Do i have to use threads (or SwingWorker) in my java desktop application?
it's pretty simple application btw..
Can you tell me in which cases it's good to use threads for java swing stuff?
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Do i have to use threads (or SwingWorker) in my java desktop application?
it's pretty simple application btw..
Can you tell me in which cases it's good to use threads for java swing stuff?
Without knowing the specifics of your application its hard to answer. If you end up doing a lot of work that might take a while, do it in a thread so the GUI doesn't lock up. You should also do it in a thread should the length of the process itself be indeterminate and its duration depends upon the user input. As a side note make sure if you do use threads to make any GUI changes in the event dispatch thread (unless the methods you are using are specifically stipulated in the API as thread safe).