I'd like to share my experience in Java Linux and chrome book. Using Netbeans does work. It is an integrated development environment. For any html blog. Example, adding gif animations to a web blog. Find an algorithm that you think is best suite to get the job done. And the computer compiler on your notebook or desktop will compile or run your gif files through. JVM platform is good for starters. Choose one that suits your pc needs.
1. Make out an algorithm to add a gif or picture file
2. Test out. Using emails. Trials. Or any method u choose. Netbeans is a good real example, the idea works
3. embed your gif files from your computer with nothing but typing
4. Copy the whole URL from the web server. example google.com
5. embed your files in google to <img src=" " alt="gif animation"/> This is the html code
6. Press submit button
7. This trains your computer to add those files you want on a blog text area
This is my experiences in Java and Netbeans and what it does for any pc user. Just some programmer around. Nice to see you "TGI" The Garden Island.