1 Parallel motif counting of strings.
Recently, there has been some interest in Computational Linguistics and Bioinformatics in counting motifs in strings. In particular, counting all of the instances of a particular sub-string in a given string. For example, if we have a string ATATATAGTATA then there are 3 instances of the motif TATA in it.
1.1 Implementation
You will write a JCSP implementation that will count the number of occurences of a particular motif in a string, where the counting is distributed across the processes.
Specification: The main program (runMotif) will accept as input the string to be examined, the motif to be searched and the number of processes npes that will perform the search. npes instances of the class motif will be constructed, each with a local copy of the string.
Each instance of the class will examine a substring of the string and count the number of motifs that occur in each substring. Hint: think about the above example for say two processes. The number of motifs computed for each process must now be added together to compute a final sum.
Note : you will not get any marks for performing a purely serial version of this code.
can anyone help me to solve this?