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Thread: Java Perlin Noise seed addition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
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    Default Java Perlin Noise seed addition

    I got a working perlin noise 1D code and it always outputs the same result. I want to add a seed to it, that it only gives the same when using the same seed, but I don't know where I should put it.

    Here's the class with the Perlin noise:

    public class ClassNoise
    	public static List<Integer[]> primes = new ArrayList<Integer[]>();
    		int prime1 = 0;
    		int prime2 = 0;
    		int prime3 = 0;
    		for (int i = 1; i < 10000000; i+=2)
    			if (isPrime(i))
    				prime1 = i;
    				for (; i < 10000000; i+=2)
    					if (isPrime(i))
    						prime2 = i;
    						for (; i < 10000000; i+=2)
    							if (isPrime(i))
    								prime3 = i;
    								primes.add(new Integer[]{prime1,prime2,prime3});
    	public static float Noise(int x, int octave)
    		x = (x << 13) ^ x;
    		return (float) (1.0 - ((x
    				* (x * x * primes.get(octave)[0] + primes.get(octave)[1]) + primes.get(octave)[2]) & Integer.MAX_VALUE) / 1073741824f);
    	public static float PerlinNoise1D(float x, float persistence, int octaves)
    		float total = 0;
    		float p = persistence;
    		int n = octaves - 1;
    		float[] octavePostMutliply = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
    		for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
    			float frequency = (float) Math.pow(2, i);
    			double amplitude = Math.pow(p, octaves - i);
    			total += InterpolatedNoise(x * frequency, i) * amplitude
    					* octavePostMutliply[i];
    		return total;
    	private static float InterpolatedNoise(float x, int octave)
    		int integer_X = (int) x;
    		float fractional_X = x - integer_X;
    		float v1 = SmoothNoise1D(integer_X, octave);
    		float v2 = SmoothNoise1D(integer_X + 1, octave);
    		return CosineInterpolate(v1, v2, fractional_X);
    	public static float CosineInterpolate(float a, float b, float x)
    		float ft = (float) (x * Math.PI);
    		float f = (float) ((1 - Math.cos(ft)) * 0.5);
    		return a * (1 - f) + b * f;
    	public static float SmoothNoise1D(int x, int octave)
    		return Noise(x, octave) / 2 + Noise(x - 1, octave) / 4 + Noise(x + 1, octave) / 4;
    	private static boolean isPrime(int n)
    		if (n % 2 == 0)
    			return false;
    		for (int i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2)
    			if (n % i == 0)
    				return false;
    		return true;

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Java Perlin Noise seed addition

    I'm not sure what Perlin is, but if a seed is permitted, it would usually be fed to a constructor, similar to how the Random() constructor can be fed with a long value as a seed. Check the Perlin API to see if there is a constructor that allows a seed.

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