i am getting started with swing, and i was wondering if i am making some right choices. Meanwhile i dont know where to start.
I want to create an graphical editor for my thesis.
That means that I need to implement:
- a tree with a hierarchy of concepts
- draw several kind of graphs/ diagrams (drag and drop the concepts from the tree and create the nodes, connect them with each other with edges, extend a graph with other type of nodes...)
- docks with properties for the edges. there with be various kind of edges, so the properties will have to comply with the type of the edge.
- docks with tools for the graphs, e.g. edges, types of nodes.
- save the created 'project' somehow... and load the saved ones.
- .. and other stuff that i guess will come during the develpment.
So the questions are:
1. is eclipse and visual swing editor good enough? if not, what should i use?
2. from where to start to?! how to organize my code? packages/ objects, is there a desing pattern for this kind of java projects? (e.g. web applications have mvc for start, factory, observers...). Is there a book that i could read?
3. how to save the created object?
Can someone advice me on this?
I will be grad to provide you more information for the project if it is needed.