import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class BankAccount extends JFrame {
// Make these variables publicly available
public static String Name;
public static int Accountnum;
public static int Balance;
private static final String EMPTY = "EMPTY";
// Setup Arrays for each account
public static String[] account1 = new String[3];
public static String[] account2 = new String[3];
public static String[] account3 = new String[3];
public static String[] account4 = new String[3];
public static String[] account5 = new String[3];
public static String[] account6 = new String[3];
public static String[] account7 = new String[3];
public static String[] account8 = new String[3];
public static String[] account9 = new String[3];
public static String[] account10 = new String[3];
// JPanel for user inputs
private JPanel inputDetailJPanel;
// JLabel and JTextField for account name
private JLabel NameJLabel;
private JTextField NameJTextField;
// JLabel and JTextField for account number
private JLabel AccountnumJLabel;
private JTextField AccountnumJTextField;
// JLabel and JTextField for balance
private JLabel BalanceJLabel;
private JTextField BalanceJTextField;
// JLabel and JTextField for withdraw
private JLabel LodgeJLabel;
private JTextField LodgeJTextField;
// JLabel and JTextField for Withdraw
private JLabel WithdrawJLabel;
private JTextField WithdrawJTextField;
// JButton to create account
private JButton CreateAccountJButton;
// JButton to delete account
private JButton DeleteAccountJButton;
// JButton to make transaction
private JButton TransactionJButton;
// JLabel and JTextArea to display account details
private JLabel displayJLabel;
private JTextArea displayJTextArea;
// initialize number of students to zero
private int BankCount = 0;
// constants
private final int Details = 3;
private final int MaxAccounts = 10;
private final int FIRST = 0;
private final int SECOND = 1;
private final int THIRD = 2;
// one-dimensional array to store Account names
private String AccountNames[] = new String[MaxAccounts];
// two-dimensional array to store Account details
private int Account[][] = new int[MaxAccounts][Details];
// constructor
public BankAccount() {
// create and position GUI components; register event handlers
private void createUserInterface() {
// get content pane for attaching GUI components
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
// enable explicit positioning of GUI components
// set up inputDetailJPanel
inputDetailJPanel = new JPanel();
inputDetailJPanel.setBounds(16, 16, 208, 218);
inputDetailJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Input Details"));
// set up NameJLabel
NameJLabel = new JLabel();
NameJLabel.setBounds(8, 32, 90, 23);
// set up NameJTextField
NameJTextField = new JTextField();
NameJTextField.setBounds(104, 32, 88, 21);
// set up AccountnumJLabel
AccountnumJLabel = new JLabel();
AccountnumJLabel.setBounds(8, 56, 100, 23);
AccountnumJLabel.setText("Account Number:");
// set up AccountnumTextField
AccountnumJTextField = new JTextField();
AccountnumJTextField.setBounds(112, 56, 80, 21);
// set up BalanceJLabel
BalanceJLabel = new JLabel();
BalanceJLabel.setBounds(8, 80, 60, 23);
// set up BalanceTextField
BalanceJTextField = new JTextField();
BalanceJTextField.setBounds(112, 80, 80, 21);
// set up LodgeJLabel
LodgeJLabel = new JLabel();
LodgeJLabel.setBounds(8, 104, 80, 23);
// set up LodgeJTextField
LodgeJTextField = new JTextField();
LodgeJTextField.setBounds(112, 104, 80, 21);
// set up WithdrawJLabel
WithdrawJLabel = new JLabel();
WithdrawJLabel.setBounds(8, 128, 60, 23);
// set up WithdrawJTextField
WithdrawJTextField = new JTextField();
WithdrawJTextField.setBounds(112, 128, 80, 21);
// set up CreateAccountButton
CreateAccountJButton = new JButton();
CreateAccountJButton.setBounds(112, 152, 80, 24);
new ActionListener() {
// event handler called when CreateAccountJButton
// is clicked
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up DeleteAccountButton
DeleteAccountJButton = new JButton();
DeleteAccountJButton.setBounds(16, 152, 80, 24);
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when DeleteAccountJButton
// is clicked
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up TransactionJButton
TransactionJButton = new JButton();
TransactionJButton.setBounds(16, 180, 176, 24);
TransactionJButton.setText("Make Transaction");
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when TransactionJButton
// is clicked
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
// set up displayJLabel
displayJLabel = new JLabel();
displayJLabel.setBounds(240, 16, 150, 23);
displayJLabel.setText("Account Details:");
// set up displayJTextArea
displayJTextArea = new JTextArea();
displayJTextArea.setBounds(240, 48, 402, 184);
// set properties of application's window
setTitle("Bank Accounts"); // set title bar string
setSize(670, 308); // set window size
setVisible(true); // display window
} // end method createUserInterface
private void CreateAccountJButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// System.out.println("Create Account Button Clicked");
Name = NameJTextField.getText();
Accountnum = Integer.parseInt(AccountnumJTextField.getText());
Balance = Integer.parseInt(BalanceJTextField.getText());
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " " + Accountnum + " " + Balance);
// Check to see if each account array is populated and
// if not add account details
if (account1[0] == EMPTY) {
account1[0] = Name;
account1[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account1[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 1 Created");
} else if (account2[0] == EMPTY) {
account2[0] = Name;
account2[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account2[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 2 Created");
} else if (account3[0] == EMPTY) {
account3[0] = Name;
account3[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account3[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 3 Created");
} else if (account4[0] == EMPTY) {
account4[0] = Name;
account4[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account4[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 4 Created");
} else if (account5[0] == EMPTY) {
account5[0] = Name;
account5[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account5[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 5 Created");
} else if (account6[0] == EMPTY) {
account6[0] = Name;
account6[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account6[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 6 Created");
} else if (account7[0] == EMPTY) {
account7[0] = Name;
account7[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account7[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 7 Created");
} else if (account8[0] == EMPTY) {
account8[0] = Name;
account8[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account8[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 8 Created");
} else if (account9[0] == EMPTY) {
account9[0] = Name;
account9[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account9[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 9 Created");
} else if (account10[0] == EMPTY) {
account10[0] = Name;
account10[1] = Integer.toString(Accountnum);
account10[2] = Integer.toString(Balance);
System.out.println("Account 10 Created");
// Once account 10 is created. All accounts full.
System.out.println("All Accounts Full!");
// disable CreateAccountsJButton
// This is just an example so show the arrays are populated...
displayJTextArea.setText("Account 1: " + "\n" + account1[0] + "\n"
+ account1[1] + "\n" + account1[2] + "\n" + "Account 2: " + "\n"
+ account2[0] + "\n" + account2[1] + "\n" + account2[2] + "\n"
+ "Account 3: " + "\n" + account3[0] + "\n" + account3[1]
+ "\n" + account3[2] + "\n");
private void DeleteAccountJButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println("DELETE BUTTON PRESSED");
Name = NameJTextField.getText();
System.out.println("Delete Account: " + Name);
// Delete accounts which match the account Name
if (account1[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account1, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account2[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account2, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account3[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account3, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account4[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account4, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account5[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account5, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account6[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account6, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account7[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account7, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account8[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account8, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account9[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account9, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
} else if (account10[0].equals(Name)) {
Arrays.fill(account10, EMPTY);
displayJTextArea.setText(Name + " Account Deleted.");
// clear JTextFields for new data
private void TransactionJButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// get user input
int Accountnum = Integer.parseInt(AccountnumJTextField.getText());
int Lodge = Integer.parseInt(LodgeJTextField.getText());
int Withdraw = Integer.parseInt(LodgeJTextField.getText());
Account[BankCount][SECOND] = Lodge;
Account[BankCount][THIRD] = Withdraw;
// clear other JTextFields for new data
// if no Accounts have been entered
if (BankCount < 1) {
// disable TransactionJButton
private void display() {
// add a header to displayJTextArea
.setText("Name\tAccount No.\tLodge\tWithdraw\tBalance\n");
* for ( int account = 0; account < BankCount; account++ ) { // display
* names displayJTextArea.append( Name[ account ] + "\t" ); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Populate arrays with the word EMPTY
// so we can check to see if the values are empty later
Arrays.fill(account1, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account2, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account3, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account4, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account5, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account6, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account7, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account8, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account9, EMPTY);
Arrays.fill(account10, EMPTY);
BankAccount application = new BankAccount();