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Thread: Help writing an algorithm for java that displays digit on the telephone

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Help writing an algorithm for java that displays digit on the telephone

    Develop an algorithm for a Java program that takes as input a single letter and displays the corresponding digit on the telephone. The letters and digits on a telephone are grouped this way:
    2 = ABC 3 = DEF 4 = GHI 5 = JK
    6 = MNO 7 = PQRS 8 = TUV 9 = WXYZ

    The screen dialog might look like this:
    Enter a single letter, and I will tell you what the corresponding digit is on the telephone.
    The digit 7 corresponds to the letter R on the telephone.

    The program should display a message indicating that there is no matching digit for any non-alphabetic character entered by the user. Also, the application should recognize only uppercase letters. If a user enters a lowercase letter, the program should display an error message. Prompt the user with an informative message for the input value as shown above.
    The application should include the input letter as part of the output.

    Write the algorithm to solve this problem including steps for prompting the user, getting input from the keyboard, and displaying the results.

    Generate test cases as part of a Test Plan to exercise all branches of your program. Follow the guidelines on pages 108-9 of the textbook, Big Java, and provide complete coverage of all decision points. Use the Test Plan document to list all of your test data and the expected results.

    Write the Java program that you designed, using your algorithm as a guide. Use your algorithm as comments in the body of the main method.

    Use proper indentation, and meaningful identifiers throughout the code. Run each of the test cases that you created and record the results on the testing document. Upload both the source code and your completed test cases to the assignment link in Blackboard.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help writing an algorithm for java that displays digit on the telephone

    Welcome to the forum! Please read this topic to learn how to post code in code or highlight tags and other useful info for newcomers, including a few "house rules" that you'd try to follow when visiting someplace new.

    When you say you want help, do you mean you want us to do it for you? That's not how it works. Make an effort, and then ask specific questions about what you're having difficulty with.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help writing an algorithm for java that displays digit on the telephone

    Also posted at: Developing a program that inputs telephone numbers
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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