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Thread: Object Table

  1. #1
    Forum VIP
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    Lightbulb Object Table

    So I have been getting annoyed by the standard JTable and all of its less than intuitive functionality and prep-work.
    What are my main complains with JTables?
    1) If I add the data of an object into a JTable, the data in the JTable is largely disconnected from the object itself, which makes editing the Object by editing the JTable more difficult since it requires searching for objects and whatnot.
    2) JTables are largely useless when not inside a JScrollPane.
    3) Having to manage the JTable and the TableModel independently
    4) The hellish cell rendering process when all I want is a checkbox

    So, in an attempt to solve some of these problems for myself, I embarked on creating a Table object that would make my life significantly easier. Unfortunately, it contains a few classes, requires an implementation of an Interface, and is largely unfinished, but this is what I have so far:

    Test Class:
     * @(#)ObjectTableTesting.java
     * ObjectTableTesting application
     * @author 
     * @version 1.00 2011/5/31
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ObjectTableTesting 
        public static void main(String[] args) 
        	//Create JFrame And Set Size
        	JFrame frame = new JFrame("Table Test");
        	//Create Column Title Array
        	String[] columnTitles = new String[]{"Value1","Value2","Value3","Value4","Value5","Value6"};
        	//Create CustomTable Object, where the width is 500, the height is 500, and I am sending my Title Array as the titles
        	CustomTable table = new CustomTable(500,500,columnTitles);
        	//Create 4 TestObjects
        	TestObject obj0 = new TestObject("qwe","rty",0,1,0.1,1.2);
        	TestObject obj1 = new TestObject("uio","pas",2,3,2.3,3.4);
        	TestObject obj2 = new TestObject("dfg","hjk",4,5,4.5,5.6);
        	TestObject obj3 = new TestObject("lzx","cvb",6,7,6.7,7.8);
        	//Add Each TestObject to the table
        	//Set the CustomTable to be the main content pane (for simplicity in this example)
        	//Finish work on JFrame

    TestObject Class:
     * @(#)TestObject.java
     * @author 
     * @version 1.00 2011/5/31
    public class TestObject implements TableObjectInterface
    	String value1;
    	String value2;
    	int value3;
    	int value4;
    	double value5;
    	double value6;
        public TestObject(String v1,String v2,int v3,int v4,double v5,double v6) 
        	value1 = v1;
        	value2 = v2;
        	value3 = v3;
        	value4 = v4;
        	value5 = v5;
        	value6 = v6;
        public Object getIndexValue(int i)
        		return value1;
        	else if(i==1)
        		return value2;
        	else if(i==2)
        		return value3;
        	else if(i==3)
        		return value4;
        	else if(i==4)
        		return value5;
        		return value6;

    CustomTable Class:
     * @(#)CustomTable.java
     * @author
     * @version 1.00 2011/5/3
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
    import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;
    import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
    import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.JViewport;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.Point;
    public class CustomTable extends JScrollPane
    	//The table object which is inside the JScrollPane
    	JTable table;
    	//The model for our table
    	ObjectTableModel model;
    	//The array of column names
    	String[] columnNames;
    	//The constructor
        public CustomTable(int width,int height,String[] cn)
        	//Call the JScrollPane constructor
        	//Set column names
        	columnNames = cn;
        	//Create model and table
        	model = new ObjectTableModel(columnNames);
        	table = new JTable(model);
        	//Set the viewport and the preferred size of the JScrollPane
    		setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width,height));
    	//The simplest add method
        public void add(TableObjectInterface e)
        //A more complex add method for when creating several tables from the same objects, but containing different data
        public void add(TableObjectInterface e,int i)
    	//Method to set the selected row in the table based on the array of Objects sent (representing the data in the row we are setting)
        public void setSelection(Object[] rowArray)
    		int row = model.getObjectRow(rowArray);
    	//Method to clear all data from the table
        public void clearTable()
    	//Method that returns the Object associated to the selected row
        public TableObjectInterface getSelectedObject()
    		return model.getObject(table.getSelectedRow());
        //Method that removes and returns the Object associated to the selected row
        public TableObjectInterface removeSelectedObject()
        		return null;
        	return model.removeObject(table.getSelectedRow());
    	//Method to set a particular column's cell rendering to a checkbox
        public void setCheckBoxes(int col)
        	table.getColumnModel().getColumn(col).setCellRenderer(new TableCellRenderer()
               	public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,boolean isFocused, int row, int col)
    				JCheckBox rendererComponent = new JCheckBox();
    				return rendererComponent;
    		DefaultCellEditor cellEditor = new DefaultCellEditor(new JCheckBox());
    	//Method to add a TableModelListener to the model
        public void addTableListener(TableModelListener t)
    	//Method to add a ListSelectionListener to the table
    	public void addSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener t)
    	//Method to set the JScrollPane's viewport to the selected row
    	public void scrollSelectedToRow()
    	    if (!(table.getParent() instanceof JViewport))
    	    int rowIndex = table.getSelectedRow();
    	    JViewport viewport = (JViewport)table.getParent();
    	    // This rectangle is relative to the table where the
    	    // northwest corner of cell (0,0) is always (0,0).
    	    Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(rowIndex, 0, true);
    	    // The location of the viewport relative to the table
    	    Point pt = viewport.getViewPosition();
    	    // Translate the cell location so that it is relative
    	    // to the view, assuming the northwest corner of the
    	    // view is (0,0)
    	    rect.setLocation(rect.x-pt.x, rect.y-pt.y);
    	    // Scroll the area into view

    ObjectTableModel Class:
     * @(#)ObjectTableModel.java
     * @author
     * @version 1.00 2011/5/3
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class ObjectTableModel extends DefaultTableModel
    	//Vector of the items in the table, in order
    	Vector<TableObjectInterface> items;
    	//The column names of the table
    	Object[] columnNames;
        public ObjectTableModel(Object[] columnName)
        	//Call DefaultTableModel constructor
        	//Set column names
        	columnNames = columnName;
        	//Initialize the items Vector
        	items = new Vector<TableObjectInterface>();
    	//Method to add an object to the table. t represents the offset index for when calling the object's getIndexValue method. t usually is 0.
    	public void add(TableObjectInterface item,int t)
    		//Add the object to the items vector
    		//Vector of data that will be added to the table
    		Vector tempAdd = new Vector();
    		for(int i=0;i<columnNames.length;i++)
    			//Adding the values of the data to the tempAdd Vector
    		//Call the DefaultTableModel's addRow method
    	//Method to return the row of the object associated to the sent Object array
    	public int getObjectRow(Object[] itemArray)
    		for(int i=0;i<getRowCount();i++)
    			for(int x=0;x<itemArray.length;x++)
    					continue ROWLOOP;
    			return i;
    		return -1;
    	//Method that removes all the data in the table
    	public void removeAll()
    		items = new Vector<TableObjectInterface>();
    	//Method that returns the object assoicated to the sent row
    	public TableObjectInterface getObject(int row)
    			return null;
    		return items.get(row);
    	//Method that removes and returns the object associated to the sent row
    	public TableObjectInterface removeObject(int row)
    		TableObjectInterface ret = items.remove(row);
    		return ret;

    TableObjectInterface Class:
     * @(#)TableObjectInterface.java
     * @author
     * @version 1.00 2011/5/3
    public interface TableObjectInterface {
    	//Method that determines what values will be put in what column in the table, where: i represents the column of the table
        public Object getIndexValue(int i);

    I would appreciate some feedback, suggestions, and improvement ideas.


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  2. #2
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Object Table

    Wouldn't necessarily call the issues you state problems per se - they are a consequence of good design in the separation of the model, view, and control (MVC) . But I understand your complaints as far as difficulty goes (I recall a JTable being the hardest Swing component for me to learn) and kudos to you for working around the problem in a manner that easiest for you and your project(s) to work with

    As for some minor feedback and suggestions (note I didn't try and compile and run the code yet):
    1) CustomTable - I'd recommend against using methods which might be confused with those of the parent class. The add method of this object may do just that as JScrollPane extends Container, which has an add(Component) method (what if you create a new class which extends JPanel AND implements TableObjectInterface - could get messy)
    2) You may want to add common javadoc comments, which will allow you to use a javadoc tool to create an API (see How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool )

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Object Table

    This is where it got weird for me. The object at hand is technically a table, but I extended JScrollPane so the table would be in a JScrollPane. But, I want the class to inherit the JTable methods instead of the JScrollPane methods (since inheriting those makes no real sense for this). Basically, I'm wanting my object to be a JTable inside a JScrollPane. Is there any way to do what I'm trying to accomplish (other than what I currently have)?

    When asking for help, please follow these guidelines to receive better and more prompt help:
    1. Put your code in Java Tags. To do this, put [highlight=java] before your code and [/highlight] after your code.
    2. Give full details of errors and provide us with as much information about the situation as possible.
    3. Give us an example of what the output should look like when done correctly.

    Join the Airline Management Simulation Game to manage your own airline against other users in a virtual recreation of the United States Airline Industry. For more details, visit: http://airlinegame.orgfree.com/

  4. #4
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Object Table

    With programming there are always other ways to do things For instance, you could create a wrapper object that contains instances of the components/model objects you need, and provide delegate methods - methods which essentially call the appropriate component or model object method (pretty much what your ScrollPane class does except this way you minimize the clash in function naming as well as tie the functionality of those disparate objects together into a single class). Provide a getter to the JScrollPane which can then be added to a Swing UI. If you were to do it this way, you might consider abstracting the delegate methods into an interface.

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