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Thread: Recursion Help

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Recursion Help


    I'm just learning about recursion and I need some help. I am given a class RLList (a Linked List) and told to re-implement these methods:

    public void add(E newEntry);
    public boolean add(int newPosition, E newEntry);
    public E remove(E item);
    public E remove(int position);
    public boolean replace(int givenPosition, E newEntry);
    public E getEntry(int givenPosition);
    public boolean contains(E anEntry);
    public void reverse();
    public String toString();

    If someone could show me how to do a couple of these and give a little explanation on how you implemented the recursion, that would really help.

    Below is the RLList code:
    public class RLList<E> implements ListInterface<E>{
        private Node<E> firstNode; // reference to first node
        private int  length;    // number of entries in list
        public RLList(){
        } // end default constructor
        public final void clear(){      //any function called in a constructor must be declared final
           firstNode = null;
           length = 0;
        } // end clear
      private class Node<E>{    // private inner class
        private E data;         // data portion
        private Node<E>   next; // link to next node
        private Node(E dataPortion){
           data = dataPortion;
           next = null;
        } // end constructor
        private Node(E dataPortion, Node<E> nextNode){
           data = dataPortion;
           next = nextNode;
        } // end constructor
      } // end Node
      public void add(E newEntry){
        Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(newEntry);
        if (isEmpty())
           firstNode = newNode;
        else{                   // add to end of nonempty list
           Node lastNode = getNodeAt(length);
           lastNode.next = newNode; // make last node reference new node
        } // end if
      }  // end add
        public boolean add(int newPosition, E newEntry){
           boolean isSuccessful = true;
           if ((newPosition >= 1) && (newPosition <= length+1)){
              Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(newEntry);
              if (isEmpty() || (newPosition == 1)){ // case 1
                    newNode.next = firstNode;
                    firstNode = newNode;
              else{            // case 2: newPosition > 1, list is not empty
                 Node<E> nodeBefore = getNodeAt(newPosition-1);
                 Node<E> nodeAfter = nodeBefore.next;
                 newNode.next = nodeAfter;
                 nodeBefore.next = newNode;
              } // end if
              isSuccessful = false;
           return isSuccessful;
        } // end add
        public E remove(int givenPosition){
           E result = null;             // return value
           if (!isEmpty() && (givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= length)){
              if (givenPosition == 1){        // case 1: remove first entry
                 result = firstNode.data;     // save entry to be removed
                 firstNode = firstNode.next;
              else{                           // case 2: givenPosition > 1
                 Node<E> nodeBefore = getNodeAt(givenPosition-1);
                 Node<E> nodeToRemove = nodeBefore.next;
                 Node<E> nodeAfter = nodeToRemove.next;
                 nodeBefore.next = nodeAfter; // disconnect the node to be removed
                 result = nodeToRemove.data;  // save entry to be removed
              }  // end if
            } // end if
            return result;                    // return removed entry, or null
                                        // if operation fails
         }  // end remove
         public E remove(E item){
    		 return item;
         public boolean replace(int givenPosition, E newEntry){
            boolean isSuccessful = true;
            if (!isEmpty() && (givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= length)){
               Node<E> desiredNode = getNodeAt(givenPosition);
               desiredNode.data = newEntry;
               isSuccessful = false;
            return isSuccessful;
         } // end replace
         public E getEntry(int givenPosition){
            E result = null;  // result to return
            if (!isEmpty() && (givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= length))
                result = getNodeAt(givenPosition).data;
            return result;
         } // end getEntry
         public boolean contains(E anEntry){
            boolean found = false;
            Node<E> currentNode = firstNode;
            while (!found && (currentNode != null)){
               if (anEntry.equals(currentNode.data))
                  found = true;
                  currentNode = currentNode.next;
            } // end while
            return found;
         } // end contains
         public void reverse(){
         /** Task: Determines whether the list is empty.
          *  @return true if the list is empty, or false if not */
         public boolean isEmpty(){
            return (firstNode == null);
         /** Task: Displays all entries that are in the list, one per
          *        line, in the order in which they occur in the list. */
         public void display(){
            Node<E> currentNode = firstNode;
            while(currentNode != null){
               System.out.print(currentNode.data + " ");
               currentNode = currentNode.next;
         /** Task: Determines whether the list is full.
          *  @return true if the list is full, or false if not */
         public boolean isFull(){
            return false;
         /** Task: Gets the length of the list.
          *  @return the integer number of entries currently in the list */
         public int getLength(){
            return length;
     /* < Implementations of the public methods add, remove, replace, getEntry, contains,
          getLength, isEmpty, isFull, and display go here. > */
     // ---------------private!-----------------------------
        /** Task: Returns a reference to the node at a given position.
         *  Precondition: List is not empty; 1 <= givenPosition <= length. */
        private Node<E> getNodeAt(int givenPosition){
    	       Node<E> currentNode = firstNode;
    	       for (int counter = 1; counter < givenPosition; counter++)
    	          currentNode = currentNode.next;
    	       return currentNode;
        } // end getNodeAt
    } // end LList
    Last edited by copeg; May 23rd, 2011 at 12:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    I recommend taking it one step at a time, and tackle each of those methods.
    If someone could show me how to do a couple of these
    We are here to help you through this, but not to do it for you. Like I said, break the problem down and give them a try. If you struggle, post back with a precise question about the problem you are having.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    With linked lists I often have to use a piece of paper to show how the links connect the nodes and how to move thru the list, find and add nodes.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    I'm working on add(E newEntry) now. It seems like for each of the methods that I need to implement recursively, the private getNodeAt method is doing most of the "hard work." I can make getNodeAt recursive. Does making getNodeAt recursive make any other method that calls getNodeAt also recursive? It seems like if I make getNodeAt recursive, there's nothing really left to make the other ones recursive. Sorry if I didn't get the problem across clearly.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    Does making getNodeAt recursive make any other method that calls getNodeAt also recursive?
    No, it would not make other methods recursive.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    Well, if I implement getNodeAt recursively, I don't understand how I can implement add(E newEntry) recursively.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    Which of the methods that you are writing are supposed to be recursive?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    public void add(E newEntry);
    public boolean add(int newPosition, E newEntry);
    public E remove(E item);
    public E remove(int position);
    public boolean replace(int givenPosition, E newEntry);
    public E getEntry(int givenPosition);
    public boolean contains(E anEntry);
    public void reverse();
    public String toString();

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    Why do you want to use recursion for all those methods? It doesn't seem to me to be a good way to do it.

  10. #10
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    It's an assignment I have for class, they must be implemented recursively.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Recursion Help

    Surely if you have a method that uses recursion and you call it from the other methods that need that functionality, those methods are (indirectly) using recursion? Otherwise, you're going to end up duplicating the same recursive algorithm in every method, which is, frankly, stupid...

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