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Thread: Dynamically resizing an applet

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Dynamically resizing an applet

    Is there away to dynamically resize an applet?

    I wrote some code to illustrate what I mean:

    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    <applet code = SizeApplet.java width = 100 height = 100>
    public class SizeApplet extends Applet
         int curWidth = 0;
         int curHeight = 0;
         int newWidth = 0;
         int newHeight = 0;
         public void init()
              curWidth = getWidth();
              curHeight = getHeight();
              MouseMotionAdapter resizer = new Resizer(this);
    class Resizer extends MouseMotionAdapter
         SizeApplet sa;
         Resizer(SizeApplet sa)
              this.sa = sa;
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me)
              sa.newWidth = sa.getWidth();
              sa.newHeight = sa.getHeight();
              sa.showStatus("sa.newWidth = " + sa.newWidth + " sa.newHeight = " + sa.newHeight);

    What I want to do is to:

    1. implement some way of getting the dimensions of the applet widow after it has been manually resized calculate the ratio of the resized dimensions to the original dimensions
    2. multiply that coordinate of the graphical objects by the resizing ratios
    3. repaint the applet widow accordingly

    I am having trouble doing (1) and actually don't know if it possible. (2), (3), and (4) follow quite simply once (1) is achieved.

    Is there a event adapter class that I can use to get the dimensions of the resized applet window?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dynamically resizing an applet

    It would seem you have to tell the browser to give you more space to enlarge where the applet shows. The applet tag has a width and height attributes that you are overriding.
    Maybe that problem doesn't exist now. ???

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Dynamically resizing an applet

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    It would seem you have to tell the browser to give you more space to enlarge where the applet shows. The applet tag has a width and height attributes that you are overriding.
    Maybe that problem doesn't exist now. ???
    Are you saying that it can't be done all in Java? That you have to manipulate the HTML as well?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dynamically resizing an applet

    I don't know what a browser would do. With the new javascript capabilities there is probably a way.
    Try writing a test program and see what happens from within the applet.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator helloworld922's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dynamically resizing an applet

    An applet cannot set/change it's size (for safety reasons). It must be changed in the webpage code (possibly via javascript).

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dynamically resizing an applet

    Several years ago I tried to have an applet resize itself. Here's some very old code that does some of that. Use the links at the bottom to change to size of the applet. http://normsstuff.zxq.net/Testing/Applet_Resizer.html

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Dynamically resizing an applet

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Several years ago I tried to have an applet resize itself. Here's some very old code that does some of that. Use the links at the bottom to change to size of the applet. http://normsstuff.zxq.net/Testing/Applet_Resizer.html
    First, thank you for the example.

    I've read through the HTML source code several time and I'm wondering how of it is HTML.

    Is the only non-HTML code the last lines?

     <A HREF="javascript:document.myApplet.incrFont()">Increase Font</A>
    <A HREF="javascript:document.myApplet.decrFont()">Decrease Font</A>

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