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Thread: Using comboBox to add players

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Using comboBox to add players

    Hello, i want to make a game where you play against the computer. All you do is tossing a dice and the plaer who gets the highest number gets a score.

    First of all, I made a ComboBox with 4 alternatives. Player 1, 2.... up to 4. And when you have selected the amount of players i want to press done. Then in the big textfield it should say like "3 players selected". And in the next turn window it should say "Player 1 turn" and i just press play. And if i win against the computer, i get one score in the top right corner. And the score gets shown in the big text field. Does anyone know how i can type my code to make the first part happened? Just selecting players and showing how many is in the big textLog?

    If anyone could just help a bit. I would be forever in your debt!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
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    Default Re: Using comboBox to add players

    Add a listener to the Done button that reads the value selected in the combo box and output the corresponding number of players selected in the textfield, just as you described. That is how you'd do it by hand, and the How to Write an Action Listener tutorial should be helpful. If you're trying to do it using the Netbeans GuiBuilder, then I don't know how you'd do it, but there may be tutorials on that, too.

    Good luck!

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