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Thread: How to set a button event trigger?

  1. #26
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    Default Re: ActionEvent

    Quote Originally Posted by hooshdar3 View Post
    Heh!unbelievable!I haven't done that!

    OK, I added that line, and now get the compile error:
    Woah, confusing thread.

    I suspect you don't really understand the difference between a class and an object. When you define a variable or method as static you are saying it belongs to the class, not an instance of that class. The this keyword reference the object. Because simulate() is defined as static it doesn't belong to an instance of an object.

    To remedy this use a constructor and create an instance of sysinfoHooshi in the entry point.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SysInfoHooshi sysInfoHooshi = new SysInfoHooshi();

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  3. #27
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    Default Re: How to set a button event trigger?

    But what if I have more buttons?
    I have 1 HButton, named 'button' on a 'JDialog' named 'dialog', and anotther JButton named 'queryButton' on a 'JDialog' named 'queryDialog'.
    I changed the actiomPerformed() function thus:
    	 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    		 if(e.getSource() == button)
    		 if(e.getSource() == queryButton)
    It seems that this should be working now, but the second "if" doesn't work What is the problem?

  4. #28
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    Default Re: How to set a button event trigger?

    but the second "if" doesn't work What is the problem?
    Can you explain what "doesn't work" means? Is the method called? Add a println() statement that prints out the value returned by the getSource() method to see what component is causing the event and the call to the method.

    NOTE: if statements should use {} to enclose the statements that they control. Both if statements are missing their {}s.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #29
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    Default Re: How to set a button event trigger?

    I'm going to close this thread, because it's more of the same already going on in his other threads which have been combined into one. We've moved on but not very far.

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