tl;dr version: what do you think of my website? Link:
Hey guys,
As some of you might know, I have a growing collection of hobby programs on my website. Until pretty recently, that's been the type of ugly site we've all seen: a page with a gray background and an applet centered in the middle. After all, we're Java programmers, not web developers! Without getting off on too much of a tangent, I think that difference in skillsets is a major reason why flash overtook Java in simple online gaming- the websites of flash games just generally look better than the websites of Java games, because there is more of an overlap of skills between webdev and flash than webdev and Java.
Anyway, in my own little attempt at remedying this, I've been working on improving the look of my website, and I've made some pretty major updates in the past couple days. I'm eventually hoping to spawn off a more commercial, more game-focused site with a pretty similar setup, but for now I'm using this as practice.
But I'm still not a web developer or a designer- I might not be color blind, but I sure am color illiterate! So I'd love any feedback. Does anything look weird or not work? What does it look like on a phone, or on a mac browser? Screenshots would be helpful, but any input is definitely appreciated. What would you do differently? What is your overall impression?
One thing I know I have to fix is cross-browser compatibility. It seems to work perfectly in firefox 7, and I thought I had fallbacks for IE, but for some reason it just looks terrible in IE. Does anybody with CSS knowledge know why that is?
PS: I'm not really asking for feedback on the actual programs, just the website surrounding them, but I definitely appreciate feedback of any kind.
PPS: If you've been to the site before, your browser might have an old version cached. If things look really weird, try refreshing.
Thanks so much, I'm pretty lost in the web world, so I really appreciate anybody taking the time to look it over and check my sanity.