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Thread: Help with panels

  1. #1
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    Default Help with panels

    So I want to have an application with multiple panels, one for the login, one that comes the login and another when we press an "add" button.

    I decided to put all of these panels in the same jFrame and just use the setVisible() true or false to show the panels I want and manage the events.

    The problem is that as I use netbeans, I just drag and drop the components where I want. I want the login panel to be in the middle of the frame when I run it, so I put it in the middle and the other panels on its right and left.

    However, when I run the application, the login panel does not appear in the middle at all but in the left side!
    And I don't know how can I manage the emplacement of the panels after running since they don't appear where I want!

    A screenshot :

    Visionneuse images - Noelshack

    thanks !

  2. #2
    Member andbin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with panels

    Quote Originally Posted by hiepa View Post
    So I want to have an application with multiple panels, one for the login, one that comes the login and another when we press an "add" button.

    I decided to put all of these panels in the same jFrame and just use the setVisible() true or false to show the panels I want and manage the events.

    The problem is that as I use netbeans, I just drag and drop the components where I want. I want the login panel to be in the middle of the frame when I run it, so I put it in the middle and the other panels on its right and left.
    First, if you want to do something "particular" on user interfaces in AWT/Swing, you must know quite well many aspects about components and layout managers. Without this, you won't go very far ....
    And a "GUI editor" doesn't always help much .... they generally tend to generate code that is verbose, difficult to read and to maintain. Not to say that a GUI editor sometimes can "throw a monkey wrench in your works".

    So please, understand this, and try to think in terms of (AWT/)Swing and not in terms of "dragging components" in a GUI editor.
    Andrea, www.andbin.netSCJP 5 (91%) – SCWCD 5 (94%)

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    Default Re: Help with panels

    Yes I know that we don't learn much with it, but even the professor in java told us we could use this.

    So can you please help me considering I am using this? The gui is not the most important part in my application since it's for an cryptography course.


  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with panels

    Another approach for showing multiple panels would be to use the CardLayout layout manager.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help with panels

    I am talking about panels when I run my application, they dont show up at the place I put them in the design!

  6. #6
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with panels

    Quote Originally Posted by hiepa View Post
    I am talking about panels when I run my application, they dont show up at the place I put them in the design!
    Re-read post #2. In order for you to correctly organize your layout, a familiarity with Layouts is virtually essential. I recommend reading
    A Visual Guide to Layout Managers (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Laying Out Components Within a Container)
    ...and going by Norm's suggestion, you can readily change panels based upon user input using a CardLayout
    How to Use CardLayout (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Laying Out Components Within a Container)

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Help with panels

    border layout might be good for this also..check out LINE_START, CENTER and LINE_END for your panels

    How to Use BorderLayout (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Laying Out Components Within a Container)

    also dont be afraid to use a few different layout managers in the same gui to get it how you want it

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