = n+" ";
    			         for(int k=n ; k<=expression.length() + 1; k+=2){
    			               result += k  +" " ;
    			/*for(int k = n; k < expression.length()-1; k+=2){
    				result += ", " + Integer.toString(n+2);
    				result += Integer.toString(expression.indexOf(p2)-4);
    			for(int e = p; e > expression.length()-1; e+=2){
    				result += ", " + Integer.toString(p - 2);
    			                  result = p+" " ; 
    			                  for(int k=p ; k>=expression.length() + 1; k-=2){
    			                        result += k  +" " ;

    fixed my code more
    Last edited by JadenCCW; February 4th, 2018 at 10:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Member John Joe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java code math problem to find missing paranthesis

    Problem solved ?
    Whatever you are, be a good one

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java code math problem to find missing paranthesis

    i don't get whats wrong with it
    Please explain why you think there is something wrong.
    Post any output that shows what you are talking about and add some comments explaining what is wrong.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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