Do you think students face some difficulties in learning Java? Why?
Yes I do, I think its cause the assignments are too little.
What do you recommend to overcome this problem?
I'd rather have 4 assignments; 2 reinforcing what I just learnt. And 2 doing the same as the preceding but also somehow with out confuddling me; teach me something I will learn in the next few lessons.
What kind of tools you think that would help you teaching programming?
Like I said lots of assignments, give them time to get more experience, make many mistakes and spot them and learn from them. If you can get them at an early time to see that an error can be fixed easily they won't be a mess when you get to teaching loops, GUI's, Inheritance.
Do you think using this application will make it easier for students to learn Java? How?
Yes it will. You should have the student learn everything you would teach if you were standing in front of them.
Is it beneficial to use games in teaching Java language for adults? why?
Not always but I can help sometimes. Get them calm a little and indirectly teach something. but like Kevin said don't over do it.
If there is such software would you like to use it as a teacher?
Hmm, I haven't tried any yet, just learning Java actually.
Any more comments or suggestions for our application?
Fun, simple, and lots of assignments. Teach everything never assume they will learn to spell if they can't read.