Hi All,
I am having a problem with this maze project that I was assigned in my programming and data structures class. I have everything done, except for a few minor steps of the Generator method here it is:
// The Gen n Method: Recursively Generates The Maze
private void genFile(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) {
Random gen = new Random();
// *** BASES CASES ***
// Check if we can divide the space
boolean wallPossible = false;
// Check all vertical wall placements
for (int i = startX + 1; i < endX; i++) {
if ( ((endY+1 < n) || maze[i][endY+1] != '_') &&
((startY-1 >= 0) || maze[i][startY-1] != '_') ) {
// Do this when there is no wall opening mark on either side
wallPossible = true;
if (!wallPossible) {
// Check all horizontal wall placements
for (int i=startY+1; i<endY; i++) {
if ( ((endX+1 < n) || maze[endX+1][i] != '_') &&
((startX-1 >= 0) || maze[startX-1][i] != '_') ) {
// Do this when there is no wall opening mark on either side
wallPossible = true;
if (!wallPossible) return;
// Once here, it means we can divide the space
// Loop that keeps asking for direction and location for a wall until valid
int dir = 0;
int k = 0;
do {
// Pick a random direction
dir = gen.nextInt(2);
// Pick a random wall location
if (dir == 0) {
// Generate a random number between the boundaries
// that will represent the (vertical) wall location
k = gen.nextInt (endy - starty - 1) + starty + 1;
} else {
// Generate a random number between the boundaries
// that will represent the (horizontal) wall location
k = gen.nextInt(endY - startY - 1) + startY + 1;
// Check if valid
//for (int i = startX + 1; i < endX; i++) {
if (dir==0) {
if ( ((endY+1 < n) || maze[k][endY+1] != '_') &&
((startY-1 >= 0) || maze[k][startY-1] != '_') ) {
// Do this when there is no wall opening mark on either side
wallPossible = true;
else {
// Check all horizontal wall placements
if ( ((endX+1 < n) || maze[endX+1][k] != '_') &&
((startX-1 >= 0) || maze[startX-1][k] != '_') ) {
// Do this when there is no wall opening mark on either side
wallPossible = true;
} while (!wallPossible);
// Draw the wall
if (dir==0)
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++)
maze [k][y] = '*';
else {
for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x++)
maze[k][x] = '*';
// Pick a random passage location on the wall
// Make the passage
int r = gen.nextInt(endY-startY+1) + startY;
if (dir == 0){
maze [k][r] = '_';
maze [r][k] = '_';
// Recursively split the two spaces
// Find the coordinates of the first space
// Find the coordinates of the second space
// Call genFile for both space
// genFile( , , , );
// genFile( , , , );
The last steps that are underlined and in bold print are the last steps that I need to finish this method please help.