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Thread: Java: Using string resource in external class

  1. #1
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    Default Java: Using string resource in external class

    Hi everyone, am new to Java. During development I needed to use string resources. I can fetch them from strings.xml for the layout xml file and for the MainActivity.java file (using getString(R.string.name)). But I can't get to use them in an external class file (which is being used to handle all the functions of the MainActivity file).

    I have gone through StackOverflow forum and tried many answers but in vain. I tried using:

    1. Resources.getSystem().getString(R.string.name)
    2. getResources.getString(R.string.name)

    I have a orderProcessing button in mainActivity.java which gets processed in orderSummary function in mathCalculator.java. Everything works out fine when I use hardcoded strings. I just can't get to use the string resources from strings.xml to reference them.

    Please help out in this regard. Many thanks

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java: Using string resource in external class

    Please post the code you are working with. Be sure to wrap the code in code tags.
    Also post a sample input file.

    Is this an Android app? If so, it will be moved to the Android section.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Java: Using string resource in external class

    This is my "strings.xml" file:

    <resources xmlns: xliff="urnasis:names:tcliff:document:1.2">
    <string name="app_name">Java Doughnut Corner</string>
    <string name="name">Name: <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g></string>
    <string name="doughnuts"><xliff:g id="doughnuts">%i</xliff:g> Doughnuts ordered.</string>
    <string name="total">Total Price: £<xliff:g id="total">%i</xliff:g></string>
    <string name="thanks">Thank You...</string>

    This is the onClickListener from "MainActivity.java" file which calls upon the function in external class:

    order.setOnClickListener(view -> {
    MathCalculator calculator = new MathCalculator();
    calculator.setCustomer(String.valueOf(name.getText ()));
    result.setText(calculator.summary(calculator.addit ivePrice(additive)));

    This is the function from "mathCalculator.java" file (external class):

    public String summary(int additiveTotal){
    String message = additives();
    summary = getString(R.string.name, customer) + "\n";
    summary += message + "\n";
    summary += getString(R.string.doughnuts, quantity) + "\n";
    summary += getString(R.string.total, additiveTotal) + "\n";
    summary+= getString(R.string.thanks);
    return summary;

    Yes, this is an Android App.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java: Using string resource in external class

    What folder is the strings.xml file in?

    Does the posted code compile without errors?
    What is returned by the getString method? Have you printed the value returned with a print statement? The print out will show on the log cat.

    Did you look at the API doc to see what class the getString method was in? You need a reference to that class to be able to call its methods.

    Note: code tags use [] NOT <>
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Java: Using string resource in external class

    I am using Android Studio for Java development. The strings.xml file is in res folder.

    The posted code compiles without errors but the app crashes when reaching the said function. The getString method doesn't print anything in the log when it gets executed because the app crashes on the statement.

    The getString method is a native method and i am not sure to which class it belongs.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java: Using string resource in external class

    the app crashes
    Please copy the full stack trace from the log cat that shows what the error was and where it happened.

    getString method is a native method
    I do not think there is anything like a native method. All methods belong to some class. Look in the API doc and find what class.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Java: Using string resource in external class

    Also posted here: https://coderanch.com/t/745172/java/...external-class

    Please read: http://www.javaprogrammingforums.com...s-posting.html
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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