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Thread: need for some advice

  1. #1
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    Default need for some advice


    i am getting started with swing, and i was wondering if i am making some right choices. Meanwhile i dont know where to start.

    I want to create an graphical editor for my thesis.
    That means that I need to implement:
    - a tree with a hierarchy of concepts
    - draw several kind of graphs/ diagrams (drag and drop the concepts from the tree and create the nodes, connect them with each other with edges, extend a graph with other type of nodes...)
    - docks with properties for the edges. there with be various kind of edges, so the properties will have to comply with the type of the edge.
    - docks with tools for the graphs, e.g. edges, types of nodes.
    - save the created 'project' somehow... and load the saved ones.
    - .. and other stuff that i guess will come during the develpment.

    So the questions are:
    1. is eclipse and visual swing editor good enough? if not, what should i use?
    2. from where to start to?! how to organize my code? packages/ objects, is there a desing pattern for this kind of java projects? (e.g. web applications have mvc for start, factory, observers...). Is there a book that i could read?
    3. how to save the created object?

    Can someone advice me on this?
    I will be grad to provide you more information for the project if it is needed.

  2. #2
    Member DanBrown's Avatar
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    Default Re: need for some advice

    Dear kasiopi,

    Tools you had selected are enough for this project and about the tutorials or book reference.

    I will prefer you to go through examples available on Oracle site.

    Link given below will show you example of drag and drop.

    Java Swing Tutorial

    if this tutorials is not enough and you need more content please let us know.

    you are really working on good project , work hard and make its source code available for the other forum members if possible.

    Best of luck.
    Thanks and Regards
    Dan Brown

    Common Java Mistakes

  3. #3
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    Default Re: need for some advice

    Quote Originally Posted by DanBrown View Post
    Tools you had selected are enough for this project and about the tutorials or book reference.
    ok, thanks. cause i downloaded examples of java 2d, fx and though that swing will not be enough.
    it is also written that swing it is obsolite..
    e.g. eclipse is written in java, what libraries does it use for it gui?

    Quote Originally Posted by DanBrown View Post
    Java Swing Tutorial
    if this tutorials is not enough and you need more content please let us know.
    ok. thanks. will look it up and let you know.

    Quote Originally Posted by DanBrown View Post
    you are really working on good project , work hard and make its source code available for the other forum members if possible.
    yes! i was thinking gradually committing it on google code. any other suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by DanBrown View Post
    Best of luck.
    thanks for your reply.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: need for some advice

    Should i use flexdock ?


  5. #5
    Crazy Cat Lady KevinWorkman's Avatar
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    Default Re: need for some advice

    This topic has been crossposted here: need for some advice - Java Forums
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: need for some advice

    Yes I cross-posted it. isn t it allowed? Sorry if not.

  7. #7
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: need for some advice

    Quote Originally Posted by kasiopi View Post
    Yes I cross-posted it. isn t it allowed? Sorry if not.
    Cross-posting is not forbidden on these forums, however we do ask users to post links to other locations the question was asked. KevinWorkman has kindly done this for you. This helps both you and others helping you. For info about crossposting, read the following: The Problems With Crossposting

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