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Thread: Need help with a part in a recursion LinkedList question

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Need help with a part in a recursion LinkedList question


    Currently I am doing a LinkedList program using recursion. I have passed the tests for the other portions. However, I do not know how to start doing this problem inside the LinkedList question.

    public LinkedList insert(String string) {


    The passed tests includes:


    Can someone help me? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with a part in a recursion LinkedList question

    One word: context. We don't know your code, what you've done, exactly where you are stuck, and what is confusing about this method in particular. Please see the link in my signature entitled 'getting help'

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need help with a part in a recursion LinkedList question

    Here's the code I have so far. I am stuck on the problem right at the end.

    public class LinkedList {
    	// Get and Set methods are NOT necessary!
    	private LinkedList next; 	
    	private final String word;
    	/** Constructs this link.
    	 * @param word ; a single word (never null).
    	 * @param next ; the next item in the chain (null, if there are no more items).
    	public LinkedList(String word, LinkedList next) {
    		this.word = word;
    		this.next = next;
    	 * Converts the entire linked list into a string representation.
    	public String toString() {
    		if (next == null)
    			return word;// BASE CASE; no more recursion required
    		// Recursive case:
    		String restOfString = next.toString(); // Forward Recursion
    		return word + ";" + restOfString;
    	 * Returns the number of entries in the linked list.
    	 * @return number of entries.
    	public int getCount() {
    		if (next == null)
    			return 1; // BASE CASE; no more recursion required!
    		// Recursive case:
    		return 1 + next.getCount(); // Forward recursion
    	/** Creates a new LinkedList entry at the end of this linked list.
    	 * Recursively finds the last entry then adds a new link to the end.
    	 * @param word
    	public void append(String word) {
    			next = new LinkedList(word,null);
    	 * Recursively counts the total number of letters used.
    	 * @return total number of letters in the words of the linked list
    	public int getLetterCount() {
    			return word.length();
    			return word.length() + next.getLetterCount();
    		// returns the total number of letters. word1.length() +
    		// word2.length()+...
    		// "A" -> "CAT" -> null returns 1 + 3 = 4.
    	 * Recursively searches for and the returns the longest word.
    	 * @return the longest word i.e. word.length() is maximal.
    	public String getLongestWord() {
    		// recursive searches for the longest word
    			return word;
    		else if(next.getLongestWord().length() > word.length())
    			return next.getLongestWord();
    			return word;
    	/** Converts linked list into a sentence (a single string representation).
    	 * Each word pair is separated by a space.
    	 * A period (".") is appended after the last word.
    	 * The last link represents the last word in the sentence.*/
    	public String getSentence() {
    			return word + ".";
    			return word + " " + next.getSentence();
    	 * Converts linked list into a sentence (a single string representation).
    	 * Each word pair is separated by a space. A period (".") is appended after
    	 * the last word. The last link represents the first word in the sentence
    	 * (and vice versa). The partialResult is the partial string constructed
    	 * from earlier links. This partialResult is initially an empty string. 
    	public String getReversedSentence(String partialResult) {
    			partialResult = word + partialResult + "."; 
    			partialResult = next.getReversedSentence(" " + word + partialResult);
    		return partialResult;
    	/** Creates a linked list of words from an array of strings.
    	 * Each string in the array is a word. */
    	public static LinkedList createLinkedList(String[] words) {
    		LinkedList stuff = new LinkedList(words[0],null);
    		for(int i = 1; i<words.length; i++)
    		return stuff;
    		// Hint: This is a wrapper method. You'll need to create your
    		// own recursive method.
    		// Yes this is possible _without_ loops!
    	 * Searches for the following word in the linked list. Hint: use .equals not ==
    	 * to compare strings.
    	 * @param word
    	 * @return true if the linked list contains the word (case sensivitive)
    	public boolean contains(String word) {
    			return true;
    		else if(next==null)
    			return false;
    		return  next.contains(word);
    	/** Recursively searches for the given word in the linked list.
    	 * If this link matches the given word then return this link.
    	 * Otherwise search the next link.
    	 * If no matching links are found return null.
    	 * @param word the word to search for.
    	 * @return The link that contains the search word.
    	public LinkedList find(String word) {
    			return this;
    		else if(next==null)
    			return null;
    		return next.find(word);
    	 * Returns the last most link that has the given word, or returns null if
    	 * the word cannot be found.
    	 * Hint: Would forward recursion be useful?
    	 * @param word the word to search for.
    	 * @return the last LinkedList object that represents the given word, or null if it is not found.
    	public LinkedList findLast(String word) {
    				return this;
    				return null;}
    		LinkedList stuff = next.findLast(word);
    		if(stuff != null)
    			return stuff;
    		return stuff;
    	public LinkedList insert(String string) {
    Last edited by Freaky Chris; November 2nd, 2011 at 05:11 AM. Reason: Added highlighting.

  4. #4
    Senile Half-Wit Freaky Chris's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need help with a part in a recursion LinkedList question

    Hi ZenithX,

    Please use [highlight=java][/highlight] when posting code snippets to preservse formatting.

    Also in regards to your problem, you have been very vague, we need to know what you already know about this problem and which bit of the logic you are getting stuck on. Saying you don't know how to implement insertion into a linked list isn't a valid problem for us to solve, as in effect we would just be completing your homework for us. Please have a read about linked lists, how they work and then most your understandings of the logic and your code attempt at the solution. Then we can prodive you with help regarding the problem at hand.


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