I've never done any map traversal before, so I thought i'd start from scratch and write my a version. It prints out the location of the finish at the end in terms of 0 based indexing for the array
Hopefully you will be able to get an idea of where you are going wrong form this
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Map {
private int finishx, finishy;
private boolean found = false;
private Scanner mazeFile;
private char[][] maze;
private void loadMap(){
maze = new char[Integer.parseInt(mazeFile.nextLine())][Integer.parseInt(mazeFile.nextLine())];
for(int i = 0; i < maze.length; i++)
maze[i] = mazeFile.nextLine().toCharArray();
private void traverseMap(int y, int x, char Finish){
if(maze[y][x] != '#'){
finishx = finishy = -1;
if(x != 0){
if(maze[y][x-1] == '#' || maze[y][x-1] == '$'){
if(maze[y][x-1] == '$'){
finishy = y;
finishx = x-1;
found = true;
maze[y][x] = '%';
maze[y][x] = '%';
traverseMap(y, x-1, Finish);
if(found) return;
if(y != 0){
if(maze[y-1][x] == '#' || maze[y-1][x] == '$'){
if(maze[y-1][x] == '$'){
finishy = y-1;
finishx = x;
found = true;
maze[y][x] = '%';
maze[y][x] = '%';
traverseMap(y-1, x, Finish);
if(found) return;
if(x != maze.length-1){
if(maze[y][x+1] == '#' || maze[y][x+1] == '$'){
if(maze[y][x+1] == '$'){
finishy = y;
finishx = x+1;
found = true;
maze[y][x] = '%';
maze[y][x] = '%';
traverseMap(y, x+1, Finish);
if(found) return;
if(y != maze[0].length-1){
if(maze[y+1][x] == '#' || maze[y+1][x] == '$'){
if(maze[y+1][x] == '$'){
finishy = y+1;
finishx = x;
found = true;
maze[y][x] = '%';
maze[y][x] = '%';
traverseMap(y+1, x, Finish);
if(found) return;
public Map(String File){
mazeFile = new Scanner(new FileReader(File));
}catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){ System.err.println(fnfe.getMessage()); }
traverseMap(1, 1, '$');
System.out.println("Value at maze["+finishy+"]["+finishx+"]: "+maze[finishy][finishx]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Map("Maze.txt");