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Thread: Help with Java buttons

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Help with Java buttons

    Hi all,
    I am very new to Java and to keep it short I have to write a program to calculate mortgage amounts. I got all the buttons, textfields and all that good stuff for the GUI. Now, I am stuck trying to figure out how I go about adding actions to my buttons. LIke for example, push the close button to close. The way I added my buttons and such was like this:

    add(new JButton("Enter"));

    and so on...all my textfields and labels were done the same.

    any help on how I can add the actions will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with Java buttons

    You need to create variables for the GUI objects that can be used to add the listeners.
    Comp comp = new Comp();
    add(new Comp());

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