I do not see myself getting any programming jobs with Sun anytime soon
I agree. Unfortunately Sun is not the only entity who think following the standard is a good idea. But good luck where ever you get hired.
I find it a bit easier to for me read when i captiolize all first letters...
Standards are developed so it is easier for everyone to read. That is the whole idea. Here is my argument:
1) You are the fly in the buttermilk. Not that buttermilk is good or bad to begin with, but definately not good with a fly in it. You cause problems for the group as a whole with your substandard methods.
2) The author of the code is almost never the one to maintain the code for the life of the code. That means 2 things. First others will see your code, and second you will see others code. Which is why there is a standard.
3) The fact that most code (at least mostly) follows the standard, you will eventually get used to it. You might as well make it easy on yourself from the start. The longer you wait the harder it will be.
4) Most entities that hire people to write code fully expect them to adhere to the standard and produce code that is easy for 'everyone' to read. Sun just happens to be one of them.
5) I speak from experience. I hated java and the java ways for so long. I even refused to learn java for a very long time. I am old, but even more I am stubborn. Bleh, life is happier without the war.
So put down the weapons, throw in the towel, and join the rest of the crowd with a cup of java, some tea perhaps.
See "
How to make frames" and try to boil your code down to 1 reusable frame. Not that you have to but you should. That is what object oriented programming is about. You don't need 400 frames if you make one frame that can be adapted those 400 ways.
I would suggest you extend JPanel and override paintComponent() instead. Then just use that type of JPanel as the content pane of any JFrames you want to have a background image.
That is some golden advice there.